Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Political Derivative Called Israel

Derivatives were first created in the world of finance to respond to the needs of individuals and businesses in terms of cash flow, insurance protection and hedging possibilities thus, they were products that brought predictability to a host of commercial undertakings practiced by all sorts of clients; and this was a good development. But then came the people who employed their creative talent not to create products that better serve the serious clients but products that attract a new kind of clientele. At first, there were the products that attracted the clients who sought to maximize the gains that can be made by taking advantage of existing loopholes in the law. Then came the products that made it possible for the traders who wish to do an end run on the law without technically violating it and thus operate as if the law did not exist. The most infamous of these products still in use today is the derivative that allows traders to sell securities and currencies they do not have, an operation called naked short selling. This is an operation that is known to be illegal when done directly but is made legal at least in appearance when done as a combination involving the appropriate strategy and the correct derivative.

Even before the financial derivative was created there existed the politico-journalistic derivative, the use of which was motivated by financial considerations among other things while its strength rested on the deficiencies that were embedded into the political and journalistic body of laws dominating the so-called liberal democratic system of governance. The idea being that a derivative is an instrument which allows the practitioner to circumvent the law without appearing to be outside of it, ingenious tricks were invented in America to allow the politicians to use Israel as a derivative and thus commit illegal acts going as far as treason without appearing to violate the law at least in a technical sense.

To achieve this, Israel was made into something it is not, something no country can ever be when left to its own device. Israel was elevated by the hubris of the international Zionist movement to a status whereby it is now rewarded for accomplishments it never achieves, and forgiven for crimes it commits by force of habit and religious beliefs. And this forgiveness is bestowed on the ground that Israel is so perfect it can never commit the crimes attributed to it no matter what the evidence may show. As a result, Israel can be praised but never criticized, a rule that can only be broken at one's own peril. This done, the politicians that need money and a good press -- which they all do to support their political campaigns -- channel their activities through the Judeo-Israeli prism. That is, they start their campaigns by saying the things that help maintain Israel's status as a perfect nation which it is not, unblemished by no fault of any kind which is demonstrably absurd, ridiculous and false. But the politicians go on to build their careers on those shaky grounds without the fear of being swallowed by them because it was made safer to go along with the absurd than to challenge it.

Once you create a situation such as this inside a system that is tolerant by nature, like the thing used to be when the original American ideal was dominant, the thing changes rapidly because the new setup invites everyone to join in. Those who nevertheless decide to stay out of the setup discover to their dismay that they have been left out without a competitive advantage, an advantage that is enjoyed by those who have joined the setup. The ones on the outside end up losing early on as they are pushed out of the race before they even realize what hit them. In the meantime, the politicians and journalists who join the setup waste no time channeling their activities through the Judeo-Israeli prism where they soon find themselves play with the same derivative as everyone else just to stay in the game. And given that the whole thing is a zero sum game, they end up where they started relative to the world outside the setup except that they discover they are now singing from the same Judeo-Israeli book of songs where the only hymn they learn to sing is to praise Israel and damn her enemies. They go on to sing the hymn with gusto anyway not because they believe in anything they say but because it is a matter of survival for them to adopt this stance of intellectual dishonesty. All in all, they know they are participating in the maintenance of a Ponzi scheme that keeps on getting larger at the base as it keeps on getting more divorced from reality; and like the drug addict, they hate themselves for doing this but they cannot stop doing it.

When the scheme grows large enough to reach a critical mass, those who had fallen over each other to bring it to this point start to advocate the moving of money from the American treasury to Israel. Some of the money then returns as legal kickbacks to the politicians who were instrumental in having it sent to Israel in the first place. Some of this money returns not as cash stuffed in brown envelopes but as donations made by Jewish business people to American political campaigns. These would be the Jewish American business owners who run businesses in America and have affiliations in Israel. And while this is going on, the Jewish journalistic establishment sees to it that the political candidates in question are supported with good stories, glowing editorials and great features in the media, and that they are protected from attacks for incompetence they may have exhibited in the past or misbehavior they may have committed in a previous incarnation.

