Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Startup Nation Madoffing America

Some Palestinian commentators say they want a one-state solution to end the hell that has been imposed on their people by force of arms for several generations now. If this idea is implemented it will entail the absorption of the Palestinian people into the state of Israel as it exists today the way things were done in South Africa. It seems to me that a word of caution must be injected into the discourse at this point because what the commentators see as an Israel that was developed at their expense may not be there if and when the one-state solution is implemented. What follows should convince the commentators that Israel is an empty shell; a wall of smoke and mirrors representing something that does not exist in occupied Palestine. And they may want to consider opting for the two-state solution and for building the vibrant Palestine that Israel never was except in fantasy and in cheap Jewish propaganda.

To erect the wall of smoke and mirrors and generate the illusion of an advanced state in occupied Palestine, the leaders of what has come to be known as the Zionist movement needed to marshal the political, economic and military potential of a number of powerful nations in order to pull the biggest scam in modern history. At first these leaders did a good job at hiding both their intentions and their activities but, to obey Murphy’s Law which says that if something can go wrong it will go wrong, things began to go wrong indeed and the Zionist scheme was finally cracked open for all to see.

Of all the people that the Zionist leaders have scammed, none were suckered as much as the Americans and the Britons. And of all the individuals that scammed these two, none have benefited personally as much as Bernie Madoff and Robert Maxwell. The scams of these two crooks being the product of a Talmudic upbringing, a scam of the same style is now being carried out on a massive scale by the Talmudists of Zion. The scam is being pulled on the American public and the rest of the world for the benefit of Israel, for the Jewish organizations supporting it and for the individuals that champion its causes.

A scam of that style rests on three rules. The first is to make yourself look and sound divine to win the confidence of the people you meet. The second is to get into the lives of the people you select to rip off, and to learn as much as you can about them. The third rule is to get into a close relationship with the individuals you will want to have on your side when the time comes to pull the scam. These will be the people you would want to cover your back if and when the going gets rough.

Before his violent death and his burial in Israel, Robert Maxwell was described as the saintly Jew who is the living proof why Jews must be given control of the world to govern as they see fit. After his death, he was described as the charlatan who would steal the false teeth from his grandmother and sell them to a pawnshop. As for Bernie Madoff, he admitted to ripping off something like 60 billion dollars from the people who trusted him so much that they thought he was God on earth, and not just someone doing God’s work as the saying goes. In the end, that false god was sentenced to spend 150 years in a human jail. And to obey the third rule of the scam, his niece was married to the guy that was supposed to oversee his activities and prevent him from scamming the public but did not.

Now, if you can imagine an extended family of 30 people representing the 300 million that make up the American population, you can construct an allegory of what is happening at this time. To do this, you develop in your mind a scenario that plays out the following scenes: A stranger comes into a family, asks to be taken in for the love of God, and the family welcomes him. In no time at all, he works his way into the hearts of every member of the family as they come to trust him like a favorite son. And this is the moment he chooses to rip them of everything they have and vanish never to be seen by them again. He goes to places where he will repeat the same scam over and over till he gets caught or dies a violent death. He may then be honored with a decent burial in someone else’s stolen land.

Likewise, the people who say they survived the Nazi Holocaust and begged America to grant them refuge for the love of God worked their way into the institutions of the nation. With barely one foot in the door, they started to hire only their own kind while at the same time blacklisting their potential rivals and keep them out. They managed by this trick to take over the institutions that took them in, and they turned each institution into their own little turf or even their property. This done, the so-called survivors of the Holocaust started to rip off America for the benefit of Israel and for that of the Jewish organizations. They did all this in the time that it took Madoff to perfect the art of scamming the public for his benefit at the scale that he did.

But what mechanism did they employ to pull off the scam? This is how they worked the thing: The Judeo-Israeli scam began when the characters that ran it claimed they made the desert in the Middle East bloom and asked America to help them continue the good work. There were people who pushed back saying that the ancient land of Milk and Honey which was later recognized as being a slice of the Fertile Crescent did not need a bunch of musicians, goldsmiths and textile workers from Europe to make it bloom. They argued that the thing was bloody well blooming already at the hands of the Palestinian farmers who have been farming it for thousands of years. But nobody in America wanted to hear this argument because the story of the Holocaust survivors was sexier than that of the Palestinians whose only ambition was to mind their own business and to farm the land that they and their ancestors had owned and farmed for eons.

