Monday, April 25, 2011

Neither A Cool Democracy Nor A Hot One

People have become so sophisticated these days you do not find many of them dumb enough to be honest. When it comes to everyday social interactions, you catch them say the right thing at the right time to impress you the right way when in fact they would be communicating a false message. And they manage to impress you enough with this performance that you fail to see they have adopted a self serving posture which they hope will net them something at your expense or the expense of the people close to you. To put things differently, if you are an important person or you run something important, people will wear the social mask that will impress you the most and try to get a free lunch out of you.

Something similar happens at the global level where the word democracy is the operative word that is often used as a mask of deception in international diplomacy. This is a word that people use so lightly now, we can no longer speak of the improper use of the word but speak of the grotesque abuse of the word. Until recently the word democracy referred to a system that was proven effective both in governance and in economics but is now used to refer to situations that are anything but ideal. For this reason the word democracy risks losing its original meaning to be replaced with the definition of its own antonym. In fact, a reversal in the meaning of words happens every once in a while in most languages. For example, the word awful used to mean inspiring awe but now means dreadful. And think of the time when the word hot meant hot, and the word cool meant cool but now the two words are used so interchangeably that hot can mean cool, and cool can mean hot. Thus, the possibility is real that the word democracy will someday come to mean bad governance, bad economics or both. And this is a possibility that is not a cool one to contemplate. But you know what; come to think of it, this awful day may already be here because democracy is very close to become a dirty word if it is not already there.

To see how a situation like this can affect the culture inside of which we live our daily lives, I shall tell you about the experience of democracy as I have lived it during four harrowing decades of my life. However, because the complete story would require several volumes to tell, I shall restrict the discussion to the encounters I had with the people who should have known better but did not. These were the three J's as I call them; and they are the journalists, the Jews and the judges. I shall focus on the story of Ted (not his real name) who is a journalist that did everything right if you judge him by the values with which he grew up, but judge him to be mistaken – albeit innocently so – when you step back and look at the situation from a distance.

I subpoenaed Ted to testify at the trial when I sued a prominent Canadian newspaper that mobilized all the resources it could mobilize to fight me with the intent to ruin my life as this was the wish of the Jewish organizations that saw in me a rising challenge threatening their supremacy. Thus, Ted was my witness in the courtroom and he was there to help me win the case but he was also a loyal employee of the newspaper at the time that the drama was unfolding. In charge of the letters to the editor, he tried to have my letters published but was overruled each time by the successive editors-in-chief who were getting their cues from the Jewish organizations. Knowing that the chances were slim he will be allowed to publish anything with my name on it, Ted tried to help me in other ways, all of which involved introducing me to people that worked at the newspaper. These people were connected to one section or another and had some say as to what gets published. The expectation was that one of them will someday find a way to have something of mine slip unnoticed and be published. And we both thought that if I could achieve a first break in this manner, it would open the door for me to develop an ongoing relationship with the newspaper then go on from there to develop a good relationship with the entire journalistic establishment. In fact, I almost made it with the help of the science editor but something went wrong and the article I had written on the magnetic bubble memory (at the leading edge of scientific research at the time) was pulled out at the last minute and replaced with something else.

But even while trying to help me, Ted still could not understand why I was refusing the parallel offer made to me by the newspaper. This was an offer that came from the editor-in-chief himself and was to the effect that they were prepared to publish anything I wrote as long as it was written in the style of Lubor Zink. Ted was put in charge of telling me about this project, something he repeated several times over the years and something I turned down each and every time without hesitation. So you ask: What was the offer? Well, you'll know what it was when I tell you who Lubor Zink was. He was a journalist that had come to North America from a communist country. He hated communism so much that he could not differentiate between the political system of the regime and the activities that unfolded under it. And so he attacked everything that reeked of Eastern European or Russian influence including the cultural products, the scientific achievement, the system of education and so on of those countries.

