Friday, December 30, 2011

A North Korean Lesson For America

The dear leader of North Korea has died, long live the dear leader. Like the dear before him, the new dear was followed to the seat of power by the newest of the dears. And like the first (call him grandfather), the second (call him father) was given a hell of a funeral lest the third (call him son) forget from where his wisdom springs and how it gushes a fountain of pure knowledge that ought to be used to protect the nation and all those inside it but nothing else. Thus, all the people of North Korea, young and old, men and women, invaded the streets of their cities and villages even before the funeral was held, and they poured their expressions of grief in public to let everyone know that they are not skimping on the intensity of their love for the departed even though he had departed and could no longer protect them from the enemy they dread, or shower them with the wisdom they used to long for, used to receive in abundance and were forced to swallow on an empty stomach.

Then came the day of the majestic funeral when only the women were supposed to express their grief in public by shedding a tear or two, by wailing a shriek or a few. And this was supposed to happen while the men were instructed to pretend to keep the women from throwing themselves at the funerary procession. But something at this level must have gone wrong inside the lines of communication because a number of sissy-like men -- including one high ranking officer of the army with decorations to prove it -- were seen to go out of control and cry openly like did the women. And this was a development that was contrary to the plan by which the men were instructed to look stoic and act accordingly. Thus, you must draw the conclusion that even the dearest of the dead cannot always count on things being done according to plan when they seek to rest in peace and try to enjoy the good afterlife they believe is owed to them for eternity and beyond.

Now, my friends (notice that I dare not yet say dear friends), guess where you can expect to see a striking parallel to this disgustingly entertaining spectacle. You guessed it; you will find it in the Congress of the United States of America and in other forums each time that the Netanyahu of Israel feels he is about to depart this world in a political sense, and thus decides to pull a farcical event during which the American Congress of pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos are instructed to emulate the women of North Korea -- not by crying their grief, but crying out their joy as they repeatedly jump to their feet and give the almost departed a life-renewing standing ovation. This sort of thing has happened in a series of second chances that the American politicos have given the Netanyahu; an event that bores the civilized world to death but not the American media types and their sidekicks of the think tank concoction who get tickled to a state of heightened orgasm at the thought that a foreigner is appreciated in their country more than the President of their own republic will ever dream to be. You may lament that the spectacle is shocking to the extreme but it is true to the letter!

And the most disgusting of the comical performances comes about when members of the Congress jump to their feet not once or twice but twenty nine times during a speech of the guest that lasts much less than it takes to conduct a public funeral in North Korea. And you know that the jumping happens on cue because professional clowns of the jack-in-the-box type are hired on these occasions, and they are planted throughout the chamber where the speech is given. They start the ball rolling every time that something is said which suits the Jewish causes, by jumping to their feet where they maintain the applause till the rest of the crowd in the chamber of fools joins them by standing in turn and clapping like a bunch of empty headed puppets with strings attached to their clapping hands. Yes, you may claim that this would be an artificially provoked standing ovation forced on the retarded whores of the American Congress by an elaborate ruse of the Jewish lobby but, in fact, nobody cares what the spectacle represents because in the end, a whore is a whore is a whore whether he is a male whore or a female one; whether he is artificially motivated by forces that come from without or naturally animated by forces that come from within.

And this is why my dear friends (I now say dear friends); this is why I dare say the following, and say it loudly so that everyone may hear me loudly and hear me clearly: Eat your dead hearts out, dear leaders of North Korea, Netanyahu the Jew is here to beat you at your own game, something he can do hands down, you will see. It is not only that he can stand alone in the lobby of the US Congress in his capacity as the unofficial stud in the business of screwing the American political class; he also stands as the official pisser who serves the rugs at the White House. And this is something he does in competition with the one named Bo who is known to have been neutered to give the Netanyahu the edge he always demands when he gets involved in similar situations. May the best dog win the rug pissing contest. I bet on the Netanyahu.

The question to ask now is this: What secret does Netanyahu possess which makes it possible for him to control the Congress of the American nation the way that the North Korean brass control the grieving women of their nation? The answer is that fear is the potent weapon used by evil men everywhere to control the emotional state of other people, be they a wife, a congress, a male whore or a country in decline. Such men do not care whether the expressed emotions are real or they are fake; they only want to make sure that the emotions are displayed in public so as to impress everyone who may be near or may be far because they know that the practice is contagious and liable to spread like wildfire. And spreading the practice is the effect that these people hunger to see happen when and where it can happen.