Sexy is what gets you into the heart of your host but if you want to stay there long enough to pull a massive scam, you need to be more compelling than sexy because somebody will someday want to push back against you, and you will need to be ready to silence them by blackmail or by some other method. And this is why the Jewish leaders drew up lists on which they placed the names of potential rivals to watch, badmouth, harass, discredit, blacklist, blackmail threaten or destroy. These were the names of people that had the courage, the talent and the mental disposition to rip the mask off the face of the Jewish leaders and prevent them from ripping off the public to divert to Israel America’s wealth or to exploit her good name to further their own ends.

When the truth began to trickle out, the Zionist characters were forced to stop talking about making the desert bloom. And the truth is that without the food aid sent to Israel from the neighboring countries, the 7.5 million people living in Israel today would literally die of starvation because the country only produces enough fruits and vegetables to give everyone 1000 calories a day, well below the 3000 calories that are needed to survive. In fact, Israel produces almost no grain at all, importing most of what it needs to feed the people and feed the animals on whose meat and milk they depend for protein as the country has no fishing industry to speak of.

When these characters lost the agricultural argument, they went up the fantasy ladder and started to play the industrial card. Overnight, their description of themselves changed from being the jolly green giant with ten green fingers to being the industrial juggernaut with a printed circuit board under every fingernail. If these are superlatives beyond human comprehension, they pale compared to the language that these people habitually use to describe themselves. And they are generating miles of paper trails and audio-visual material to provide evidence to this effect for future generations to marvel at our crazy times. But when you consider the massive nature of the fraud they are pulling on America and the world, you will understand why they need to exaggerate that much. What follows is the reality about Israel’s economy that sheds light as to what is really going on in that pathetically miserable place.

When a country decides to develop industrially, it begins by processing the natural resources it has, foremost among these being the products that come from mining, farming, gardening, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry. While keeping these businesses, the country progressively graduates into industries that have a higher value added components. The country goes on like this till it reaches the leading edge of industry, science and technology thus catching up with the advanced nations. While the transformation of the country is in progress, the per capita income, which tracks the value added, increases in tandem with it. There is, however, a misconception that confuses the discussion and sends it off track. Some people will say that when you have the car, you do away with the horse and buggy. Yes you do that but you do not do away with your loaf of bread, your underwear or the roof over your head because you still need to eat, dress up and sleep somewhere safe. Thus, while you may want to replace one product with another, you do not replace a human need with another or do away with it entirely. However advanced your economy may become, you do not stop farming, weaving or constructing without looking for trouble and the potential for economic ruin.

The countries that caught the Industrial Revolution at the beginning and stayed with it till now have gone through this organic sort of evolution. And the advantage they have over the other countries is that the various parts of their industrial complexes have had enough time to make the glue and to apply it so as to bond the various parts of the complexes together. The net effect has been that the structure of their economies is solid enough to withstand the difficulties that arise from time to time. By contrast, when you look at what happens in some Third World countries where the leaders are eager to catch up with “modernity” faster than they should, you will understand why the effort to develop these places crumbles so soon. You will see leaders who begin by building prestige monuments to reflect a vision they dream of, not a vision that reflects the reality of what they have on the ground. And alongside the monuments, those leaders try to develop cutting edge prestige industries without first building the foundation that will feed and sustain such industries. This has the effect of doing away with the organic growth, a move that results in depriving the industrial complex of the glue to bond the various parts and to make the whole a solid construct. A small crisis that is generated locally or externally would then blow away the thing like a house of cards.

