Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Those Demons Play For Keeps

Between the planning for something and the implementation of the thing there can be a gap so wide that only the Zionist dream to control the world is big enough to get in there and fill it. This is the backdrop against which a real life drama is now gripping the "Anglosphere." This last word is a product of the Christopher Hitchens imagination now taken up and discussed by thinkers in the caliber of Walter Russell Mead.

My article does not pick up the thread of that debate. Rather, I try to describe over the next few paragraphs how the Zionist demons are playing a new game which they hope will help them secure a tight control over the English speaking societies. I try to show that when the game is played, the Zionists hope to have the tools by which to control the Anglo societies with a tightness greater than what Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin put together ever had over their own societies.

In practical terms, the Zionists expect to have the power to determine who is competent, who is scholarly, who is fit to do one thing or another and so on. We can expect that the next thing they will want is to entrench into law who can work in certain professions and who cannot. After that, they will want to be in a situation where they will have sole authority to license who can speak on what subject. Next thing they will want is the power to decree who has the right to work and to earn a living and who must be left out to die of starvation.

The Zionists are, in fact, doing all of this right now to one degree or another but they are doing it in a subtle way and by operating under the radar, so to speak. What they seek to accomplish beyond that is to legitimize the process, institutionalize it and give it the force of law. They are playing for keeps and they are not relenting one iota because in the end, they will want everyone to talk like John Hagee and to act like Pat Robertson. In their view, to realize their vision is worth sacrificing the lives and careers of all the suckers in the Anglo World who will let them operate freely and help them realize their dream.

Pastor John Hagee, as he calls himself, wants us to believe he is still a Christian even though he does not open his mouth but to say that every Jew alive today is a God onto himself whom we must worship as if he were Jesus Christ in flesh and in blood. Given that there are 14 million Jews in the world and just about 14 million families in the United States who adhere to the Christian Fundamentalist faith, Hagee has a God for everyone of those families. Imagine an interactive God in every family they can wake up to every morning, praise Him, pray to Him, bring Him breakfast in bed, kiss His feet, scrub His back and so on.

Hagee says he derives knowledge as to what is good for humanity from the Scripture which he ascertains describes a series of Kingdoms each being represented by a different metal or a part of an animal body or something like that. I must apologize for being unable to give more details about Hagee’s understanding of the Universe and of Heaven because the moment this clown starts to describe the thing, I crack up laughing and I stop listening to his words. Check him out yourself; you will at least get a good laugh.

As for Pat Robertson, A TV channel in Buffalo, New York used to carry his show every morning when a friend called me one day some three or four years ago to say I should take a look at this guy. I looked for a few days in a row and marveled at the double standard that is practiced by those who regulate these things. Here was a guy telling the audience he had the power to prevent the approaching storm from causing damage to the East Coast of the United States which he would do if people donated generously to his show.

Well, there used to be a Jamaican woman and a French Canadian woman who made a living reading cards and telling fortune on television. They were yanked off the air because someone thought they committed fraud by making false representations and false promises to people who were in despair and who looked for a straw to latch on to.

But what about that guy Robertson, does he not do worse than that? If the two women were yanked off the air, justice demands that Pat Robertson be stripped naked and have his bum rapped on the air before being tossed out kicking and screaming. He should be out of there not only because he commits fraud every time he opens his mouth but because he is fraud itself.

While the aforementioned may not be reason enough to jail Pat Robertson, the following is. The authorities should look at his inciting the people to commit fraud. I remember him saying something about the law of reciprocity whereby God will do to you what you do to Pat Robertson. That is, he promised that if people donated to his show, God will repay them handsomely.

But that’s not all, the human faced talking bipedal fraud went further and incited those who receive welfare money, those who receive student assistance money or any kind of assistance from a government at any level to send him part or all of the money they receive, promising that God will pay them back several times what they send him.

But the law of the land says to use assistance money for a purpose other than why it was given is to defraud the public purse. This may not send you to jail because intent must still be proven but to incite defrauding the public purse is a crime that is punishable by a jail term because the intent to commit a felony is clearly demonstrated here. Therefore, in doing what he did, Pat Robertson committed a demonstrable criminal act and he should be sent to jail.

