Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Forget The Rapture, Here Comes The Rupture

On or about the first day of the new year, someone claimed to have discovered an ancient scripture in central America predicting that the world will end in 2012. Of course, there have been many such predictions before and there will be more as they are made by mischievous individuals who get a kick scaring people, or made by religious nuts who become rich practicing the trade of predicting the Apocalypse. One such wealthy nut is the 90 year old California preacher Harold Camping who predicted that the world will end in May of 2011 and was proven wrong – having made the same prediction seven years earlier and proven wrong there too. But he goes on predicting undeterred by his failures.

The reality, however, is that most people around the globe are sophisticated enough nowadays to dismiss such claims but there are those who may well be an educated lot yet believe in the predictions. Whether these people are naturally naïve or whether they are rendered childlike credulous by a religious training they received at an early age, they tend to take what the perpetrators preach at face value and not question it. These people are especially prone to what is being said when the perpetrators coat what they say with a religious language that was inculcated into the listeners as children. These people may have been prepared for this moment long ago but fate would have it that they should succumb to the temptation only now.

Still, from the mythologies of ancient times to the writings of the astrologer Nostradamus in the Middle Ages to the predictions of the end of the world in modern times, such stories do little more than entertain the majority of the people who hear about them. They wait for the date to come and go -- perhaps with a little apprehension -- but then shrug off the episode, asserting that they never fall for something like this and denying that they were apprehensive for even a short moment. In some ancient cultures, however, predictions about the end of the world brought out the deep seated human fear as to what the “gods” had in mind. In some of these cultures, the prediction was reason enough to initiate an offering that included the sacrifice of human beings – usually young children -- to please the gods and subdue their wrath. Fortunately, however, no such action was called for in most other cultures. When the time came and the prediction did not materialize, the people deemed it to have been baseless and dismissed it as a nightmare that came and went.

In modern times too, such predictions were usually dismissed as fantasy till something happened in America that gave the subject a new dimension and turned the matter upside down. Irony of ironies, it is in the republic where the separation of church and state is deemed to be as safe as a rock that religion began to tangle with the political manoeuvrings of the democratic process. The two are now tangled up so intimately that a prediction about future happenings is liable to become a major factor in the unfolding of the electoral activities. In fact, we now see the entanglement impose itself with force when candidates who run for a high office seek what has come to be called the Evangelical vote; that of the Christian fundamentalists.

To be sure, the trend started to put down roots some time ago, albeit imperceptibly, before growing into the irresistible force that it is today. We can see revealing evidence of this when we look at America's political interaction with the rest of the world in a historical context. To this end, few people would argue against the idea that America had always been non-interventionist if not isolationist in world affairs from the day of its independence to the middle of the Twentieth Century. Yes, America did participate in the First World War but only because it was urged to do so by local ethnic groups who pushed it to take one side or the other in a war that was too savage to ignore. America was also goaded to participate in the Second World War by Winston Churchill of Britain who warned that if Europe fell to the forces of the Axis, America will be the next target.

But this is not all that Churchill did. At the end of a war in which the United States, Britain and other allies such as the Soviet Union were victorious, Churchill warned the Americans that the Soviets were building a dangerous empire, and he incited them to oppose it in every way they can because the empire was expansionist and a threat to the world, especially to America. The warning was taken to heart by the Americans, and they became obsessed with it as they started to see a communist threat over the horizon of every sea and every ocean, and see the threat behind every mountain in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa.

This was an incredible shift to the state of mind of what used to be optimistic America. And the first result of this shift was the tragedy that came to be called the war in Vietnam, a backward country that can legitimately claim to have defeated a superpower with the bare hands of its sons and daughters whose thirst for freedom burned bright in their hearts regardless of the flag under which they operated. Yes, these boys and girls fought under a communist flag and yes, they fought against the American boys who had come to rob them of the freedom to choose how they wanted to live. In the end the Vietnamese won the war and guess what; they adopted the Americans as their best friends. Go figure and try to explain how a superpower can be made to fear something as innocuous as the wish to live freely without outside interference. Try it and let me know if you have found an explanation.

