Saturday, August 28, 2010

Time To Cut The Umbilical Cord


In a piece titled: A Palestinian Victory and subtitled: The Arab world’s dirty secret, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial today, August 28, 2010 in which it mentions Lebanon’s amendment of a clause in a law that was used to bar Palestinians living in the country from taking certain jobs. It goes on to say that 400,000 Palestinians will be affected by the amendment. The Journal then takes the opportunity to remind us that because the Palestinians sided with Saddam Hussein in his occupation of Kuwait, the Kuwaitis expelled 400,000 Palestinians from the country. What the Journal fails to say is that when tempers cooled, the Palestinians were allowed to return to their high level, well paying jobs.

In fact, before it became fashionable to speak of Arab mistreatment of the Palestinians, it was the fashion to say that the Palestinians were the most educated and most advanced groups in the various Arab countries; and every Jewish psychiatrist and his cousin in America had an opinion as to why this was the case. Maybe, some said, it is because the Palestinians feel like the new Jews of the world having to constantly prove themselves to be accepted. Maybe, but instead of mulling over this little factoid, the Journal generalized by saying that all Arab countries mistreated the Palestinians to use them as propaganda against Israel. Hell no, the Arabs do not need a prop to do propaganda against Israel, the leaders of Israel are eminently more qualified to do so and they never miss an opportunity to do it, and here is the proof:

What better way is there for the Israelis to make fools of themselves than to recruit feeble minded editorialists like those at the Wall Street Journal to echo idiotic pronouncements that for ever contradict each other! For example, because the size of the American population is larger than that of Israel, when an incident happens in Israel for which people get adversely affected, the Jewish propaganda machine springs into action and says it is as if this many people were adversely affected in America. Well, applying this logic to Lebanon whose population is 4.23 million, the Palestinian refugees among them would be like having 29.31 million refugees descend on America. As for Kuwait, whose population is 3.52 million, it would be like having 35.23 million guest workers descend on America and side with Hugo Chavez in his war against America.

I have a simple advice to give to the editorial writers of the Wall Street Journal; it is an advice that every teacher gives to hopeless students: think before you start banging on the keyboard of your computer or don’t bang at all. At least have someone smarter than you review what you bang before you publish.


Negotiations are about to start with regard to the horror that was inflicted on the people of Palestine. This is a horror that has stricken not only the land of Palestine but also the Middle East, America and the whole world. It is a criminal scheme whereby an artificial concoction called Israel was made to replace a people who lived on their land since the beginning of time and did nothing to hurt anyone. The Palestinians were first uprooted by force of arms and by a terror of biblical dimension brought to their shores by savage hordes fleeing European rivals of equal savagery as the two of them -- the Nazis and the Zionists -- fought each other in a futile quest to dominate the world.

After the terror that the Palestinians were made to suffer on their soil and after their expulsion to refugee camps, they were subjected to the incessant generation of defamation, deception and derision made about them in America. These were false representations tailor-made to influence the marketplace of ideas in the new world, something they did like a tsunami that has the unique quality of echoing, regenerating and amplifying itself. And where the Nazi submarines and the Japanese imperial navy were never able to take the Second World War and maintain it for more than a day or two, the members of the Zionist movement took the war to America and have maintained it for several generations, at times calling it the Third War; at other times calling it the Fourth War.

It was in America that freedom of speech was supposed to ring true and spawn all other freedoms but where the opposite actually happened. It was there that all the freedoms were flushed down the toilet along with the Constitution containing the First Amendment that was meant to protect the chain of freedoms. In fact, America was the country -- the only country in the world -- where the threat of career destruction was made openly and made frequently to silence the people who argued against falsehoods like calling Israel the only democracy in the Middle East when in fact it was and still is the only openly apartheid country in the world today. And the souls in America that refused to be deterred by the threats made against them did see their careers destroyed upon which they were silenced for a time or silenced for ever while everyone else was censored or intimidated enough to refrain from voicing their honest opinions. The net result has been that the American Constitution was used like a toilet paper not in the places where people were given a reason to dislike America but in America itself where the Zionist organizations imposed on the media a self-censorship like no Hitler could impose on Nazi Germany, no Mussolini could impose on Fascist Italy and no Stalin could impose on Communist Russia. What America experienced was a savage censorship so effective that Goebbels and Tokyo Rose turned green with envy in their graves and then turned over. And why all this? To obtain continued American support and maintain the ongoing crime that is still ongoing in the land of Palestine.

It stands to reason, therefore, that because Israel depends this much on America, the troubles in Palestine, in America and in the world can be erased in a single moment at the meeting that will be held to launch the negotiations. This can happen if the American representative acknowledges in his or her opening remarks that America was dragged sleepwalking into the maintenance and the nurture of that horrible crime in Palestine. He or she can also pledge to do what will be necessary to repair as much as humanly possible the aftermath of the crime beginning with the severing of all economic and military ties with the evil regime that is Israel. And just as important, the American representative can pledge to rescind all the binding and non-binding pieces of legislation that were passed by the US Congress of moral prostitutes on behalf of Israel. These were bills that mouthed the words or bills that put into effect the idiotic moves that benefited Israel and annoyed its chosen enemy of the day while doing nothing for the people of America except demonstrate to them to what extent the system by which they are governed has been trivialized and has become a childish little farce.

Following the American presentation, the Israeli representative will have no choice but to admit the truth which is that the establishment of the state of Israel was a mistake and the Zionist movement a crime against humanity that must never be allowed to happen again anywhere on the planet. He or she will apologize to the people of Palestine and to the world for the horrific idea that is Israel, and will offer a special apology to the American people for bringing to their country activities and concepts so toxic, they made it lose its status as a superpower and rendered it a second rate slouching giant in the blink of an eye. Following this, the Palestinian representative will speak of the expectations that his or her people have, expectations that were voiced on many previous occasions and were deemed to be reasonable despite the savage treatment that these people were made to endure by the only collection of savage behavior to come down the ages since biblical times.

Failing to take this approach at the launch of the negotiations, the world will be subjected to more of what we have been witnessing for decades. If America refuses to acknowledge that it has the key to instantly solve the calamity that is Israel, it will deny the reality that Israel cannot do what it does without American participation thus deny that the way to stop the ongoing horror is to make Israel stop walking all over America and stop it from abusing America's flimsy system of governance. Yet, there is only one way that Israel will be made to stop its manipulation of America, it is for America to stop supporting it, stop now and stop cold. If this does not happen, the world will still survive as it has always done but America will continue to smell like the Israeli stink it has smelled every time it went to a gathering and defended Israel's right to commit crimes and offend the world as a matter of Jewish right of birth.

How do I know all this? Simple, the Israelis and AIPAC have been bragging all along to America and to the world about their ownership of America. We know how to resolve American disobedience, said Netanyahu or something to this effect. He said it to his people and to the world after which: yes master, said America or something to this effect under its nose. This is the sort of moment that makes the world understand the Israeli and AIPAC messages. But why it is that the implication of those messages is never understood by the political brass in America still baffles everyone on the planet. But when all is said and done, if the Americans go to the negotiations while ignoring those realities, they will fail as they have failed for generations to achieve anything positive for themselves and for the world. And you should prepare to see America being further degraded to third rate from the second rate where Israel and AIPAC have taken it already.

Moreover, because it is natural that when you own something you want to turn it into your image, Israel and AIPAC have slowly been turning America into a giant pale image of Israel. The main feature of Israel's existence being that it is isolated from the rest of the world yet leads a life of high consumption, America is being cut off from the rest of the world, being monopolized by Israel and made to lead a life of high consumption. The difference between the two, however, is that Israel has America on which to feed and lead a comfortable parasitic life but America has only China from which to borrow money but not on whose body it is allowed to feed like a parasite. The net result has been that America is now struggling to stay on its feet while the Israelis are hanging on to it as they hitch a ride through a life of plenty in Israel while exercising dictatorial powers over America and its people. A reality to make a sane person as mad as hell.