And there is more, folks. One of those mornings Oliver North appeared on the show. He had written a novel and Robertson brought up the subject. In the novel it is mentioned that Israel has nuclear bombs mounted on missiles. Upon learning that Israel may actually have such a weapon, Robertson lit up like a nuclear bomb himself. And he expressed the wish to see a couple of those sent to detonate over Cairo, a city of 12 million people including 2 million Christians. Would Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin have done this?

This man Pat Robertson ran for the Presidency of the United States of America, he now heads a religious ministry rich enough to have its own television network and he pretends to have influence over 50 million Americans, a flock large enough to make a sizeable nation. He expresses on television his wish to "nuke" Cairo and what happens?

Well, what happens is that officials of the American government, pundits and journalists come out of hiding and express concern about an 8 year old Arab girl who "danced in the street" upon learning that her brothers and sisters attacked with their bare hands the people who blew up her mother and her father to smithereens with a laser guided missile launched from a helicopter. Look how nasty those little Arab girls are and look how sweet Pat Robertson is. Why can they not gather up all those nasty little girls into their nasty little Madrassas and teach them to be sweet like Pat Robertson!

Who says there is no justice in this World! In fact, you need not wait to die and go to Heaven to see justice done, just leave it to the great Western Liberal Democracies and watch justice descend on humanity like a force of goodness promising to wipe out everything evil and redeem us all, Christians and non Christians.

Now, when we get past this crap, we realize that if we let the Zionists have it their way, Hagee and Robertson will be the models by which everyone in the Anglo World (or Anglosphere) will be judged and licensed to speak or not to speak, to earn a living or be left to die of starvation.

We know this is not farfetched because we see the proof when we look at the Congress and the Administration. In the first case they vote 98% to 100% in favor of everything that the Jewish lobby wants. In the second case, the Administration is always prepared to break the hearts of a million Americans to inject a little joy in the hearts of a handful of Israelis. When you see this you know that America is in a worse shape than Rome was when Caesar gave his horse the right to vote. And that’s not what Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin ever dreamt of doing.

The trouble with the Anglo culture is that it is a pushover for someone who would sweet talk it into surrender. The Zionists are good at charming those they plan to sucker into submission and when this is achieved, the charm ends. You must then watch out for what comes next because the Zionists consider the charm offensive an investment they expect to see pay off. In other words, there is no free lunch. Today they charm you, tomorrow you hand over your soul and everything that goes with it. Just look at Hagee and Robertson and see what they have been reduced to. Worse, look at the Congress and the Administration and see what they have been reduced to. Worse still, look at America and see what it has been reduced to.

The point to keep in mind is that if you have not learned how to generate streams of cash for Israel by the time you are called upon to pay back what the Zionists will estimate you owe them, they will turn you into a John Hagee or a Pat Robertson. And this is something you will not be proud to include in your resume when the time comes to meet your Maker. You will not be proud for many reasons, one of them being that the Big Guy up there has different ideas about who is a God and who is not.

What this shows is that once a society submits to a Zionist demand, it opens the door for the never ending stream of demands that will keep on coming. To see how this works in practice look at how the Israeli Zionists are digging in the graves of the Holocaust dead looking for more payments from Germany half a century after they signed an agreement never to come back for more. They are now asking for another half a billion dollars and the expectation is that they will be back for more and more, again and again for ever and ever.

The stories of Hagee and Robertson show that a shortcut to damnation is the surrender to the Zionist evil at least once. You will be charmed into making a first step then sucked into handing over everything you own, everything that you are and everything that you can be. All this because the Zionists don’t play for fun but play for keeps.

But there is a piece of good news in all of this and here it is. The more the Zionists play the game the more their subtleties disappear and the more the game is shown for what it is. Even someone as submissive as the Anglo-Saxons will be inclined to reject this whole enterprise and go for something more seemly than genuflect to a Zionist master. Hopefully someday.