Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Kept You Safe Says Dick Cheney

It was reported that the Vice President in the George W. Bush administration, Dick Cheney is writing his memoirs where he intends to clarify a few matters. He says he intends to show how the wars he launched against Afghanistan and Iraq together with the actions he helped engineer with regard to the torture known as waterboarding and the activities he promoted at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, have all contributed to keeping America safe from the time that the events of September 11, 2001 took place to the end of the administration’s term in office. Cheney hopes that this will clear him of any wrongdoing and portray him as protector of the American homeland.

In reality this debate has been going on for a while now and it has been a dismal one on balance. But the writing of history being too important to ignore, I have no choice but to say: frankly my dear, I do give a damn. Not that I believe history can be fooled -- it cannot, and the truth will always come out no matter how long it takes it -- but that history can be confused for a period of time and thus be delayed for some time. To avoid this delay and that confusion, I offer the following advice to the former Vice President and to whoever is helping him write the memoirs.

First of all, there is the old adage: “If you don’t kill them, you make them stronger” which is a saying that means a lot in the context of this debate. Long before the year 2001 rolled in, a bunch of Neocons had drawn a plan for America to attack Iraq. These Neocons were the Judeo-Zionist characters who converted from a liberalism they never understood to a conservatism they never grasped and were instrumental in getting W. Bush installed as President of the United States with Dick Cheney as Vice President. When the 2001 attack on America happened, the Neocons used it as excuse to implement their plan with the connivance and the assistance of Dick Cheney. And all of this took place while the President sat like a piece of furniture, oblivious of the implications that would flow from the cooking and the machination that Cheney et al were conducting around him.

In fact, the limited capacity of Bush’s intellect was the reason why the Neocons chose him for the job in the first place. And the low cognitive ability of the man was the reason why they succeeded in making him believe they were going after Al Qaeda in Afghanistan when in reality they were conducting a dry run to prepare for the attack they launched against Iraq at a later date. The end result was that they made America fail in Iraq and made her lose precious time in the quest to kill Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. This made Al Qaeda a stronger entity everywhere in the world and facilitated its entry into Iraq where it never went before.

This brings us to the second adage: “Never get into a fight you cannot win.” Those who planned the attack on Iraq may or may not have known about this saying but they would not have adhered to it anyway because they do not care about such things. When they plan something they never consider an exit strategy because they only adhere to one strategy: Do what you want and God will send a Messiah to bail you out in the end no matter what you start. This is the reason why these characters and their innocent followers always end up being pogrommed or holocausted while those who help them implement their demonic plans end up having their noses rubbed in the mud. How do you like the smell of mud, America?

These are the realities that the former Vice President will try to spin like a carousel of quack ideas to justify the actions he took while in office. He will cite the fact that no attack on American soil took place between 2001 and 2009, and use this to argue that the measures he took to keep America safe have worked. Of course the measures have worked; anyone could have predicted that. The measures worked because Cheney had a meeting of the minds with Bin Laden. The two may not have sat together and hatched a specific plot but Cheney knew exactly what Bin Laden wanted and he gave it to him on a silver platter. Cheney gave bin Laden the opportunity to rub America’s nose in the mud, bankrupt the country and kill lots of American boys and girls. And Bin Laden did not even have to rake his brains in search of ways to send his suicidal boys to America; Cheney sent America’s own boys and girls to where he was. He sent America’s own to places far away from home where they were maimed and killed under atrocious conditions, something that added enormously to the suffering of their loved ones. If you were Bin Laden, would you not take this offer and refrain from mounting an attack on American soil so as to save Cheney’s face and pay for his kindness?

Dick Cheney gave Bin Laden not just any American to maim and to kill but gave him what the world saw as America’s finest. Yet, in Cheney’s eyes these were not boys and girls to be proud of but the downtrodden, little educated, unemployable things who will probably end up in jail one day. Cheney gave these youngsters the opportunity to volunteer and to “serve their country” for a chance at getting an education and possibly a job with perhaps a decent healthcare coverage to go with that. Of course, this would be contingent on the boys and girls not having to make the ultimate sacrifice which they did by the thousands, not getting so badly hurt as to end up bedridden for life which they did by the tens of thousands, and not committing suicide or going mental in which case they would go six feet under or be locked up in institutions which they did in droves. Cheney got what he wanted by giving Bin Laden what he craved and the result has been that the American mainland and Cheney’s face were both spared. So now Cheney has the opportunity to spin things the way he wants and claim victory, something he started doing already and said he plans to do again in his book.