Meanwhile, those who have appointed themselves leaders of the Jews are doing what they have done for centuries which is to pave the way for moving on to somewhere else and try their luck there the moment that America is declared to be of no further use to them. Their greatest challenge will be to move to China and establish a parasitic relationship there such as America could never establish. To do this, the Jewish leaders will begin by learning the Chinese language as they leave behind the language they taught to the American media and the political brass. In fact, they have managed to teach their language by the method of repetition because in the same way that children learn a language by hearing it incessantly, the Americans were made to hear the Jewish propaganda mouthpieces speak their peculiar language without ever stopping. The mouthpieces repeated such things as “The Arabs hate America,” to mean “Israel is preparing to crap all over America.” And they repeated “Israel loves America,” to mean “The Arabs have again forgiven America for violating all norms of decency by paying for Israel's criminal activities against them.” Thus, the Jewish propaganda machine has created an upside-down picture of reality in the minds of the Americans, a picture that no one was ever allowed to turn right side up. Now imagine an America sitting at the negotiating table mediating a discussion between the Palestinians and the Israelis with an American brain that is bolted upside down in its skull. Horrendously funny and horrendously flabbergasting!

For this reason and for everything else, the Americans must not go into the negotiations without first ending their support of Israel. If they fail to do so, the negotiations will fail because they will move according to the familiar Israeli method which is to rob you of something and negotiate its return in exchange for something else. As asinine as this is, if you still agree to some kind of exchange, they will take what you offer and not return what they stole in the first place even though it is what they just agreed to do. And if you ask: what kind of philosophy is this? They will tell you it is Jewish wisdom that is rooted in a unique sense of justice and balance that only the Jews possess; which is why they are the chosen children of God, worthy to dominate the world. And they will want you to give them the world or at least support their right to take it. As to how this translates into daily life, check this out: when they see something bad in themselves, they accuse others of being that thing. When they see something good in others, they attribute that thing to themselves. This is what has kept America eternally confused, always disoriented and continually doing the things that hurt it while adding to the phony glory that the Israelis and their supporters crave. You do not want to be a part of this anymore, America. You just don't want it anymore.

Anyone with half a brain can see that the liberation of Palestine is also the liberation of America. The Second World War ended in Europe and Asia when America triumphed on these two continents but then America was possessed by the people it liberated from the concentration camps over there. Now the American people find themselves imprisoned in the concentration camp of moral prostitution such as their Congress and their media are inflicting on them day in and day out on orders from AIPAC and the Israeli propaganda machine.

Cut that umbilical cord, America, before the relationship cuts you down to a size that will fit Netanyahu's small pocket. It is claustrophobic inside there; you will not like it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

To Define Creating And Accumulating Wealth

When we make a distinction between the creation of wealth and the accumulation of wealth a number of windows open up before our eyes and a slew of insights are generated in our minds, a development that allows us to reach conclusions we could never reach otherwise. So let me begin with the definition of wealth-creation starting with the word creation. We create something if and when there is nothing and we make it so that there is something. If what we make is desirable and if someone is willing to pay for it or to exchange it for something valuable, what we have created is wealth. Now that we know what wealth-creation is, I define the accumulation of wealth as the activity by which someone acquires evermore of what is desirable whether he creates it himself or someone else does. To sum up, the creation of wealth is the making of things; the accumulation of wealth is the owning of those things without necessarily creating them.

The subtle implication buried in the preceding statement is that wealth is something that is both good and concrete. In fact, the word good is sometimes used in the English vernacular to mean merchandise. But this is an incomplete picture of reality because a service rendered is also something that is desired even though it is not a concrete thing. Consequently, we must consider the generation of a service of any kind to be a creation of wealth especially that services of all sorts have been exchanged for goods or for other services throughout time. Such exchanges were done when a service was bartered for something or when it was sold for money that was then used to buy goods or buy other services. People have no trouble considering education, healthcare, hospitality and such as services worth paying for. In fact, a service done where the recipient deals directly with the creator of the service such as a teacher, doctor, cook or handyman, is seen as a legitimate service worth paying for.

And even if we do not see the labor that goes into the making of a piece of merchandise, we know that the thing did not make itself thus, we accept paying for the work that went into it. Most of the time, however, we determine the value of a merchandise not by the work that might have gone into it but by its usefulness to us - meaning its utility. For example, I would pay a hundred dollars for a pair of shoes marked one hundred dollars because I know I shall wear it. But I will not pay as little as ten dollars for a bicycle marked one hundred dollars because I will not know what to do with a bicycle given my age and my long lost experience riding a bicycle. You see, I take it that the shoes will be useful to me but the bicycle will not be even if it could be to someone else.

But if we question the price of a good or a service on principle alone regardless as to how useful it may be to us or to someone else, what we do in effect is question the salary that someone is receiving to produce that good or that service. For example, we all bristle at the thought that someone is willing to pay ten thousand dollars for a pair of shoes because we know that the ultimate value of something is determined by the cost of the labor that goes into it. Thus, when told about a case like this, we ask: How many hours went into the making of this pair, what was the hourly pay and who deserves to be paid this much?

As you can see, it is getting complicated already but brace yourself because there is more to come for, a modern wrinkle has been added to these concepts. It is that life has become increasingly more complex as did the processes by which goods and services are produced nowadays. When commercial exchanges were done through barter as they did in an earlier era, you could see who you were bartering with, even see them produce the merchandise or the service you were bartering for. You could then compare the work they did with the work you did for a living thus had the opportunity to judge whether or not the price you were paying was fair or not. Nowadays, however, the line through which must go the production of a merchandise or a service has become so lengthy and convoluted, it is difficult to put a price on the labor that goes into a final product or a service. This compels us to surrender to the one factor that ultimately determines the price of something, the law of supply and demand. But be careful now because this method has its consequences.

Knowing that the price of a commodity rises when the supply diminishes - a reality that has held true since the beginning of time - people look for culprits at the supply end of the equation when the price of something goes inexplicably high. And it is here that matters become murky because this is where we encounter something unsettling. We discover that most of the time when the price of an item is inflated, the culprits are not those who create the thing but those who hoard it having created nothing themselves. Hoarding causes the temporary shortage of the item which is what pushes the price up and allows those that have it in storage to sell it at a high price and get rich quickly. The sad irony is that these people get very rich very quickly without adding a speck to the wealth of the nation which means they take a great deal from society and give nothing in return. They are the accumulators of wealth that many people consider to be parasites living off the labor of everyone else.

It must be said, however, that not everyone who is wealthy hoards what someone else produces. In fact, there are people who get wealthy by accumulating the wealth they create themselves such as the Bill Gates of this world. These are people that must be admired because they do what is good for themselves and what is good for all of society in that they employ other people and strengthen the economy. There are also people such as Warren Buffet and other investors who accumulate wealth by managing their money intelligently and by investing in other people. The latter would be mostly young individuals who have ideas about new products or new services but lack the ability to turn them into something they can take to the market. Buffet and the other investors take these talents under their wing and support them till they turn the ideas in their heads into useful products that ultimately add to the wealth of the nation and bode well for the future of these youngsters.

But there are many who get wealthy by adopting dubious methods which, in general, fall in one of two categories. The first category is better adapted to the use of goods as a vehicle by which they transfer wealth from the holdings of other people to their own holdings. The second category is better adapted to the use of services to make the same sort of transfers. In the goods category, there is - as mentioned earlier - those who hoard the goods to push up the price and make a quick profit. A famous example in this category is the infamous Enron company where they hoarded the natural gas to create a shortage and milk the state of California and other concerns of billions of dollars. In the services category there are those who rely on the ineptness and corruption that exist inside the authorities regulating the financial systems to play a dishonest game. They pretend to deliver to their customers honest financial services but deliver to themselves the fleece they spirit away from those customers. A famous example in this category is that of the infamous Bernie Madoff who solicited money to invest on behalf of his customers but spent the money on himself and lived a life of luxury as he deprived the others. When all was said and done, it turned out that Madoff had played the zero sum game where he gave himself the sums and gave his customers the zero.