Israel began its development like any other Third World country with farming, textile, building material and construction. This was the correct way to begin but the people who had come from Europe were the disciples of Karl Marx the Jew, and they proceeded on communist principles which is the reason why their economy faltered shortly after that. The leaders of the country needed money to keep the ship of state afloat so they did two things. First, they asked the Jews everywhere in the world to help them with cash and second, they monetized the Holocaust. To this end, they went after the German state, asked for and received reparation payments. The money was sent to the government of Israel and to individuals, many of whom lived in Israel. But these poor people got short-changed by their own government at the time, and they are still crying bloody murder because, corruption being the mainstay of Israel’s system of governance, a good chunk of the money is regularly pocketed by the professional kleptocrats who run the government of Israel and run the so-called charitable agencies that are supposed to look after the survivors.

Meanwhile, instead of using the money that rains on them from every corner of the globe to develop mid-level industries such as office and school supplies, furniture, electronic assembly, auto parts, home appliances and so on, the fools in Israel skipped all of that and tried to piggyback on the American high-tech industries by pretending to develop military aircrafts at a time when they could not produce the rivets that hold the parts of an aircraft together. Needless to say that as a result, the Israeli economy kept faltering throughout the decades. It did so in a big way in the decade of the Nineteen Eighties at which time the American Congress was suckered into bailing it out as it became evident that nothing else could have saved that joke of an economy from certain death.

Israel is in trouble again today for one good reason. It was said and it has been repeated over and over that you cannot have a country where everybody believes they are the chosen children of God; somebody has to sweep the floor, and no child of God will want to do that for long. And so the Israeli leaders came up with an idea they hope will maintain their ship of state afloat a while longer. Since it is becoming increasingly more difficult to monetize the Holocaust, they are now trying to milk the Germans for what they call the slave labor that Jews were subjected to do some six or seven decades ago. It is doubtful that the Israelis will get much if anything on this score but even if they do get the billion Euros they seek, it will not be enough to keep them going for more than a few months. So then, what to do for the long run?

Propaganda is the answer. You make all potential suckers in the world believe that Israel is the place where they can throw their money and see it sprout like leaves on a tree. This way you will receive large amounts of investment money on which the country can live the way that Madoff lived in his heydays. Thus, the latest idea of the Zionist leaders has been to call Israel a Startup Nation so as to say to the world that the country is a place where ideas grow like trees, and the trees sprout money instead of sprouting leaves. And the leaders of Zion instructed their operatives to spread the word everywhere especially in gullible America where they know the scam will be received better than anywhere else.

What the Palestinian commentators should know is that even if this scheme works, which it might for a short period of time, it will dissolve and vanish when the one-state solution is agreed upon. This is because the people in Israel who receive the money from abroad will bolt out and leave Israel the empty shell that it is. They will leave behind a small agro-food business, some textile, a modest petrochemical set-up, a few factories doing light assembly and a diamond polishing industry that will continue to be monopolized by Jews until they move to Amsterdam and take it with them. Together with that, you may also find a somewhat healthier construction business and a power generation set-up of size. But these last two will have to be scaled down because they are consumption activities and not production activities. To maintain them at their current level will require a steady infusion of money which now comes to Israel in the form of donations from abroad, a source that will dry up when the one-state solution becomes a reality.

In conclusion, I am convinced that this is not a set-up the Palestinians will want to inherit. An independent Palestine will do much better alone under the framework of the two-state solution. Palestine will do well enough to get ahead of Israel even if the latter loses nothing of the assistance it receives from abroad. And this is because Palestine will receive as much if not more from the neighboring states; but more importantly, the Palestinian people will do things for themselves and not try to exploit or con someone else.

The propaganda of the Jewish leaders has always been to attribute to the Jews the goodness they see in others, and to others the evil they see in themselves. By that same logic, they have attributed to Israel’s neighbors the uselessness they see in the Israeli system, and to Israel the sturdiness they see in her neighbors. If the Palestinians opt for the two-state solution, they will build the vibrant Palestine that Israel never was except in fantasy and in Jewish propaganda. And with a treaty that will freeze Israel’s borders where they are, the donors whose only dream has been to see Israel expand will forsake her. The consequence will be that the Israel they say is for Jews only will again go communist at full throttle and will sink to the level of a Liberia or a Haiti.

Thus, the two-state solution will trigger an economic race between Palestine and Israel that will at long last make Palestine shine like the bright star it was meant to be, and will show Israel to be the useless idea it has been all along.