Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mission Creep Designed By Creeps

This article was conceived at a time when all the mouthpieces of the Israel-Zionist Lobby were let loose in America to pave the way for sending American boys and girls to kill the people of Darfur and be killed by their Sudanese brothers and sisters. The article later appeared in the September 11, 2007 edition of Sada Al Mashrek, a trilingual newspaper published in Montreal, Canada. Whether or not the article caused a few people to back away from the edge of the precipice will be determined by history.


At long last the American Administration has realized it was caught in a situation termed Mission Creep in Iraq. Have these people finally been enlightened? Perhaps, but we must remain cautious because coming to the threshold of the age of enlightenment does not necessarily mean they will walk into it and embrace the new realities. In fact, there are indications that what sent the Americans into Iraq is preparing to send them into Sudan where they will repeat the same tragedy one more time.

The American people were surprised to learn what happened to them in Iraq because normally, people slide into a bad situation by accident, realize they made a mistake and step back quickly. But what happened here is that the brass at the Pentagon did not realize they made a mistake until they could no longer step back and avoid a catastrophe. The history of the adventure suggests they were sucked into a mission creep that deliberately placed them into a situation where they could not go forward or go backward trying to reach a goal that was badly defined by design. What is going on in here?

What is going on is that the mission in Iraq was designed for another purpose, one that was kept hidden from the American people. Those who designed it sat in the boardrooms of the Likud Party in Israel and the Zionist Lobby in New York. They decided on a plan and lied to the American government, the military and the public about their intentions. They disguised these intentions by questioning the motives of everyone else and they seized on every opportunity to create fantasies like the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, among other things. And then they pushed America into a war whose aim was to realize an old dream of the Zionist establishment, that of an Israel extending from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Had the American ruling establishment opened their eyes to look at reality and cleared their ears to listen to the voices of reason, they would have realized they were being prepared for a mission that was none of their business. The first thing that should have hit them in the face was a notion which made its debut in Britain shortly after the fall of Communism to the effect that the Arabs and the Muslims were unable to move forward to modernity or move backward to their glorious past but were stuck in a present that was going nowhere. This is how the Lobby paved the way for what was to come.

But because they were missing the ingredients of wisdom and experience, the ruling establishment in Washington failed to see what was coming. In fact, the truly enlightened would have known that when the Zionist Lobby accuses someone of something, it means that the Lobby is preparing to do that very thing to the sucker who would listen to it. America listened to the Zionist Lobby and America is now unable to move forward or move backward in Iraq as it has been sucked into a quagmire from which there will be no honorable exit.

The second thing that should have hit the American ruling establishment in the face was the visit of Prime Minister Shamir of Israel to America during which time he urged them to prepare for war against the Arabs and Islam with a cry he delivered in his East European Yiddish accent: "Zey know nossing about za damacracy."

The truly enlightened know that when a kibbutz dwelling descendant of Karl Marx calls on you to help social engineer the lives of others, you do not obey the evildoer but buy him a one way ticket and send the creep back to where he came from before you get hurt and leave a legacy for your descendants to curse you by.

And now that the American military is about to be defeated on the Euphrates side of the map, the Zionist Lobby is preparing it to try again on the Nile side in Sudan. In fact, the Lobby would fight to the last man, woman and child in America and would fight to the last dollar in the American treasury to realize the dream of a greater Israel even if the odds were one in a hundred that they might succeed.

This is why it is imperative at this time for the rest of us to say it loudly and clearly that: you have been warned, America. Do it once and shame on the Zionist Lobby, do it twice and no one will shed a tear as you rot in the sands of the Middle East and East Africa.