Even though these two examples were black and white extreme cases, it took a long time to catch the culprits. In fact, the fall of Enron and of Madoff did not even happen because the authorities uncovered something and blew the cases open but because the cases cracked under their own weight when the economy weakened. This is when Madoff and those in charge of Enron realized they could no longer maintain the false facades they had erected and let the edifices tumble. Following that, a number of other cases came to light where the players were not as extreme as these two but played the same sort of game and met a similar kind of fate. What this says is that the practice is widespread which prompts us to ask: Who are the people that engage in these practices? The answer is that in most cases, you find them to be people who have neither the skill nor the talent to create products or services that can compete in the marketplace and give their authors a decent standard of living let alone a high standard of living. But these people hunger to be wealthy, and since they find it hard to make money competing legitimately and harder still to make the money quickly enough to satisfy their hunger, they delve into the manipulation of the system where they get to be good at it till something goes wrong and they are good no more.

Being average human beings, we find this situation to be too depressing so we hurry and ask: Is there a solution and if yes what is it? Unfortunately there seems to be no surefire solution that can be implemented to fix the problem in a way that is tidy. We can, however, make a few observations that will help the authorities put down preventative measures to reduce the frequency of the occurrences and the intensity of the transgressions. We observe that to be in a position to benefit from hoarding a merchandise you must place yourself between the primary producers who are on the side where the farmers, miners and manufactures sit – and the ultimate users who are on the side where the retail stores and their customers sit. In effect then, to be in a position to hoard and profit from hoarding you must be a middleman of some sort such as a jobber, wholesaler, importer or distributor, all of whom own storage facilities where the usual order of business would be to place the goods in temporary storage till the time they are sent to the end users but where some operators choose to hold on to the goods for a while longer with the intent to manipulate the market.

As for the financial services sector, the banks are the institutions that play the role of middlemen between the central bank that sits on one side and prints the money it lends to the banks -- and all sorts of financial institutions that sit on the other side and borrow from the banks along with everyone else. Therefore, the banks are responsible to a large extent for what goes on in the economy, and it is here that we see the importance of the financial instruments they put out. There is no doubt these instruments play an important role in our lives because more than anything else they make the economy work such as we see it thrive most of the time or they wreck it such as we see it happen once in a while.

Since wealth is defined as the creation of goods or services, the accumulation of wealth by those who do not create it can only be done through the manipulation of the financial instruments put out by the banks. These instruments are used essentially to play a shell game where the players sell what they do not have and hoard what belongs to someone else. To accomplish these feats the players trade in instruments ranging from the bank certificates to the commercial papers; from bonds to stocks and to all sorts of notes. Worse, those same players have now extended their madness to the more exotic derivatives such as the swaps, the hedging and the betting that they do on the rise or fall of the securities; on their indexes and even the indexes of the markets themselves. What a sordid mess this is!

Because madness begets more madness we conclude that to make progress protecting society from the bad actors who would wreck the economy and feed on the wreckage, we must deal more firmly with the middlemen that trade in merchandise and those that trade in financial services. In the area of merchandise, a middleman will be defined as someone who is neither the producer nor the end user of the product that he or she trades in. The firms that deal in commodities, especially those related to food, energy and strategic materials must register with a competent authority set up for the purpose and they must maintain an up to date weekly inventory of what they keep in their storage facilities. If the price of a commodity rises inexplicably, the authority will have the power to requisition what is in stock throughout the nation and force its sale at a price that matches the level before the rise. The prediction I make is that it may never become necessary to take such action because the existence of the authority alone will act as a deterrent and discourage the hoarding of goods thus prevent the rise in prices. I say the battle can be won without firing a shot.

As for the financial services sector, we must recognize that it is not enough to license the traders who work in the related industries because the moment that these people obtain a license, they take it to mean they have been licensed to do what they want. What the authorities must do instead is view the matter from an entirely different angle. In the same way that doctors and pharmacists are forbidden from dispensing drugs that were not approved, the traders in the financial sectors must be forbidden from trading in instruments that have not been approved.

The suggestion here is that new financial instruments, especially those of the derivative kind, must undergo a period of testing under limited and supervised conditions as do the pharmaceuticals before they are approved for general use. Only after it has been determined that a proposed new instrument poses no threat to the health of the economy will the traders be allowed to trade in it. However, if after approval something shows up unexpectedly and demonstrates that the approval was premature, the instrument must be withdrawn from the marketplace in the same way that a drug is withdrawn when it is proven to do more harm than good.

We do not spare a thing when it comes to looking after our health even the health of our pets. Why should we be timid about looking after the health of the economy without which we are all as good as dead? Think about that and think about all the Enrons and the Madoffs who are out there, willing and able to strike at the first opportune moment, then get off your behind and write the laws that will stop them. That's what they pay you to do.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Representation Without Taxation Or Obligation

Israel has not been officially declared the Fifty First State of the American Union and will probably never be. But Israel does not need to be so honored because if it did, it will be saddled with the same obligations as the other states, including the mandatory paying of taxes by its citizens to the federal government. As things stand now, Israel has it both ways in that it enjoys the privileges of membership in the Union without having any of the obligations that the other fifty states have. But more than that, Israel is paid extra cash and granted extra privileges because the Israelis and their friends have convinced the American lawmakers that Israel is bestowing a great honor on America by accepting their largess. What Israeli gall! What American insanity!

To understand this mind boggling situation we must begin the analysis at the beginning. What brings nations and political jurisdictions together is the need they develop to uphold an interest that becomes evident to them when they go through a similar experience. This is how and why the United Nations, the NATO group, the Non Aligned Movement, the G-8 and so on were formed. But what unites the jurisdictions into one political system is the love they have for an ideal that transcends their current circumstances. It would be an ideal that has bonded them for a time in spirit if not in law, an ideal that all the parties wish to turn into something concrete, a goal they believe they can reach by coming together and joining forces. It is how and why the Arabs have tried to unite; it is how and why the Europeans are trying to unite.

But what's with America and Israel? What commonality is there between these two? Well, this is a weird case where the advances for the consummation of a simulated love were made by the followers of the Talmud, an offshoot of the Old Testament where the story is told about ancient tribes whose self described culture was to lead a parasitic existence - the way they actually lived for thousands of years. They were a people that went from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and did more than loot the places they visited then wrote long bragging tales about their murderous exploits which is what the Old Testament is all about - tales of horror; nothing more and nothing less. Worse, these people claimed to enjoy a special relationship with a God that dowered them with powers they can use to reward those who love them despite the clear evidence that they impart terror and horror not rewards on anyone whose life they touch the wrong way. Nevertheless, it was the little-disguised promise of a divine reward that helped them take advantage of the people who believed in them.

The modern adherents to that culture call themselves Jews and Israelis and they wander about the globe like in ancient times where they get close to the seats of power the same way that they did in the past. Indeed, like they did in ancient Egypt, Persia, Mesopotamia and Assyria so they did in modern England, France and the Soviet Union where they deceived the leaders in these countries and made them believe in stories beyond belief. Currently, these modern wanderers are working their way through the corridors of the American seats of power where they lick, chomp and swallow everything and everyone in sight like a hungry lizard that is slowly working its way inside a colony of bugs.

To develop a mental picture of what might happen at the end of their run in America, we may study what these people did with the other powers in modern times. They made their advances toward the Brits at the end of the Nineteenth Century whereby they secured the Balfour Declaration which promised them a homeland in Palestine. But the moment that the plan began to be implemented, they spat the Brits out of their system then terrorized them inside the borders of that same Palestine, blowing them up left and right; blowing them up in their barracks and their hotel rooms. Following this treachery, they made advances toward Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union who was the disciple of Karl Marx the Jew. Yes, this was the Stalin they affectionately called Uncle Joe. But when they were done with him, they spat him out and stood at the door of every important Soviet embassy in the world where they chanted: “Let my people go!” Of course Stalin was dead by then but no matter - a Talmudist has got to do what a Talmudist has got to do whether or not it makes sense.