History will not buy this nonsense but will ask the next obvious question: Was there an alternative that Cheney and his cohorts could have taken to keep America safe without giving Bin Laden what he wanted? The answer is yes because some countries adopted such alternatives and got good results. In fact, most of the countries in the Middle East and Europe that allied themselves with America were subjected to acts of terror before 2001 and again after that date. But they took the right measures to protect their people and succeeded in doing so at a cost that came to a fraction what it cost America in terms of blood, treasure and their standing in the world. They managed to defend themselves brilliantly despite the fact that they do not have the natural defenses which America has such as the vast distances that separate America from the Far East, and the oceans that keep the country in relative isolation.

Also, a number of combatants and suspected terrorists were rendered by Canada and America to some of those countries for interrogation. When these people came out of detention, they described how badly they were tortured over there. Appalling, cried the professional bellyachers at the Judeo-Zionist organizations, and they immediately got to work suing the governments of Canada and America for the illegal rendering that they did. The bellyachers sought compensation for their clients and settled one case out of court for more than ten million dollars. From this, they kept at least 90% of the money and handed the remaining million or so to the client. This is fairness as they see it because they were the ones to do the bellyaching in the first place even though their bellies did not ache while the client only suffered the torture which they described as appalling but no worse than that. So why would they not get ten times as much as the client? Is this logical or what!

And you would think the story ended here. Don’t be so naïve. Giving a million dollars to the client was too much for these guys and they had to recoup it one way or the other. So guess what they did. They invited the Canadian Minister of Immigration to a banquet and whispered in his ear the Talmudic song of wisdom. They told him that for some mysterious reason anti-Semitism has spiked in Canada and they needed a million dollars to combat it. And guess what the Minister did. He cut them a check for a million dollars. And you thought the Talmud was all about blood, gore and the killing of children with no humor in it. Well, if you cannot laugh at the twisted logic of the Talmud, you can at least smile derisively at the backwardness of the Canadian minister.

But how appalling was the torture over there, anyway? Well, the detainees were kept in isolation in a small room without a comfortable bed to sleep on. It was appalling to be sure because no human being should be treated like this especially that the individuals in question were innocent. But then something happened that created a staggering contrast standing against these revelations; it is that the pictures of Abu Ghraib came to light, and the practice of waterboarding was described in detail. What this did was display the unmistakable depravities of the American military under Cheney and the Neocons, depravities that made the torture in the other countries look like a short stay at a boot camp. So the world expected to hear howls of outrage from the same Judeo-Zionist bellyachers and their echo-repeaters but no outrage was expressed by these guys and no echo was blared by the repeaters for, they were the Neocons and their cohorts masquerading as do-gooders. On the contrary, these people sided with Cheney and his collaborators, and came up with lame excuses to justify the practices he authorized.

One excuse they often gave was the analogy of the ticking time bomb. But this was a dumb excuse because the terrorists do not leave a ticking bomb at a place and go away. They make themselves the bomb and blow up with their target. When you catch them you catch the ticking mechanism because they are the only ticking part in that contraption. Yes, some of those you detain may be aware of a plot being hatched by another cell but this would be a rare occasion because the terrorists are only told what they need to know about their operation and nothing else. Moreover, if the members of one cell suspect that they have been compromised by someone getting caught somewhere else, the reasonable assumption is that they will alter their plans right away. Not only that but they will use the opportunity to set up a trap so as to foil any operation the Americans may put together based on information they retrieved from an operative whose capture was trumpeted by the media.

No sir, torture does nothing to help interrogators collect the information they seek but the knowledge of torture is the ointment that eases the pain of the professional haters such as you find among the Judeo-Zionists believers. These are the people who never forgive or show mercy because their religious duty is to hate and seek revenge for thousands of years or even longer. Thus, we must conclude that the torture inflicted on the detainees at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib was authorized by Cheney not to protect America but to please the Judeo-Zionists that make up his base. Cheney fed their desire to inflict pain on someone guilty or someone innocent without distinction because it is what pleases them most. They were the Judeo-Zionist monsters on whose behalf Cheney has labored since before they were the Neocons, and for whose benefit he flushed America down the toilet for almost his entire political career.

And that is not how the man will clear his name, something he seems desperate to do as he gets on with age. He can clear his name only by telling the truth and giving a detailed account as to how he was used to suck America into the mission creep that damaged her so terribly. If Dick Cheney wants to redeem himself and if he is not running away from something, he should come clean, tell all and tell it like it was so that it never happens again; so that no one will ever again abuse America as did the Neocon Judeo-Zionists under his tutelage.

Tell the truth, Dick and get it over with. You can run away from the truth but you cannot hide it for ever.