Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Enough Time-outs, It's Now Time-up

The serial rapists of the last two millennia are hot again and they are recidivating like there is no tomorrow. While asking the American Administration to call for time out in the matter of its involvement in the Middle East peace process, the Israelis are tearing down more structures in occupied Palestine to build homes for themselves and their followers. And so the time has come to talk not to the Israelis anymore but to the Americans who are their enablers and have been for a number of years. These are the Americans whose country has made it possible for the Israelis to inflict the horrors they are inflicting on the people of Palestine and inflicting on the sensibilities of every human being.

It is time for the White House in Washington to tell the madmen who rule in Israel and tell their cohorts in America -- be they Jewish or gentile -- that time is up for the little twit that has managed to bring the American superpower to its knees. Ever since America contributed to bring Israel into existence, the latter has misbehaved in such a way as to accomplish two things simultaneously; it hurt America badly while promoting its own interests. Yet, Israel's handlers have always managed to make it look like they were only hurting third parties, not hurting America. This done, they shamelessly argued that, as a consequence of their activities, they and Israel are making life better for the American people. In fact, the Israelis and their cohorts turned the thing upside down when they threw away the notion that America's well being was part and parcel of a healthy human existence and replaced it with the false notion that America's well-being depended on the misery of others. And because in their twisted minds this was a good enough reason to make life miserable for others, they mobilized America's powers and used them to make life miserable for their chosen enemies of the day. But instead of making life better for the American people as promised, the activities of Israel and her friends resulted in making life miserable for the American people too. But by that time, no one was checking the facts or checking to see if the promises were being fulfilled -- and things kept on going from bad to worse.

Study the following example, my friend, and you will get an idea how the Israelis and their cohorts pulled off their demonic tricks one after the other without someone opposing them. When they started building settlements in the Palestinian territories, they made it look like it was something innocuous if not something admirable to do. To this end they argued that what is being erected today can be taken down when the circumstances will allow it thus gave the impression that the measure was an interim one. They went on to explain that in the meantime, people need to live somewhere, so why not live on this part of the Palestinian lands as if they were respectfully asking to be considered temporary guests. And they finished their dishonest presentation by saying that this would be a merited defeat for the notion that says there are places in the world where Jews are not allowed to live, the usual bellyache to which they hark back to throw sand in your eyes. Well, if a notion like this ever existed, it had nothing to do with the Palestinian people whose land and properties are being looted by force of arms at the hands of Jews and no one else. If anything, the events that have accompanied such criminal activities and the events that are unfolding today demonstrate that far from believing they were going to take down the buildings they were erecting on stolen lands, the Israelis and their cohorts who bankroll the construction projects had a well developed and hidden agenda all along to which they still cling tooth and nail. It is an agenda to steal and keep on stealing till someone forces them to stop; and they do this knowing full well that America their enabler will keep on enabling them instead of stopping them. This was and still is a well articulated policy that does not allow daylight to show between the twit and the superpower. In the absence of such daylight, the princes of darkness have always set the tone in the relationship between the two, and have orchestrated their activities in such a way that the world has come to recognize them as the most dangerous set of events to be inflicted on the human race since the beginning of time.

But how did they get away with a behavior this repugnant without triggering a worldwide general revolt? Well, to make an outrageous argument look innocuous and get away with it, you need to snuff out any possible opposition to it before you even begin the argument. The big secret in the hand of the Israelis and their cohorts in this regard has been to convince the cultural and political barons of America that to oppose anything Jewish or anything Israeli was to display anti-Semitic sentiments. Thus, for nearly half a century, anyone that tried to speak in opposition to the Jewish-Israeli arguments was mugged by the barons of American politics and culture who thought they were siding with the angels when, in fact, they were siding with demons wearing fake angel wings. The end result has been that the opposition was blacklisted and thoroughly silenced while the Jews were given the field all to themselves where they put forward both the argument and the counter-argument to every topic. They also had the privilege of appraising their own works and so they judged themselves to be light years above the excellent. Finally, they rewarded themselves and each other with honors so high that the Universe had to be expanded to accommodate them and their pumped up egos. But in reality, these people were only getting away with nonsense as shown in the examples that follow. These are but two of the myriad of examples I have discussed in detail throughout this website.