One beneficiary of this system has been the campaign of George W. Bush who was eventually elected President of the United States of America. And his case is a classic example of how the Judeo-American political Ponzi scheme works. Now, whether or not the following transaction was fully negotiated is immaterial in the context of this discussion as there has been controversy about it. This is what is known about the situation: Elliot Abrams maintains that the W promised the Israelis parts of East Jerusalem if they agreed to do one thing or another for him ... I cannot remember what but no matter. And to this day, the Israelis want the new American Administration to honor this agreement. The problem is that the W had no right to sell something that was not his in the first place. East Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians, and only they can sell it if they so wish; the W could not have short sold it in return for a monetary compensation or a political endorsement or a song or anything like that. But this sort of thing is what happens all the time in American politics not only with regard to Palestine but also Taiwan, Cuba and other places where the politicians buy votes and pay for them with something that exists overseas which does not belong to them. A system of governance that was the stuff of legend has been turned into a product that is stuff for the toilet. Disgusting.

There is another example where this kind of Ponzi scheme is prevalent in America. Look at the sponsors of programs on public television. Many of them are so-called charitable foundations owned by Jewish families that own businesses in America with affiliation in Israel. Sponsoring a program for a year may cost them ten thousand dollars for which the program will get a matching fund of another ten thousand dollars from the government which will make it possible to run a fund-raising campaign and collect maybe another thirty or forty thousand dollars from the public. Of all the people who donate, no one gets rewarded except the Jewish foundations and their owners. They get rewarded because most of the guests who are invited to the programs will be the sort who will glorify Israel and damn her enemies. To put it bluntly, more than half will be Jewish and the rest will be sympathetic to Israel and the Jewish causes. The net result is that Israel is made into something it is not; something no country can ever be when left to its own device. It is elevated to a status whereby it is routinely rewarded for accomplishments it never achieves, and forgiven for crimes it commits by force of habit and religious belief. And this forgiveness is bestowed on the ground that Israel is so perfect it cannot commit the crimes attributed to it no matter what the evidence may show. Billions of dollars are then sent to Israel as a result of this free publicity, and the donors who gave ten thousand dollars get to collect a good part of those billions. And this is a Ponzi scheme that is made to look legal but is in reality a criminal act at its core.

The trouble with derivatives in general is that they help you build an edifice that never stops growing. However, the edifice is not just any edifice; it is a pyramid that is made of sand. But unlike a sand castle where you begin with a design and build it from the bottom up then stop when you reach the high point, the pyramid offers a different approach: you are allowed to add to its height indefinitely as long as you keep enlarging the base. This is how the financial derivatives become a pyramid scheme or a Ponzi scheme or as they are now known, a Maddoff scheme. Thus, while the castle may tumble if you try to add to its height beyond the original design, the building of a pyramid appears ready to go up for ever as long as you enlarge the base while going up. But this is only the appearance because there is a catch here that is not easily perceived. It is that gravity will eventually do you in. You see, the more you add to the height of the pyramid, the more pressure you add to the base; and the base is where the crack begins. In human terms, if the activity is a political pyramid scheme, the revolt will begin at the level of the grass roots when the pressure becomes too great to bear.

Thus, watching a few scenarios such as those described above unfold before their eyes, the nations of the world began to see Israel as being the political Ponzi scheme that it is, made possible by the derivatives of a system of liberal democracies in Europe and North America where politicians are elected not by the force of their ideas but a system of carrots and sticks; the carrots being money and a good press, the sticks being a nasty press and the promise of financial drought if not personal ruin. One by one, the nations of the world broke away from the idea that to support the Jews having a homeland in Palestine meant to help put an end to antisemitism and bring peace to mankind. Instead, they began to see that the constant enemy to trail the Jews have been the leaders who hung on to a destructive ideology and thus led the Jews to their destruction time and again throughout the centuries.

They now realize that the only way to put an end to this madness is for the Unites States of America to stop supporting Israel's every caprice and let it learn to get along with its neighbors as well as the rest of the world. The trouble is that too many politicians and people in the media have been ensnared by a system that takes a limb out of you if you try to free yourself. Thus, the pyramid scheme keeps on rising while the pressure at the base keeps on mounting. And the way the thing stands now is that something will give sooner or later. If it turns out to be another horror, let it be said that the horror did not happen because human beings are born with antisemitism written into their genetic code but because those who adhere to the culture of the Talmud follow a code that is self-destructive.