And there is a reason why these people want to see the sickly effect take hold and spread. It is that they begin their careers with very little clout by which to threaten the few people around them who may refuse to submit to their will. If they manage to score a first success by coercing a handful of them just enough to make them bend to their will, the evil ones use the example thus established to impress the next group of people and get them to bend likewise. If the evil ones succeed in the second instance to have someone bend to their will yet again, they realize that they have started a contagious trend. They seek to have it repeated as many times as they can, and have it spread like wildfire. From here on, they let the fire of their coercive methods eat through the dried up brushes of a frightened society, having developed in their own heads the notion that they have achieved the status of a God, one who is worthy to have his ring kissed by an adoring crowd of genuflecting prostitutes, be they of the American congressional type or any type you may find in a gutter of the same low level.

So then, how did the Jewish leaders get to convince the American political class to hand the nation over to them on a silver platter like seems to be the case? The short answer is that they employed in the past -- and they still do -- a big demonic scheme of little satanic tricks to play out their never ending games. A favorite strategy they often used has been to incite successive American administrations to do the things that the Jewish leaders know will create a conflict between America and someone else. When the conflict erupts, it automatically creates the opportunity for them to be consulted on the subject which is what allows them to take ownership of it, something they gladly do while pretending to be experts on everything. When they have the thing securely in their pocket, they take the time to make it work for the benefit of Israel and the other Jewish causes. And because there is little in this world that is not a zero sum game, what Israel and the Jews gain always comes at the expense of everyone else especially America, their generous and very naive benefactor.

What the Jewish leaders incite the Americans to do can be something as small as to insert an offensive expression in a speech that is slated to be given by the President or by someone of high stature, or it can be the implementation of a measure that is as big as the historical debacle of the Aswan dam. This was the time when the Jews had incited the Americans to pressure the World Bank to withdraw the financing of the dam and the hydroelectric station at Aswan, an act that was so hurtful to the Egyptian economy and to the progress of the nation, it triggered consequences of a magnitude that may never be fully assessed. What can be said, however, now that six decades have passed is that the event was the most pivotal in the modern history of the Middle East in the sense that the course of history was changed on that day. Things turned badly for many of those involved but most of all for America which is still paying for this act of utter stupidity and will continue to pay for a long time to come. It is generally acknowledged that one consequence has been the end of the British empire; it may someday be seen that the idea of Pax Americana never took hold as a consequence of that foolish act.

And because the genius of the Jewish leaders is that they always manage to get you to do it to yourself, you find it difficult to admit that you have been conned, let alone hurt as a result of listening to them and gladly taking their advice. Thus, instead of protesting what happened to you, or instead of calling on the Jew to account for his bad advice and his unsolicited incitement, you hide your shame by keeping quiet and licking your wounds in silence. You do this to put the matter behind you and forget that something of the sort has happened at all. You do it as an individual, you do it as an institution and you do it as a nation. The result is that the Jew gets away with it and he continues to do what he has been doing without a push back from someone. He thus proves to young Americans that the Jew is so special, he is never called upon to account for his behavior no matter how badly he behaves.

The ultimate consequence of this sickly-looking state of affairs has been that several generations of Americans have now grown with the belief that the natural order of things is that the Jew remains supreme and beyond reproach no matter what he does. Thus, while the Jewish incitement in America may cause a foreign country some damage, this is something that is usually repaired when enough effort is put into it and enough time has passed, something that can be seen to have happened in the case of the Aswan project. But what remains irreparable in this saga is the damage that is caused to America because what happens here is the worst that you can imagine. What happens, in fact, is the piling up of a cumulative damage that goes on generation after generation. It is a damage that has already taken America from the status of superpower to that of a failed state or something close to it with no promising end in sight or a prayer.

With all this, believe it or not, America may yet extend a hand to help the North Korean people get out of their predicament but there is little that North Korea can do to help the American people get out of their predicament except for the Korean people to offer themselves as an example to show America and the world what damage a dictatorial rule can inflict on the psyche of a people, be it the rule of one man, one family or one supremacist ideology.