First example: In one paragraph they would write that the Arabs are bad because they spend the oil money on themselves and not on their people. In the next paragraph they would write that the Arabs are bad because they spend the oil money pampering their people. Second example: In one paragraph, they would write that the Arabs are bad because they do not build homes for their people. In the next paragraph they would write that the Arabs are bad because they build entire cities for their people. Multiply these examples of mutilated logic by a million – which is how many times the Jewish writers and their echo-repeaters have puked toxic nonsense from both sides of the mouth simultaneously – and you will get an idea as to the intellectual catastrophe that was inflicted on the North American Continent and by extension, the English speaking world. In fact, things have become so bad that there is serious doubt now as to whether or not there is a single Jewish writer out there that can write a single paragraph without contradicting himself or herself at least once. And if the Jews cannot pass this test -- having usurped the privilege of free expression and having kept it for themselves while shutting out everyone else -- no one can pass it either. And neither can the people who are supposed to run the American ship of state. How sad! In fact, this is an all around cultural horror whose implication is being felt in the deterioration of the public discourse that is in evidence in the English speaking world today. The Israelis and their cohorts have, for all practical purposes, killed Shakespeare's language of intelligent discourse and have buried it in the graveyard of the Yiddish assault on reason. What a crime!

As far as I know, Sandy Berger was the first American high official to spell out in detail the Israeli-Judeo-American plan to turn America into Israel's beast of burden and do for Israel what no other jackass would want to do. Berger was the National Security Adviser under President Bill Clinton, and he basically said that whatever the cost to the American people, America must give Israel all that it seeks in terms of weapons, money, political backing, diplomatic protection and so on yet never tell it how to behave because in the end, the peace will have to be negotiated between the Israelis and the Palestinians with no American interference. But what about the right to fair play when it comes to the Palestinians? Well, these people must be kept unarmed, impoverished, under siege and constantly under Israeli terror so as to force them to accept Israel's dictates, period. Expressed in one form or another, this has been the standard response given by the Israelis to a simple question regarding equal treatment between them and the Palestinians. And so, when I saw this kind of horror being expressed this freely, I called Sandy Berger the number one American terrorist on the planet. As if to prove my point, he ordered the destruction by cruise missile of a factory making baby formula in Sudan for no reason except to show that as a Jew he can murder all he wants and get away with it. However, the man was later caught stealing secret documents he tried to stuff into his pants, a trick he devised perhaps to insinuate that he was mentally unstable thus eligible to be forgiven for the murders he committed and those he encouraged Israel to commit. I do not know if anyone forgave him but I know he was never punished for his evil deeds.

What Sandy Berger did then was to call for time out to give Israel the breathing space it needed to entrench its position and come back with new tricks. And it is to repeat this history that the Jewish organizations are now calling for time out to give the Israelis the breathing space they need to come up with new tricks and put the American beast of burden to work for them again while they continue to slash and burn Palestine, and to build on its ashes the “Greater Israel” of their sickly fantasies. And this is where the American Administration ought to be saying that no, this is not a time-out for Israel but that time is up for that thing. America has decided to exit the business of being Israel's accomplice in its campaign of terror, murder and mayhem against the people of Palestine. Israel's time is up and if the pimps and prostitutes, the madams and gigolos of the American Congress want to challenge this notion, they will be countered by the President of the United States who will make a public appeal during which he will ask the low life traitors to work for America not sell America to feed the never ending appetite of the Israelis and their bloodsucking cohorts in America. In the meantime, America is withholding all aid to Israel and is withdrawing all guarantees to loans taken out by Israel. Furthermore, America will treat Israel in world forums such as the UN Security Council like the murderous little twit that it is. There will be no more a VETO to shield Israel from the consequences of its crimes. Only then can America consider leaving it up to the Palestinians and the Israelis to negotiate a peace treaty between them given that the playing field will have been more reasonably leveled though not completely so.

The charade is over because America is sick of itself pointing a finger at everyone else when each of its own fingers is dripping with the blood of the innocent that it killed to please Israel, and dripping with the blood of those that were killed by Israel using American weapons. In short, the American beast of burden is now morally and materially on its knees and there is no one out there who will come to the rescue if and when the last straw will break its back. If anything, there will be someone calling himself a Jew who will crouch by the dying body of America and lick every drop of blood that comes out of it. Yes, it has been this ghoulish all along, and there is nothing that says things will be different this time unless the parasite that is Israel is neutralized or the host on which the parasite is feeding has been depleted and rendered unable to nourish the parasite.

What a stupid end to the most stupid story of this stupid age!