These people then turned to the France of the very socialist Guy Mollet and turned once more to the Brits who were by now viewed as a new and improved folks led by the very Conservative Anthony Eden. This latter character along with Guy Mollet allowed the Israelis to take a short stint in the Sinai of Egypt in the year 1956, a fulfillment of the dream they held for several centuries and constantly refreshed by the venom that ran in their veins about Egypt during all those centuries. And here too we encounter a story (to digress for a moment) about someone spitting someone. But this is a story that is ambiguous and not too clear because it is only described in the Old Testament and nowhere else in the books of real history; not even in the footnotes. The ambiguity emanates from the fact that the Old Testament says the Hebrews were liberated from slavery in Egypt to be taken to the land of milk and honey by Moses yet they rebelled against Moses and wanted to return to Egypt. Was slavery in Egypt sweeter than the honey of the Promised Land? Now back to modern times. We find that these people spat Britain and France out of their system the moment they discovered there was something more delicious they can have. It was the insane Congress of America where the competition to rape their own country to please a foreign sex master is a blood sport they enjoy more than fox hunting is enjoyed by the landed gentry of England. And you will imagine what will happen at the end of this relationship if you can picture a bulimic lizard spitting the bugs he just licked because he found yet another colony of more delicious bugs to chew on. Who will it be this time?

You look at these realities, you do your analysis, you accept the outcome of your judgment but after a while you suspend that judgment because you find it too difficult to believe that people chosen to legislate the laws of the land can be persuaded to give away so much of their nation's treasure and heritage because of a story that speaks of a god that is dowering someone with powers to reward those who love him. Nuts, you say to yourself, and instead of assigning the whole thing to naivete, you look for a reason that may be more complicated than that. Yes, some people in high places can be naive and irrational like the fellow who gave his horse the right to vote in the Senate of the mighty Roman Empire but a Congress going insane in its entirety is a difficult thing to believe. And you search hard as to what makes the wanderers so persuasive when they find a potential sucker they can victimize, and you stumble on a few examples that suggest an answer. The following two examples yield an insight as to how the wanderers treat naive and sophisticates alike to climb on the backs of other people, reach out to high goals and implement their grandiose schemes which they do for a while but then fall flat on their faces and blame the fall on the antisemitism that is ingrained in the genes of the human race.

Example One: Having tried and failed for nearly half a century to gain credit by discrediting the Arabs, especially the Egyptians who are the people they must hate by religious dogma, the Jewish media hordes and their echoing mouthpieces have concluded that the sheer magnificence of Egypt's ancient history will be impossible to smother with the spray of all the skunks they will be able to mobilize for the task. And so they came up with an easier solution. They decided to have their mouthpieces run around and push the argument that the Egyptians of today are not the descendants of the Egyptians of ancient times even though these people never left the land, were not pushed into the sea by Roman legions, were not known to commit suicide on Mount Masada or any other mount, were never pogrommed or holocausted or anything like that. Moreover, the same hordes and their mouthpieces ran around articulating in the same breath the notion that every Jew of every sect; of every skin color and every racial background; whether a recent convert or an old convert is a descendent of the ancient Hebrew tribes therefore a legitimate inheritor of the land of Palestine. These people, say the hordes and their mouthpieces, are entitled to Palestine even though they never lived in Palestine as opposed to the Palestinians who lived there for thousands of years without ever leaving the place. Nuts! you say to yourself. Doubly nuts! And still more nuts to you! How can some people puke out this kind of filth and not be run out of town? Yet there are those who take them seriously. Go figure.

Example Two: At some point, the truth came out to the effect that when the Brits and the French attacked Egypt in 1956 they invited Israel to come along and see how things were done. This disclosure panicked the hordes because it portrayed Israel as being a footnote to history and not the leader of historical events. In response, the hordes and their mouthpieces decided to change history. Up to now their official version of history was to the effect that the Arabs had been the aggressors all along and were the ones to attack Israel thus making it the victimized hero. Now that this version could no longer be sustained, they said that Israel was the one to attack Egypt and not the other way around. Not only that but they insisted that Israel was the first to attack even before the Brits and the French who joined the fray soon thereafter. And the reasoning behind this change of heart and change of history is transparent like a Talmudic drivel; it is that Israel must always be portrayed as a hero because it does not want to be a mere footnote to history or worse not be mentioned at all like the darn history books that do not mention the parting of the sea or the Exodus of the Jews out of Egypt under Moses. Thus if Israel cannot be portrayed as the sweet little hero that the Arab ogres consistently victimize, then Israel must be portrayed as the giant hero that consistently stomps on the Arabs who swarm the Middle East by their numbers and make it a tough neighborhood to live in but not for an Israel that can stomp and chomp.

You see, my friend, falsification of history is the stuff that religious books are made of and the Talmud, which is an offshoot of the Old Testament, is as much a religious book as it is a book of Jewish law. It is continually being written, rewritten and illustrated with an avalanche of falsifications authored by those who consider themselves to be the first and last drafters of Jewish history. In fact, the Talmud is written to serve future generations the way that the Old Testament serves contemporary generations. But the falsification is so obvious and the contradictions between the observed reality and the stated fantasy are so glaring, you would think that no one is taking these people seriously yet there are those - apparently good, intelligent and sincere people - who take them seriously. Go figure.

But how can this nonsense be enough to make the political masters in America ruin heir own country to please Israel and its friends? Actually it would not be enough but when it is combined with something else it can be. To show what that thing is I need to cite an example. I started a publication in a small town in Canada where the readers took to it for the fresh viewpoint I was espousing, and they rewarded the advertisers who placed ads in it by going to the stores and buying things. You would think that the other publications which consider themselves the defenders of freedom and democracy would welcome a new voice in their midst and defend my right to say what I think and believe. Right? Wrong. The other publications which were affiliated with the biggest publications in the country were the first to unleash a war against me, a war that was so ferocious it would take volumes to describe. The one thing you should know is that a publication is kept afloat with the money that comes in from the advertisers, all of whom would be known to anyone that leafs through the publication because they advertise themselves. Thus, if someone wants to hurt you, they pick up your publication, make a list of the advertisers in it and work on them. And this is what happened to me as the other publications hired a number of people to make the around and present themselves as sales people then delivered a warning to the businesses to the effect that if they continue to advertise with me, they will be made to regret it.

Someone I knew received such a visit once and was expecting to be visited again. When they called to fix an appointment he called me to come to the store and see what these people do. Given that the fake salesperson had never seen me before, I pretended to be a customer in the store just looking at the merchandise. The man came in, began a small talk with the owner then unleashed a diatribe against my publication saying that I write upsetting rubbish. He added that nobody reads my paper anyway therefore it was a waste of money to advertise in it - to which my friend replied that if nobody reads it, then it does not matter what I write and he should not be upset. Rebuffed and made to feel foolish, the man looked up to the ceiling, looked down and around the store then looked at my friend and said: This place is a fire hazard; wait till the fire department hears about that. He picked up his briefcase and walked out.

What this incident revealed to me was no different from what I had encountered previously where institutions ranging from the fire department to government ministries were used as a tool of terror by the press and by the municipal governments to threaten the business owners who refused to do as told. I was called to help out on some occasions and I witnessed similar terrible behavior. The attitude displayed by the institutions and some government ministries being contrary to their duties and responsibilities, I denounced them in my paper while the other publications hid the stories from the eyes of the public because they were receiving millions of dollars in government advertising contracts most of which was redundant, meaningless and useless. And so they all joined the attack against me because I was telling it like it was, the reason why many business owners remained loyal to me till the end; till I decided to call it quits.

But my friend, the store owner, added something that was new to me and truly disturbing. He told me that the police knew exactly what was going on. In fact, individual officers were disgusted by what they saw but could do nothing because the top brass would not lift a finger to do something meaningful; and that is because the police department is controlled by the mayor of the town. And so the advice that the officers gave to the business people was to hire a criminal lawyer at their expense, do the information gathering themselves and criminally prosecute the culprits in the government and in the press. If and only if they get a favorable judgment from the judge will the police be forced to take it from there and do the rest if there will be something more to do. But if they lose the case, they will most certainly be prosecuted for defamation of character and for malicious prosecution, reasons why nobody took up the challenge. And we must all ask: What kind of garbage democracy is this? If you live outside the so-called Western democracies, would you militate and put your life in danger to have a system like this shoved down your throat? Nut, idiot, backward is what you will prove to be.

