Saturday, November 20, 2010

America Crucified By The Hubris Of Israel

Political science was turned upside down when China demonstrated that the twain can meet and do well together. China did this when it combined a political system that is based on authoritarian principles with an economic system that is based on capitalism. For a long time we were told that empirical observation reveals that the political and economic systems of a nation are so intertwined, the choice of a political system inevitably leads to the adoption of an economic system that matches it. Consequently, it was thought that the communist nations of the world had no choice but to adopt the centrally planned system of economics they were following whereas the democratic nations were naturally disposed to adopt the capitalist system of economics they were following.

In addition, it was explained that because central planning was inefficient by its nature, it was the albatross around the neck of the communist countries which made them poor and will keep them in that state for ever. It was further explained that the capitalist system being efficient, the democratic nations were wealthy and were going to remain healthy. But these ideas were blown out of the water when the Chinese devised a system that brought the odd couple to live together in a seemingly harmonious coexistence like the Yin and the Yang in Chinese philosophy. And so the oddity is now here for all to see, mainly that authoritarian politics is happily married to capitalist economics. But a few things remain without explanation, one of them being why some countries seem to carry the cross of their crucifixion on their shoulder.

Considering that Political Science as we knew it was shattered and left in pieces to remind us of our failure to understand ourselves, how are we to make sense of what happens around us? The answer is that we need to begin from the beginning and construct a new discipline of political and economic knowledge with the proviso that we not call it science because it is never as accurate as science, a lesson that was drummed into our heads by the previous experience. So then, let us begin the study in a modest and tentative way by taking two countries in the hot spot that is the Middle East and see what they may reveal about the way we respond to events that are political in nature or economic or both. On the one hand there is Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations on Earth now adapting to a new world as it has done continually over its history of seven thousand years. On the other hand there is Israel, an idea whose followers were rejected by every culture everywhere on the planet for all the time that those followers have tried to inject themselves into the parade of someone else, to hijack it and to make it their own.

What may be noted with regard to the Egyptian situation is a report that was recently issued by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, better known as the OECD. The report tries to reestablish the intimate connection that was thought to exist between politics and economics. It then concludes with the recommendation that the country adopt a more democratic form of governance to improve on its already stellar economic performance. Well, setting aside the now discredited grounds upon which the premise of the recommendation was made, it is useful to be reminded that democracy is a system of governance that the people of Egypt have lived under from time to time and have discussed among themselves all the time. This is something I remember clearly because I lived in Egypt in the Nineteen Fifties and Sixties as a teenager and was taught the civics part of the subject in school. In fact, the question was never whether or not there should be an opening of the system; the question was how gradually the opening should happen and when it should begin. I wrote a few dissertations on the subject and got good grades.

Yes, long before the late Anwar Sadat had adopted the policy of “infitah” which in Arabic means “opening”, there were periods during which more or less democratic approaches to economics and/or politics were followed in Egypt. From the success or failure of those approaches, lessons were drawn and principles were implemented when calm dominated the region or they were shelved when turmoil was rocking the region. It was explained that shelving the democratic principles temporarily given the circumstances was necessary because the leaders needed to be free from the constraints of the political system to remain nimble and be able to respond rapidly to the turbulent times. I know these things because my father was in business at a time when uncertainty was gripping the business community. Some people were unhappy with what was happening but most people understood the reason why tough decisions had to be taken. The essential feature of the setup, however, was that during the turmoil Egypt remained in charge of its destiny the way it always has. Now, given that Egypt has survived as a nation since the beginning of history, the lesson to be drawn from its history is that the people of Egypt will adopt whatever measure will suit them at any given time without regard as to which ideology a particular measure belongs and without regard as to what the OECD or anyone else may think.

As for the artificial concoction that is called Israel, this is a place whose real name is Palestine. It is still populated by a minority of Palestinians but is now mostly populated by a diverse mixture of intruders, loafers and adventurers who came from everywhere on the planet having only one thing in common to tie them together. They all believe not in the modern fantasy that they are the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian King or Queen but in the ancient fantasy that they are the chosen children of a God that took them out of Egypt, promised them the land of Palestine and ordered them to go loot the place. As such these people have repeatedly made the claim that the world owes them something but the world has always rejected the claim. When they pushed beyond the limit of endurance while demanding that they be given what belongs to someone else, the people most affected by their antics responded with violence. After several episodes of this kind happening in Europe, the sneaky Britons of the Nineteenth Century came up with what was to them a perfect solution; they decided to dump all those who call themselves Jews into Palestine thus rid Britain if not all of Europe of the Jewish menace. In the meantime, someone called Hitler could not wait for the British perfect solution to take hold and he opted for the implementation of his own Final Solution. He started to implement the plan but did not have the time to finish it, the consequence being that he hastened the invasion of Palestine by hordes of Jewish terrorists who came armed to their teeth, murdered the unarmed people of Palestine, took everything that had been Palestinian since the beginning of time and called that a gift from God to them.

