Friday, October 31, 2008

A Pyramid Scheme Made of Jewish Salami

Never again should America or the world be dragged so close to the precipice of a financial meltdown as we did in October of 2008. To make sure that such a thing never happens again, we must find out what happened the first time and devise a cure to neutralize the problems that led to it. So let’s begin by taking an honest look at the historical background.

Pyramids have troubled those who call themselves leaders of the Jews for ever. Throughout the centuries, the rabbis of Europe and their sidekicks who impersonated the Jewish people went around preaching that the ancient Jews built the pyramids of Egypt. The Europeans believed them because they did not know enough of the history to ask the right questions while the rabbis and the sidekicks sounded so believable.

Also, the rabbis took advantage of the fact that the Europeans were by now mostly Christian. The Bible being written in such language that you can interpret it as saying anything you want it to say, the rabbis made it sound like it was saying the religious duty of every Christian was to believe that the Jews built the pyramids.

But things have changed since the Dark Ages that used to plague the European continent, and they changed at the hands of the Arabs who sparked the Renaissance of the continent and brought about the period of Enlightenment that followed. This was a time when Arab style universities were built throughout the continent, when history was taught on sound bases and when critical thought was given roots in those lands where critical thought never flourished before.

The injection of Arab modernity into the European continent resulted, among other things, in the realization that the Jews could not have built the pyramids because no Jew or impersonator set foot onto the land of Egypt until a thousand and five hundred years after the building of the last pyramid. Thus, it was the simple common sense of the Arabs replacing the muddled thinking of the Jews that saved Europe from the darkness of the self-serving ignorance which the rabbis and their sidekicks were sprinkling throughout Europe. Incidentally, sprinkling darkness and ignorance is how those characters "educate" the public they encounter everywhere they go.

And true to their form, when unmasked in one location, those who impersonate the Jews pop up in another location, something they are programmed to do relentlessly and do without fail. They pop up where people are still innocent and gullible, and where the rabbis and the sidekicks can play a new pyramid scheme without being detected at least for a while. Right now they have found a fertile ground in America where they brought with them not the ten commandments of Moses but the Ten Commandments of Charlton Heston. And that is where they pulled a pyramid scheme of the financial kind, and almost wrecked the republic and wrecked the world with it.

Out there in California near Hollywood, Michael Milken was the first to play such a scheme on a large scale during the decades of the Nineteen Seventies and Nineteen Eighties. He invented the Salami method of stuffing toxic commercial papers into what came to be known as junk bonds, and he sold slices of the poison to the retail crowd. He did so using a network of wholesalers who participated in the scheme which he structured in the same way that a pyramid scheme is usually structured. Thus, Milken was able to reach out to more victims at the base of the pyramid than anyone before and he ensnared them like a predator ensnares his prey.

But this was just the beginning. It was a dry run for the worldwide securitization of toxic mortgages that was yet to come and where the base of the pyramid was extended to engulf the entire planet. The snare was a mortgage that had a rising interest rate, and the prey were the hapless individuals who bought not the American dream of owning a home but the pipe dream that the value of the home will keep on rising for ever.

But there was more to come because the reach of the snare went beyond all of that. It caught the buyers of the securities at the base of the pyramid all around the world, those who believed that America’s model for doing business was a model based on honesty and a sense of decency.

Alas, those buyers were deceived precisely because the scheme has used America’s good name to package a toxic product. In the same cavalier way that the good name was used on the political stage to immolate the republic for the glory of Israel, the name was used in the financial marketplaces of the world to fatten the wallets of the friends of Israel. And so America was transformed overnight from a triple A financial superpower to the status of a junk republic.

We stand at this juncture today and the question is this: Can America recover from her nightmare? The answer is: Yes, she can but there is a lot of work to be done before she gets there. In the same way that Arab help was utilized to save Europe from the Dark Ages of the self-serving rabbinical ignorance, so can America recover with the help of the same Arabs who remain today as generous as they ever were.

After all, America prides herself on the fact that she adopted a form of capitalism that is based on the free market system, one that was and still is the pride and glory of the Arabs since the days when they opened the trade routes between East and West. The Arabs traveled back and forth on these routes and took their commerce to every corner of the known world thus creating new wealth in places where wealth was scarce or non-existent.

Consequently, the onus to take the initiative now rests on the shoulders of those Americans who are serious about finding a solution to their problems. They need to create a sea change at home by recognizing that at the root of their troubles lies the adoption of the Talmudic style distortion of reality and the Talmudic form of authoritarian rule practiced by those who pretend to be descendants of the ancient Jews.

It was this Talmudic culture that made it possible for the rabbis to maintain a tight grip on their flock throughout the centuries. And it was this style of rule that gave them the initial success they enjoyed every time they pulled a pyramid scheme anywhere they went. However, such schemes were defeated each and every time by the best disinfectant of all, the truth and the honesty that were used as medicine. And it is this disinfectant that the concerned Americans must now use to free themselves from the demonic hold that the Jewish lobby has on their country.

Since everything that the impersonators and the friends of Israel did was done with the Arabs in their crosshairs, the truth must be told about the role that the infamous lobby has played to drive the wedge between the Arabs and the Americans. The holders of high office who participated in the spread of anti-Arab hatred must now come forward to tell how they were approached by the Jewish lobby, and what they were asked to say and do that gored America on the altar of anti-Arab hatred to make Israel look more glorious than it is.

A noble act by the holders of high office in America will make it difficult for the Jewish lobby to go after the new Congress and the new Administration which, if it happens again, will repeat the same tragedy all over again. Enough is enough must be the battle cry of the new breed of American officials; and let the sea change flow from there.

The next order of business should concern something I wrote in a book circa the early Nineteen Nineties at a time when the world was negotiating to form the World Trade Organization. Like everything I wrote, however, the publication of the book was blocked by the notorious Jewish Establishment because they realized that to let someone like me connect with the public at large would make it harder for the Jewish lobby to prey on the gullible and the innocent in the North American circles of power. So they used the savage Talmudic dagger to savagely stab democracy in the heart, something they are programmed to do with religious zeal.

What I had in the book was the recognition that good commerce is based not only on trust and credibility, though they are necessary ingredients, but also on the sense that what you negotiate is beneficial to all parties concerned. Consequently, everyone must be made to feel comfortable with the agreements that were being hammered.

To that end, I proposed that every country be given the right to protect up to a negotiated percentage what it will deem to be a strategic industry if and when this became necessary. For example, had the idea been adopted then, America would be in a position today to declare that energy had become a strategic industry and thus take measures to protect all related industries so as to attain a full or partial self sufficiency in energy without inviting retaliation from the other countries.

The philosophy behind the suggestion was to do away with the need to demagogue the issues such as the constant painting of those who have the energy as demons out to hurt America. This Talmudic approach of hurtling Yiddish style insults at those who are blessed with an abundance of the resource did nothing to bring self sufficiency to America in thirty years and will do nothing in thirty more years. My way would be a better way.

What is poignant about this chapter in the history of America is that the purveyors of hate and distortion were the ones who benefited the most from speculating about oil and from trading with the enemies of America. All were not caught red handed like was Marc Rich, thus they did not have to flee the country or ask for a pardon from a President on his way out of the White House, but they fattened their wallets just the same while those of their ilk were sprinkling the anti-Arab venom as if the Arabs were the ones who did something wrong.

The time has come to try another approach. So how about being nice to the Arabs for a change and watch what will flow from there. You will be pleasantly surprised, America.