Now, my dear reader, imagine a lizard with thousands of years of experience crawling into a culture like this where bribe and blackmail are the norm and called instruments of democracy. Logic breaks down and nutty contradictions are made to look like divine revelations where the religious nuts take it to mean that God will be willing to hand them a Jerusalem in the sky if they will help the Zionist steal the Jerusalem in Palestine. In addition, the religious nuts are told that God has dowered the bug-licking lizard with powers to reward them if they will tell their representatives in the Congress that they too must believe in the powers of the lizard and his inalienable right to a Jerusalem in Palestine if not a right to all of Palestine. You see, my friend, this is actually happening now and it is the reason why ordinary people no longer find it difficult to believe that extraordinary people chosen to make the laws of the land can be persuaded to give away so much of their nation's treasure and heritage because of a story that speaks of a God dowering someone with powers to reward those who love him. Nutty, absolutely nutty but true. Go figure.

And the rest of the world views America like a bug that is constantly being licked, chomped and swallowed inch after inch by the Israeli lizard which is well represented in the American Congress yet pays no taxes and has no obligation. The world laughs at the spectacle and cries at the irony - both at the same time. And the American people wonder if they should laugh at themselves or cry at the pain they feel in their hearts as they see the future being stolen from their children the way that Palestine is being stolen inch after inch from the people of Palestine.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Albatross Around America's Neck

Israel is a parasitic albatross that is firmly latched on to America's neck. It not only prevents the host from reaching its full potential where America once sat as the acknowledged lone superpower; it does worse in that it pulls the host into the pits, and manages to do so with more force than a tail can wag a dog. Although America's losses extend in all areas of a nation's endeavors as a result of this absurd situation, the areas that illustrate America's losses more starkly than any are the military and economic ones. And the place where these two come together is the Middle East; more specifically it is the relationship that America maintains with Israel in the economic and military fields and the consequences of this relationship with regards to the neighboring countries. I shall expand on these points in a moment but first, I need to mention a lesson I learned when I was a toddler before I even realized I was learning something.

I heard a story when I was a child which may or may not have been entirely true but must have had some truth to it. I heard that the Americans were having such a big harvest of wheat that year; they were throwing it in the sea because they could not sell it locally or abroad, and they did not have the space to store it. For some reason the story never left my memory and I kept looking at it freshly every so often as I grew up. I also kept analyzing it anew every time I thought of it until I was well into my adult years. In time, I came to realize there were three things I should take from this story. First, if you are going to produce something, you better have a market for it. Second, if you don't have a market big enough to move the entire production, you should have a place where you can store the surplus. Third, if you expect to be producing more of the thing year after year than you can sell or store, you should reduce the production of the thing and take it easy or start producing something else beside it, something that is more in demand.

What this story says in essence is that America had an excess capacity in the means to produce wheat, and faced with a harvest it could not sell, it got rid of the excess by throwing it away. Today, America finds itself saddled with an excess capacity in many fields of production to which it has responded in a different fashion. The way America responded this time is that the companies laid off some of their workers and they cut back on the production of what they produce, whatever these are. In effect then, instead of producing and throwing away the excess production, the companies did the equivalent of taking it easy and they gave their workers a vacation they did not ask for.

Luckily, the problem is only a temporary one in that it happened because the consumers were forced by circumstances to cut back on their purchases, and the reasonable expectation is that these customers will return to their normal buying habits sooner or later. But the pain that the situation is causing is undeniable. It is bad enough when a handful of wheat farmers are forced to take it easy where the government can step in and help out until a permanent solution is found; it is another matter when scores of companies throughout the economy lay off millions of people who have nowhere to go but sit and wait for the economy to pick up again. In a case as difficult as this, no country can afford to take it easy because the government will not have the wherewithal to help everyone, let alone do it on a sustained basis if it will come to that. And if there are no alternatives and the government is forced to maintain a helping hand for too long, it will most certainly damage the finances of the nation, something that should be avoided. And so the question is this: What can America do under these circumstances if a solution is not forthcoming soon enough?

At first, a casual observer would be puzzled upon learning that such a thing happened to America given this country's resilience and its brilliant legacy in the economic field. The automatic assumption would have been that the country will find under its belt several alternatives from which to choose a workable combination as it has always done and has always solved its problems. But such has not been the case this time and there is a reason why. When you look deep into it, you find that the economic and military relation which America maintains with Israel has created an abnormal situation leaving the country in the toilet to put it mildly. To understand how this happened, we need to grasp the nature of the Israeli economy and know what sort of requirements it has had for which the American working people were made to pay the price.

From 1948 to 1956 the Israeli economy proceeded more or less along a normal path as all starting economies do. Then came the Anglo-French campaign over the Suez Canal in 1956 where Israel was invited to come along, observe the operation and learn the ways of the dying colonial empires. This has had a profound effect on the leaders of Israel that ruled at the time, and the leaders that came after them in the decades that followed. Instead of proceeding on a path that would have led Israel to seek a political accommodation with its neighbors and possibly fashion an economic integration as well, the leaders of Israel drew up an economic and military plan that was an abrupt shift away from the normal path. No longer was the objective of those leaders to build the homeland that was yearned for by ordinary Jews, a homeland where they could go and live in peace with their new neighbors. Instead, the leaders of Israel worked hand in hand with the heads of the Zionist movement worldwide to revive the old Zionist dream of expanding their control far and wide without setting a limit beforehand as to how far or how wide they will go before they say they are satisfied.

This meant that several steps had to be taken among which to build and to maintain an economy of high consumption so as to entice and to attract new Jewish immigrants to Israel. It also meant the mobilization of the local workforce to serve in the army and to work in the military industrial complex. But this also meant that someone outside of Israel had to bankroll the civilian part of the economy; something the world Jewry was able to arrange for. It brought to Israel donations and reparation payments from the rich countries, an arrangement that kept Israel afloat as long as the population was in the range of three to four million people, and the price of energy - which Israel has none - was dirt cheap. But the population of Israel grew larger, and the war of 1973 happened resulting in the price of energy rising unexpectedly, both requiring the inflow into Israel of larger amounts of money. This was the first sign of trouble for which the US Congress was called upon to help; and it did early in the decade of the Eighties.

In addition to these developments something else was happening for which the Israeli planners had to find a more permanent solution. Here is the problem they faced. Up to now the Israeli military industrial complex was manufacturing small arms and munitions for which there was all sorts of demand because of the little wars that were raging in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Israel sold to both sides in almost every conflict that erupted spontaneously or with the encouragement of its agents. But this commerce was becoming small potato considering Israel's expanding needs. What the planners needed now were big governments having big bucks and prepared to spend them on big items. Since you cannot produce big items without building a military industrial complex that rests on heavy industries such as steel mills, copper smelters, aluminum plants, nickel and zinc refineries as well as factories that house small, medium and massive machines, all of which are beyond the reach of a small and primitive economy such as Israel's, the technical planners were prepared to abandon the dream. Worse, they discovered that they also needed facilities staffed with scientists, engineers, technicians, journeymen and assemblers with years of experience in R&D, in testing and in modifications - all the things that these people must do before the weapon systems are made to operate perfectly. And of course, the Israelis would also need a huge workforce to mass produce those units, something Israel will never have. In short, what the Israelis needed was to transport into Israel the entire American Rust Belt and a good part of the Empire State and California before they could produce the weapons they dreamed to produce. And it was this last thought that brought into the planning stage both the political class in Israel and the brains at the helm of world Jewry. And together, they came up with the bright idea of engineering a miracle.

They said to themselves and to each other that if they cannot transfer the American industrial heartland to Israel, they should bring to Israel the hearts and minds of the decision makers in America who will be trained to bite each other in the back as they compete to betray their own country and slavishly serve the interests of Israel. This done, the American decision makers will allow the transfer to Israel not just of money and weapons but also of military technology that the Israelis could then sell to America's rivals such as Russia and China; and that would be worth a lot of money. In fact this is what happened, and it happened in broad daylight because the point was repeatedly made that there was no daylight between America and Israel. The American officials looked the other way while the treachery was in progress knowing that they will not be prosecuted for treason or anything like that having the Jews on their side to give them a good press and to defend them against accusations concerning what they did and what they failed to do. The Israeli-Zionist plan worked like a charm and this is where things stand now. No daylight between the two and treason in broad daylight.