In time, Lubor Zink came to symbolize the writers who wrote disparagingly about their own origin be they the Ukrainians who insisted they were neither Russian nor Soviet. Or the Jews who did not like what Israel was doing in the Middle East or what the self appointed leaders of the Jews were doing in North America. Or the Africans who maintained that if left to themselves, the Third World countries will have a hard time making any meaningful progress. Thus to be told that if I wanted to be published I must write like Lubor Zink meant that I should write anti-Egyptian, anti-Arab and also anti-Muslim articles. The last part because the people that ran the newspaper -- including Ed -- did not know I was Christian. They relied on the fact that I was of Egyptian origin to automatically assume that I was a Muslim. And they thought they could score a coup by convincing me to attack Islam. But I was so amused by the extent of their simple mindedness, I did not correct them about the reality of my religion until I had a few bellyfuls of laugh after which I told them to shove it.

Even during the trial, Ted expressed his astonishment at my desire to have my point of view expressed by me rather than be satisfied in seeing someone else articulate the Arab point of view. He asserted that the newspaper had a balanced team of writers who wrote from every angle in the known political spectrum; from the extreme leftist point of view to the extreme rightist point of view. To give an example, he said that the paper had a columnist called Salutin who expressed the point of view of the left, something that should have satisfied my requirements. But to me, this stance sounded so bizarre I froze for a moment as if hit on the head with a baseball bat. When I came to, I decided not to take up the point made by Ted since I could see that the judge himself did not look dismayed when he should have been rocketed out of his chair. Because of this, I thought it will be a mistake, a distraction and a waste of time to suspend the trial even for a moment to respond to Ted by making points that will be above the court's ability to grasp any of them.

To begin with I had never read Salutin up to that time and when I started to read him after that, I did not see a single article he wrote on the Middle East. The man sounded like he might have been articulating a leftist point of view but I did not see how this would be taking up the Arab cause since the Arabs had nothing to do with being on the left side or the right side of the political spectrum. In fact, the Arab point of view I was articulating had everything to do with justice for the Palestinian people who were butchered by an army of occupation that was equipped, financed and protected by the entire political spectrum in America ranging from the diehard leftists who got their training in the Kibbutzes of Israel to the diehard rightists who admired the remnants of the Jewish terrorist groups that killed Brits and Arabs in Palestine. In my view, all these Americans were playing the role of cheap prostitutes; and not one of them impressed me enough to be considered reformable, correctable or redeemable. As far as I was concerned it was pox on all their houses; the houses on the left, the houses on the right and everything in-between.

To add to the strangeness of the situation, Ted thought I was a modern day Don Quixote who was fighting a useless fight for the sake of a worthless cause against irrepressible foes - having a zero chance to get somewhere. He chided me for endlessly complaining about a newspaper that labored feverishly to keep me blacklisted by all those it could influence, and he kept counseling me to accept the offer they made. And it seemed with each mention of the offer that the pot was being sweetened with the promise that if I attacked my race and what they thought was my religion, the world will open up to me and allow me to take the place I deserved to occupy under the sun. Increasingly, however, I was coming to the view that with his innocent perspective and simplistic understanding of what was going on inside of me, Ted was too far removed from the reality of my world. I could see that we dwelt in two completely different worlds and he could not see that.

If you want to know what my world entailed, go over the archive of this website and see what I have expressed during the past four years alone. Now imagine what else and how much more I could have expressed over the four decades that they robbed me of. Add to this the fact that they were the decades when I had the energy, the mental alertness and the memory that were several orders of magnitude above what they are now at this age. And to think that Ted sincerely believed that Salutin could have expressed all of this in one or two columns written from the leftist point of view leaves me flabbergasted.