The situation being as horrendously absurd as it is asinine, the leaders of the movement that is called Zionism which itself is sustained by the organizations that call themselves Jewish, needed to have the backing of a powerful nation to protect, nurture and safeguard their pet project, the concoction they call the state of Israel. After calling on a few candidates who in the end refused to play by the Zionist rules, the Jewish leaders settled on the docile Americans who have a system of governance that some people call ingenious. In reality, the system has a mechanism built into it that is meant to create and maintain political gridlock which is what those people regard as ingenious. Like it or not, the mechanism may have faithfully served the situation as it existed when the framers of the system devised it nearly two and a half centuries ago but gridlock is now used by the Jewish organizations to paralyze America while they gut the country financially, militarily and politically to support Israel to the hilt and boost its glory to the stratosphere. The net result has been that in a very short period of time, America was transformed from the glorious superpower that it was to the inglorious joke that it is because what Israel gained was cannibalized from America. What follows tells of one way how this was made possible.

It used to be that every time Israel did something dumb and the world waved a finger to imply criticism and warn that such behavior was unacceptable, the Israelis and their friends in America said the criticism and the warning were meant to embarrass Israel and nothing more. This was the smart aleck remark they utilized time after time to deflect the criticism and dilute the effect of the warning. The ruse worked on no one but the naïve Americans who were then and still are prepared to give the Israelis and their friends the benefit of the doubt. We can now see the vestiges of this legacy each time that America responds with apparent admiration to a smart aleck remark made by an Israeli, the most recent being the one uttered by Netanyahu and went like this: Jerusalem is not a settlement; it is the capital of Israel. Had the Americans been treating the Israelis the way the rest of the world treated them, the Americans would have responded like this: No. Jerusalem is not a settlement and neither is it the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is a Palestinian city and you have been robbing it for too long already using American power, prestige, good name, veto, weapons, money and political backing. It is high time that you get out of there and do so immediately or we shall sever the umbilical cord that connects you to us and keeps you in a constant state of belligerence. Had the Americans responded in this fashion, they would be free by now to pursue their own interests instead of being mired in a never ending phony argument with Netanyahu of Israel and his clique of bloodsuckers.

But this was not how America responded. On the contrary, America has accepted to give to Israel more than the store containing American and Palestinian blood to feast on. Get this now; America did this in return for an Israeli promise to postpone for ninety days the further robbing of Palestinian lands. In fact, America has promised to defend the future actions of Israel no matter how outrageous they may be, to use the American veto to deflect any and every criticism that will be leveled against Israel and to defeat any resolution that may be passed in the Security Council to punish the evil entity. This is the sort of exchange that has often been equated with the proverbial Jew who promises to suspend for a short period of time his rape of the little girl next door in exchange for America's soul, its heart and mind; for its kidney and the content of its bowels to boot. And to be sure, Israel's promise is an empty one because Israel made many such promises in the past and kept exactly none of them. Thus, we see that once again, America has accepted to carry on its shoulder like a cross all the sins and the criminal acts that Israel intends to commit in the future. Indeed, America was crucified in the past for doing just that; and America has again offered itself to be crucified for the sins that the Jew will want to commit in the future. Anyway you look at it, the little fart that is Israel has turned giant America into a pathetic failed state in a political sense on its way to failing economically as well.

If there is a lesson to be drawn here, it is not that politics is affecting economics or the other way around but that the Jewish organizations are affecting both the politics and the economics of America, and by extension affecting the rest of the world given the current weight of America in world affairs. Indeed, everywhere you look on this planet and every moment of history you care to study – before or after liberal democracy and capitalism were invented and cobbled together -- you will find that the political and/or economic success of a nation have depended on the people that ruled the land. And given that the Jewish organizations have infiltrated every aspect of American life and taken full control, it is they more than anyone or anything else that now fashion the fate of the American people and determine what becomes of them on a daily basis.

The Jewish organizations have begun the process of remodeling the look of America, a reality that is here for all to see because what used to be done in more subtle ways is now done with Yiddish chutzpah and in-your-face. From the days long ago when the late senator Jacob Javits first declared that America will perish if Israel were allowed to be defeated, to the declaration made by Eric Cantor only recently to the effect that he is with Israel and Netanyahu against America and its President, the looks of treason has changed a little but the content has become infinitely more deadly. Eric Cantor who is a member of the US Congress of treasonous prostitutes now has the task of recruiting murderous hands that would betray their country in the open for the glory of Israel and what small crumbs will be thrown their way as payment for their heinous acts.

It will be a long time before we can digest all this information and construct a new discipline of political and economic knowledge that can be used to explain what is happening in the world and tell us how to manage our daily lives. In the meantime, all we can hope for is that the activities of the Jewish organizations will not prompt a Hitler-like character to rise in America and seek to finish the job that the first Hitler began.

A holocaust is a messy thing to have and we can avoid it by waking the Jews to the fact that their self-appointed leaders are sliding them on the slippery slope that leads to the dreaded abyss.