So much for the military relationship between America and Israel. On the economic front, the Israelis and their Jewish backers worldwide were mostly interested in keeping America from trading with the Arabs, an interest that has since evolved into keeping America from trading with any country in the Muslim World. And this is because having an economy that is not worth a dog's fart, the Israelis were not going to pit their economy against that of the Arabs or the Muslims whose potential to do America some good was like looking at a cargo ship full of wheat being traded for an oil tanker, and comparing this picture with the rear end of a dog that is suffering from diarrhea - and you can guess which side represents Israel in this metaphor. Thus, the need to mobilize the Israeli-Zionist propaganda machine and to continually sabotage any trade relationship that may develop between the United States and the Arab or Muslim Worlds. Parallel to this, the Jewish propaganda machine was put in charge of describing the Israeli economy as if it contained all the businesses in the world where a Jew happens to hold a share or two. And the machine has managed to make it look like these businesses were up and producing in Israel - a fraud by any name.

Aside from the fraud, what is wrong with this set up is that it violates the tenets of sound economics. To have a successful economy, you take stock of the areas where you have a competitive advantage and develop them to the hilt because this is where you know you can produce good commodities and good products at a reasonable price. This done, you look for a potential trade partner that has a competitive advantage in the areas where you have little or none. Knowing that he has good commodities or products he sells at a reasonable price, you trade your surpluses for his surpluses; and you both gain from the transaction. Thus, when the Israelis and the world Zionist movement sabotage potential transactions between the Arabs and the Americans, each side loses a little but because the Arabs sell a non-perishable commodity while the Americans sell commodities that are perishable and industrial products that become obsolete with time, America's losses stack up higher than those of the Arabs. Therefore, in doing what they do, the Jews stab America in the heart to slap the Arabs in the face which is okay with the Jews because it is all done for the glory of Israel.

You can imagine what it would be like if the American excess capacity that now sits idle was made to produce billions of dollars worth of goods and services to be sold to the Arabs and the Muslims for cash or be exchanged for oil. Given that almost they alone enjoy booming economies during these hard times, and having lots of cash on hand while everyone else is stagnating and teetering at the edge of a depression, America could be trading with them and putting millions of Americans back to work earning an honest living and raising their families in dignity. But no! America is prevented from looking after its own because it does not suit Israel and does not agree with the requirements of the Zionist dream of which the leaders of America have been trained and were conditioned to blindly serve with unquestioned obedience and a religious fervor that is absolute. A huge crime is being committed here and no one is held accountable.

But the wake up call has been sounded and someone must wake up soon in America, see the parasitic Albatross that is Israel latching on to America's neck, feel revolted by the ugliness of the sight and start to get rid of the parasite or the country will be strangled by it and sucked dry at the jugular.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Puppets And Mouthpieces For A Skunk

Imagine this unlikely scenario: A regime comes into being in Mexico and turns the place into a hellhole for the people who live there and they flee in droves across the border to the United States. The American government stops calling the newcomers illegal immigrants and calls them refugees. It sets up camps for them in a few Southern States and works with the United Nations to find a solution for the crisis because it no longer maintains diplomatic relations with the regime in Mexico City.

Years pass and the problem has gotten worse. In fact, the situation has transformed into one where the laws of the United States had to be modified to accommodate the new realities and avoid a potentially explosive social problem from rearing its head. One such move was the repeal of Amendment 14 of the Constitution whereby everyone born in the United States was automatically considered a US citizen. The repeal of this amendment was done because while the older Mexicans were dying off, the younger ones were reaching adulthood, were marrying and were having children of their own, born on American soil. But deprived of American citizenship and unable to obtain Mexican papers, these people now make up a generation that is stateless yet calls itself Mexicans of the diaspora. To live in dignity, they set up businesses in the refugee camps to give themselves and each other jobs, and they run an economy that is modest but one that helps them raise their standard of living which is something they prefer to do rather than rely solely on the handouts distributed by the United Nations and the other relief organizations.

In the meantime, the American legislators refuse to make laws that will absorb these people into the American society for fear of the social consequences and to avoid erasing the responsibilities of the regime in Mexico City which the Americans say must be held accountable for the crimes it has committed and those it continues to commit without respite. On the other hand, the regime repeatedly calls on the American nation to absorb the refugees thus solve the problem once and for all. The regime makes these calls while at the same time making matters worse by continuing to render life miserable for the remaining Mexicans in the country. Worse, the regime does what it does in the style of the in-your-face gesture which it throws at the whole world like a deliberately provocative affront that defies logic - when you think of it - because it makes no sense to behave like this under the rules of civilized conduct or even the rules of uncivilized conduct for that matter.

As for the American military, it has tried halfheartedly to resolve the matter with force on several occasions but was unable to convince the regime in Mexico City to change its ways. The only option available to it at this point is to launch an all out massive attack that will most certainly result in wiping out a good part of Mexico where the population is now largely made of ethnic Chinese. These people first came into Mexico in stealth; they massacred and looted the Mexican population, took up residence and multiplied. They did so by breeding and by taking in ethnic Chinese immigrants and only ethnic Chinese. Eventually, the current regime was set up and was gradually fortified with the backing it received from the Chinese government. It turned Mexico into a hellhole for the remaining Mexicans who started fleeing the country. Given this fait accompli, a large American assault on Mexico would most likely trigger an all out war with the government of China which now runs the largest economy in the world and has military bases and naval fleets all over the planet. And a war with China is what the Americans want to avoid.

This, my dear reader, is not an exact analogy of the situation in the Middle East but a close approximation of what happened when the Jews came in stealth, massacred and looted the Palestinian population that had been living there since the beginning of time. They took up residence and multiplied by breeding and by taking in Jewish immigrants and only Jewish immigrants. They renamed the place Israel where a new regime was installed and was fortified with the backing it received from foreign governments. The regime in Israel turned the place into a hellhole for the remaining Palestinians who fled to the neighboring countries. It did what it did and continues to do it in the style of the in-your-face gesture which it throws at the whole world like a deliberately provocative affront that defies logic because it makes no sense - when you think of it - to behave like this under the rules of civilized conduct or even the rules of uncivilized conduct for that matter. But given this fait accompli, an all out massive assault on Israel is likely to trigger a confrontation with the foreign powers that back Israel, something the neighbors of that entity want to avoid.

The reason why I set up this near-analogy is because I want to discuss an article written by Danny Ayalon who is currently the deputy minister of foreign affairs in Israel. He wrote the article under the title: “The Flotilla Farce” which was published in the Wall Street Journal on July 29, 2010. He introduces the article by describing a confrontation that took place in Lebanon between the Lebanese army and a few armed Palestinians living in a refugee camp there. At first, Ayalon does not say what it is he is describing but he deliberately exaggerates the responses of the army to give the impression that he is describing a confrontation between the Israeli army - which always responds with biblical savagery - and the Palestinians. These latter confrontations are those that occur almost on a daily basis in Gaza and the West Bank between an Israeli military that comes in with tanks and armored carriers to battle a Palestinian civilian population that would be lucky to find a stone to throw at the tanks. But after his introduction, Ayalon surprises you by saying that the confrontation he is describing did not take place between the Israelis and the Palestinians but took place - this one time - between the Lebanese army and the Palestinians who were forced to live in the diaspora when the Jews massacred many of them and looted their homes in Palestine.

In the article, Ayalon goes on to discuss the flotilla that was to bring humanitarian supplies to Gaza by calling it a dishonest and hypocritical exercise. And why is that? Well, let's hear him say why: “There are currently 100 armed conflicts and dozens of territorial disputes around the world. There have been millions of people killed and hundreds of millions live in abject poverty without access to basic staples. And yet hundreds of high-minded humanitarian activists are spending millions of dollars to reach Gaza...” Danny Ayalon is here exhibiting a mentality that has come to be called the Alan Dershowitz doctrine. It says basically that anything horrible done to someone in the past or in the present by someone else or by circumstances gives Israel the right to do the same thing to the Palestinians. At least this is how the doctrine was originally formulated some three decades ago but it has evolved by successive Israeli precedents to now mean that Israel can inflict the horror on anyone who happens to be unarmed and incapable of defending themselves, be they in Palestine or in Lebanon or they are Turks, Irish or Americans sailing the high seas. The modified doctrine also says that Israel can inflict not just an equal amount of pain but hundred of times as much pain as any devil can inflict. And Israel can do so as long as America will keep supplying it with money and weapons and will keep protecting it from condemnation in World forums with that dastard American veto of shame and dishonor.