The question remains: Why did they do what they did? When asked, they answer that it is because they were defending freedom and democracy. In fact, they convinced themselves and tried to convince me that to ban me from pursuing my freedom my way, and to stop me from pursuing my happiness the way I saw fit was to promote my freedom despite myself and, in the process, promote the freedom of everyone on the planet including the people in China who try to get published at home but cannot. And all this, they say, is being accomplished despite the fact that things are done behind the back of everyone else on the planet, including those who benefit from the effort not knowing what is being done in secret on their behalf. Do you get this my friend? Do you see how sick someone can get and yet sound well-meaning and benevolent? Well-meaning and benevolent, that is, until you parse what they say and see the full horror of the demonic logic which powers their satanic mentality. And they call this fabrication a democracy.

When you look back at history you find that freedom and democracy as they are defined today came into vogue only a few decades ago to a species that has lived in its current form for a hundred thousand years and a Civilization that started to take its current shape ten thousand years ago. Then a few years ago, a genuine effort was started to assess the effect of democracy on Civilization and the effect of freedom on the human species. Unfortunately, the Jewish organizations being as opportunistic as they are, jumped into the fray and hijacked the debate. And they tried ever since to make it sound like freedom and democracy were such divine qualities, they could only be attributed to Jews and to no one else.

Thus, the way things stand now in the lingo of their everyday usage is that while Israel is a blood shedding and flesh grinding appendix to the American military machine, it is nevertheless a delicious democracy because it vibrates. As for the Jews, they are the defenders of the freedom that is reigning in North America; a freedom that renders the Continent the delicious democracy that it is. And all this is happening, they say, because the Jews care enough to make the effort, to spend the time and to go after the unworthy ideas which they censor and replace with their own worthy ideas and then impose these on everyone else.

But the Jews manage to accomplish all this by scaring their colleagues out of their wits thus convince them to keep their mouths shut and maintain the secret. This situation lasts until such time the command is given to get worked up about a Chinese writer that cannot find a local house to publish his work. This is the time when the colleagues are called upon to stage the ritual of collective bellyaching which they do on behalf of the Chinese without mentioning the sewer of the blacklist inside of which we swim everyday here at home. And all these ideas are held together, orchestrated and harmonized by a tireless propaganda machine which also sounds the advice that if you like the setup don't just like it but love it; and sounds the warning that if you don't like the setup get off the planet and get lost far out in the depths of outer space.

And to think that there was a time when I was told this setup was the greatest thing to happen to me and the reason why I should be thrilled with the way that I was treated. Alas, I must report to you now, my friend, that what I experienced was one rotting democracy where everything stank like only a Jewish democracy can stink. And this is not something that can be defended by associating democracy with a word like vibrant at a time when some people are allowed to vibrate in Israel while others in North America are forbidden to even hiss and are attacked by the savage beasts working for the Jewish lobby when they try to go beyond hissing.

Who cares what happens where we cannot see what is happening when we see the horror that is happening here at home where we can see what happens! The point is that you should never forget that when Jewish democracy stinks like hell here at home, it cannot smell like roses in Israel. But even if it did, it should not matter one iota to us. And if you have any brains at all, you will stop being thrilled to orgasm about a democracy that is said to vibrate in Israel and you should work instead to free your country and mine from the Jewish tyranny that is keeping our democracy fossilized in the stone age of a biblical past.

In the final analysis, we cannot escape the conclusion that the word democracy has already become a dirty word, and you have the Jewish organizations to thank for that. As for the word freedom, it was first written in the DNA molecule that was formed perhaps half a billion years ago on this planet, and no one can hijack it or attribute it to themselves; not even the demonic Jewish organizations that possess the satanic powers they have at their disposal. Freedom is what we are born with, a gift without which we go back to being dust.

In consequence of all this, let it be known that only the dead can live without freedom and this is why they are dead. Thus, the Jews cannot rob me of my freedom because they cannot steal the DNA molecule although they claim they discovered it. All they can do is make their colleagues in the media and the political institutions believe they have the power to rob me of my freedom and rob them of theirs. Some people believe this crap and are scared but that's only because they are already brain dead.