Actually when Ayalon earlier mentioned the high-minded activists that were trying to help the Palestinians, he tried to discredit them by saying they were spending millions of dollars to reach Gaza to do something bad which according to him is this: “...hand money to Hamas that will never reach the innocent civilians of Gaza.” This is a euphemism to mean that the leaders will do one or more of the following things: (a) send the money outside of Gaza into secret bank accounts for their later use, (b) they will use the money to buy property in Gaza and gate it to keep the civilians out, (c) they will use the money to import luxury goods for their personal enjoyment and (d) they will use the money to buy weapons to continue the struggle against the collective punishment inflicted by Israel on the Palestinian civilian population, a crime against humanity that is the hallmark of Israel's establishment and continued existence. But then like every so-called great Jewish intellectual, Danny Ayalon does it to himself because, in trying to have it both ways, he contradicts himself - and brutally so. This is how this poor idiot puts it:

“This is the same Gaza that just opened a sparkling new shopping mall that would not look out of place in any capital in Europe. Gaza, where a new Olympic-sized swimming pool was recently inaugurated and five-star hotels and restaurants offer luxurious fare … Markets brimming with all manner of foods dot the landscape of Gaza, where Lauren Booth, journalist and human rights activist, was pictured buying chocolate and luxurious items from a well-stocked supermarket … No one claims that the situation in Gaza is perfect." Of course, you would not expect that a Jewish intellectual, however capable he may be, to venture explaining how it is that so much gets built in Gaza when the money is kept from the civilian population and used for other purposes.

Which brings us to this very serious consideration. I do not know what led the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele to conclude that the Jews are an inferior race when it is obvious they are neither of one race nor of one religion. But something happened decades ago that prompted me to probe a similar sort of question. It all began when the respected CBS commentator Eric Sevareid took up the subject of the mafia one evening and made the point that crime seems to have become a part of the gene pool of the mafia families given the intensity of their criminal culture and their habit of inbreeding. Taking the idea further and combining it with what I knew was the ability of the brain to make the glands secrete chemicals, I wondered if this could not cause a modification of the genetic code in a fashion we now know is possible and call gene therapy. If this is so, could it be that the intense Jewish cultural trait to always want to have it both ways has made it possible to override the genetic instructions of the Jews and has crippled their ability to formulate a simple thought that is not contradictory? Could this be the reason why almost every article written by a Jew looks like a cesspool of contradictions? Do the writings of Danny Ayalon and all those like him who get published in the Wall Street Journal prove that Josef Mengele and Eric Sevareid were onto something?

Whatever the answers may be to those questions, there is a saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln to the effect that you can fool some people all the time; you can fool all the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time, a saying that should apply to the success that the Jewish organizations have had so far in America but hopefully not for much longer. The people of these organizations made amazing progress despite their inability to put a simple thought together without sounding like a child just learning to think. They managed to make all that progress using the trick of calling every opposition to themselves and to Israel an act of antisemitism thus have silenced their critics more effectively than Stalin, Hitler Mussolini and all the dictators before them and after them put together could ever hope to do. And they were able to capitalize on the pain suffered by people unrelated to them in a country they never set foot at a time when not one of them was yet born. As a result, they received money to compensate them for the pain of others, power to compensate them for the helplessness of others, respect to compensate them for the humiliation of others and, like a child that is spoiled by its parents, they managed to control the American seats of political, financial and military powers turning them into something like toilet seats to which they alone hold the keys. All of which has transformed America in less than a generation from the status of a superpower to that of a sick and laughable little joke. The view now is that all the fooling that can be done has been done, and the expectation is that this delirious situation will come to an end sooner or later. Cross your fingers and keep them crossed until that happens.

In the meantime you must know that a child is a child and you don't blame it for doing what comes naturally to a child however difficult this one may be. You blame the parents because they are the ones who would have failed to properly raise the child in question. You blame them for being unwilling or unable to carry out their duties and for denying that there was a problem in the first place. This sort of thing has been going on for too long in America despite the fact that everywhere in the world, people are disgusted by the pornographic sight of the American institutions being treated like the private toilet bowls and the private urinals of the Jewish activists who hold the key to the Executive toilet, the Legislative toilet and the Military toilet of America.

Furthermore, the people of the world are sickened by the sight of puppets representing the American government being sent around the world attached to a Jewish string for the purpose of spreading the message that all nations must let their people express themselves freely and without fear. And the puppets do so with a straight face and without a hint of shame at a time when the American Constitution is treated like a Jewish toilet paper when invoked to defend the right of the American people who wish to express themselves freely and without fear. Instead, these Americans are blacklisted and destroyed personally and professionally by that thing which calls itself Anti-Defamation League but is, in reality, the murderous execution arm of the worldwide terror organization calling itself World Jewish Congress.

The behavior of the American government in teaming up with the Jewish organizations to silence internal American opposition to Jewish and Israeli matters while running around the world to threaten everyone they falsely accuse of depriving their people from speaking freely, point to a government that is afflicted with a severe bout of criminal insanity and that is out of control. The world is now demanding that this nauseating situation come to an end here and now because the stink it gives off is beginning to smell like the spray of a sick skunk, and it is becoming too unbearable. It is affecting a world that is saying loudly and clearly: enough is enough America; we've had it up to here with you and your Jewish masters.

Cross your fingers, dear reader; it may work. If and when it does and America comes to its senses, Israel will stop behaving like a skunk in the garden of the Middle East, and there will be no need for the Danny Ayalons of this world to show us how handicapped Jewish intellectuals have become by the culture that is gripping them. They may even get cured by some miracle and we'll all be better off for it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

From Eureka To The Final Product

It is well established, and the notion is universally accepted that new inventions such as the car, the refrigerator and the television broadcast have had a substantive impact on the economies of nations like it happened to the American economy in the first part of the Twentieth Century when the country grew to the status of an industrial powerhouse. On the other hand, it is also undeniable that to worship innovation as an end in itself in the belief that to do so will rejuvenate a moribund economy will instead turn the exercise into a farce such as happened to the Japanese economy in the latter part of the same Century when that economy was supposed to produce a “new invention every day” but produced gizmos of little interest and stagnated for a decade. It is obvious, therefore, that a divide exists between the necessity to innovate and the chance that the pursuit may turn detrimental. Thus, a closer look at the subject is called for where all matters need to be parsed and examined as closely as possible.

The problem is that when we engage in a debate of this nature, the question as to what an innovation is worth intrudes into the discussion and confuses the debate. To clarify the problem as much as I can I shall recount an incident that happened to me once. I used to own a small school that had a cafeteria which I and the teachers shared with the students. I entered the cafeteria one day to get a coffee while two groups of students were having a heated discussion. One group was saying that some of the music put out these days was bad music not worth listening to, and the other group was saying that all music is good music; you just have to get used to it. Upon seeing me, the students asked that I settle the argument for them. This happened at a time when I was working 18 hours a day 7 days a week and had no time to listen to music or be exposed to anything that was not math formulas or electronic circuits which required that I be entirely immersed in them in total silence. Also, I lived at a 5 minutes walk from the school thus had no opportunity to drive a car where I could have listened to music on the radio. Consequently, I was the person least qualified to tackle that subject but for some reason became tongue-tied and did not excuse myself from accepting the task of moderating the discussion. And so I took up the challenge having no idea what I was supposed to do.

Luckily, the students defined the task for me. The group that was saying all music was good music wanted me to confirm that some of the music created in past centuries was considered bad music but then became mainstream even went on to become great classical pieces. The other group wanted me to confirm that some of the music created while I was growing up must have been bad music, and that we do not listen to it today or talk about it because no one would spend money to buy it or waste their time listening to it. Seeing how serious the two groups were and not wanting to disappoint them by admitting I had no interest in what they were talking about, I took my time to pull a chair, sit down, pour sugar in the coffee and slowly stir it while thinking how I was going to get out of my predicament. Furthermore, I did not want to favor one side over the other because I knew that if I did this, I will never be rid of the losing side which will forever try to convince me I must change my mind and tell it to the other side. And so, while I was doing my deep thinking, the students were deep in believing that I was weighing the two sides of their argument, and they looked delighted that I was taking them seriously. But I needed an answer in a hurry and was surprised by the luck that visited me at that moment. It is that a flash heralding the birth of a brilliant idea lit up the inner sanctum of my brain where the students could not see the tumult that was taking place there. The flash was truly a eureka moment and a triumph for the adage that says: Necessity is the mother of invention.

Now came the time to transmit my discovery to the students which I did with relief and delight. I told them that in past centuries as well as during the decades when I was growing up, music along with other works of art and technological inventions were created by all sorts of people. What was good from among these works withstood the test of time and survived to enchant future generations including theirs and mine. In the meantime, the works that had little or no merit were relegated to the bins of oblivion. I went on to say that likewise, some of the music, the works of art and the inventions created today will withstand the test of time and may become the classics of tomorrow while the rest will be forgotten. As always, it is the public at large that will determine what should survive and what must be forgotten. And they, who are students today, will tomorrow be in a position of great influence and they will share in the making of those decisions thus help to shape the culture that they and their descendants will live in. For this reason they should be honest with themselves and express their true opinion about the worth of something, not be influenced by what someone else says. I then added a caveat to be on the side of caution. I said that there have been instances when artists and inventors were ahead of their time; these were people who created works that were not appreciated while they lived but gained wide recognition after their death. I went on to explain that these were rare occasions that must not be used to make sweeping statements such as to say all music is good music or that all technology is bad technology. To my relief the students expressed acceptance of this rendition and I was rid of my predicament at long last.

Even though I whipped up that lecture on the spot to respond to a momentary need, it got me thinking about the creative process because my response was an act of creation that came about spontaneously. The first observation I must make, therefore, is that the most authentic of the creative acts are those that happen spontaneously. They come about during moments when inside the deepest part of the brain a number of elements are energized for a reason I do not always understand, and they fuse together through a process I cannot explain. But like the fusion of atoms, they give off an explosive brilliance of light and energy that forever shine in the works that they create, be that a piece of art, a theory that deciphers a secret of nature or a useful product. Each of these moments would be a eureka moment that may or may not equal the discovery of Archimedes but should be filed under the same category nonetheless.

All this is fine, you might say, but what about the acts of creation that do not rely on spontaneity for them to happen but are meticulously engineered and consciously put together one small piece at a time? Before I answer this question I must hypothesize that there is a spectrum of ideas with two extremes between which all creations can be classified. At one end of the spectrum sit the spontaneously created acts such as the eureka moments described above. At the other end sit the Research and Development (R&D) such as the engineering works that are done in industry all the time. And in the space between the two extremes sit an array of works that are part scientific discovery and part engineering development.

This is getting so complicated we might as well pause for a moment and ask if this is not just an exercise in sophistry. Can all this be an elegant intellectual engagement for which there is no practical use? To answer the question we first recognize that the modern world runs on ideas and this is why a great deal of funding is made available by government and by private enterprise supposedly to go to the people who come up with new ideas. However, it is hard enough, as pointed out already, to evaluate the ideas after they have been formulated; and you can imagine how much harder it is to evaluate them before they have been formulated. This tells us that the people who are in charge of deciding who has priority and who gets what level of funding need a reliable method by which to evaluate ideas before much effort or any money have been put into them. Thus, having a spectrum of ideas as described should go some distance toward helping the decision makers see where things stand. That is why this discussion is far from being an idle engagement in sophistry. In fact, being a tool whose use can make the difference between the practice of good governance and that of bad governance, a codified version of the spectrum should be included in every course on governance. This is just my humble opinion.

And so when it comes to putting down a comprehensive strategy to develop or rejuvenate a nation that has fallen on hard times, the first thing you must be aware of is that you cannot evoke eureka moments with incentives or with predetermined rewards. A eureka moment is something that happens spontaneously when it is least expected. Its advent is sometimes triggered by a deeply seated need to find a way out of a predicament but the act itself is its own reward and does not respond to an external stimulus or anticipate an external reward. Thus, to dedicate funds for the purpose of encouraging the conception of eureka moments is to show a lack of understanding as to how the creative process works; it is a waste of the funds. What you must do instead is wait for the baby to come about by spontaneous birth then reward the parent with what you deem to be adequate at the time. And while you're at it, you must guard against the tendency to view what is created spontaneously as being something cheap. Too many people subscribe to this idea, and this is why the creators of eureka moments are often robbed of their ideas. If anything, the government must do all it can in terms of legislation to protect the creators of ideas, not only the end users of intellectual property who might have acquired the thing cheaply or might have stolen it.

We now look at the other end of the spectrum, the end where there is more painstaking development and less spontaneity. Here we see that big engineering projects are necessary for the proper development of a country. Consequently, where the science already exists and where most of the technology to realize the coveted project is here, the government or big business or both can step in and fund such a project without further ado. Whether it is the building of a network of highways destined to crisscross the country or it is the sending of a man to the moon, what will be required from the technical point of view are several things taking place at the same time. A group of systems will be assembled while another group will be developed and still another group will be researched. When everything is ready, all systems will be put together and made to work as a single unit. At first, the unit may not work as well as hoped for but when the bugs are ironed out the performance will improve. As for the evaluation of the project, this will be determined by its practical use and the political dividend it will yield. This is when we'll know if the exercise was worth it.

Having a way to deal with the two ends of the spectrum, we need a way to deal with everything that may fall between the two extremes. These would be products or concepts such as an electric car, a windmill or a digital broadcast that are part eureka moment and part R&D where the R can vary from being minimal to being maximal. To tackle this point intelligently, we first need to better define that R. Unlike the eureka moment where a discovery happens spontaneously, research relies on a prescribed method to arrive at the correct result. For example, logic tells you that to work well, the blade of a windmill must be twisted to a certain angle. You know that a small angle will not be enough but a large angle will be too much. And so, as a research engineer, you set out to find the angle that will yield the best performance. You do this by varying the angle progressively and measuring the resulting torque. You do several tests and draw up a chart to represent the accumulated results. But while conducting these tests, you discover something new. You discover that the chart is good for only one steady speed of the wind. When the wind speed changes, the performance of the blade changes and the chart is no longer valid. This says you must now make a family of charts for a series of wind speeds each of which will be a small increment above the other. And since you cannot rely on nature to give you the right wind speed when you need it, you construct a wind tunnel to generate the speeds that you must have when you must have them. You see, therefore, that what started out as a simple exercise has mushroomed into a big and expensive one. This is what is meant by doing research; the R in R&D. It is a process of meticulously chosen steps that go hand in hand with development. The process is based on a series of small eureka moments that tell the research engineer how to proceed with the development every step of the way especially when the unexpected pops up and demands attention such as the discovery that when the wind speed changes the angle of the blade is no longer the correct one.

Now step back ten or fifteen years when the windmills were in their infancy and little was known about their performance. Imagine yourself having to decide how much the nation should support the future generation of electricity by windmills, and how much money you should allocate to back the associated projects. How would you have proceeded to make such a decision? Well, most of the large companies that build expensive equipments (for example those in the field of transportation, those used in hospitals and those destined for space exploration) make this kind of decisions all the time. What the companies do is begin by funding some tests then go on to fund a prototype then go on to fund the final product. That is, they take a small risk with the expenses at first, and the more the project meets with success the more they increase the level of funding. But if no success is shown, the people who make the decision do not fall in love with the project; they junk it in no time at all and get behind another project.

What this shows is that there is a well established procedure and no problem, right? No, not quite. The fact is that a problem does exist and it can sometimes become a serious one. What happens is that to get the government to fund something you must go through a bureaucratic procedure which, unlike the technical procedure, is a veritable nightmare. And this is where things usually go wrong as they get hung up on the question as to what an innovation is worth now or will be in the future when it has not yet been formulated. In the melee, good ideas end up being rejected because while they are presented by people who have the right technical skills, these people would not have mastered the language of the bureaucracy. At the same time, bad ideas end up being subsidized because while they are presented by people who have the wrong technical skills, these people would have mastered the language of the bureaucracy. As a result, the good ideas get stolen, maybe even get shipped out of the country, and the bad ideas go onto the list of those eligible for subsidy. And they remain there for ever and ever.

I do not know how to solve this last problem so I leave it to others to take up the debate from this point forward.