The truth is that Vietnam was not alone, however. It had China and the Soviet Union supply it with small arms, and had the treacherous hand of saboteurs inside America working for it. These were the hidden allies of Vietnam as much as they were the openly vocal opponents of the war against it. They were the people who conspired to weaken the home front by opening a crack in it, and working tirelessly to broaden that crack. To this end, they employed a subtle kind of destruction that America was not familiar with and had no means to defend against. In the end, the saboteurs contributed mightily to the defeat of America in Vietnam as seen by the chaotic and humiliating scenes depicting the helicopter-mounted evacuation of the American embassy in Saigon. What came after that was the vow to never again fight a ground war on the Asian Continent; a vow that was broken three times in two places already and promises to be broken yet again.

But who were the hidden allies of Vietnam who sabotaged the American war effort from the inside? It is clear today that they were the Jewish organizations whose goal was to get America out of Eastern Asia -- a corner of the world that is neither Arab nor Muslim -- and embroil the country in Western Asia where there was an Israel itching to go on a rampage and seeking the protective “umbrella” of a superpower to support it and resupply it if and when it stretched itself too far or came close to the brink. Western Asia is where America went eventually, having been groomed to fight against the Arabs and the Muslims; and groomed to die for the glory of Israel as well as the benefit of all the Jewish causes. To successfully pull off a scheme like this, the Jewish leaders worked hard to cultivate a grassroots constituency for themselves inside America, one that increased the power of their internal sabotaging machine by several orders of magnitude.

Now comes the true demonic part of this horror story. Having tried and failed to get enough Christians to hate themselves and hate their religion for what the Jewish leaders were claiming was the ill treatment of Jews at the hands of Christians throughout the ages, the Jewish leaders reversed themselves. They now worked on making the American Christians join them; and they did so by using a trick that can only be called sorcery. The problem had been that for two thousand years, Christianity and Judaism were considered to be mutually exclusive. The reason was then -- as it is today -- that the Jews are waiting for a Messiah to come and redeem them while the Christians consider Jesus to be the Messiah that has come already and has redeemed them. If you believe in one narrative and if you are sane, logic would dictate that you reject the other narrative because the two cannot coexist in one and the same cranium. It is simply that the two narratives are mutually exclusive.

To get around the brute force of this logic and defeat it, the Jewish sorcerers came up with an ingenious solution. What they did was to make the rituals of the two religions look so much alike, they became the one and same Judeo-Christian religion. This done, the Jewish leaders launched a campaign to recruit Christians of the evangelical flavor as foot soldiers; and they put them in the business of damning America while predicting at every turn that America the beautiful will go straight to an ugly sort of hell if it did not live and die for the glory of Israel as well as the promotion of the Jewish causes. Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, preacher after preacher after preacher went on television to give sermon after sermon after sermon in which they damned America for not standing solidly enough with Israel and all the Jewish causes.

This had to be done, said the newly converted idiots, because the Jews are the gods that the American people must worship from now on and accept to serve as their slaves. Don't ask why because this is a dogma that does not lend itself to explanation. Thus, the evangelical foot soldiers took the message of their newly found faith under the banner of CUFI (Christians United For Israel) to the American Congress of pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos; and they forced the horrible characters of that stinky institution to act on the message as if it were the new and improved gospel truth of the new and screwed up army of imbeciles.

But despite all that effort, some Christians were not fooled by the Jewish scheme. In fact, these Christians had a scheme of their own up their sleeve with regard to the relationship they maintained with the Jews. Instead of snubbing the flirtatious advances of the Jewish leaders, they welcomed them and responded in kind because they saw that the situation could play in their hands just fine. As it happens, both the Christians and the Jews are waiting for a moment they call the Rapture when the Messiah is expected to appear and convert everyone to the one and true religion. The Jews believe that it will be Judaism while the Christians believe that it will be Christianity. When you juxtapose the two expectations side by side, you see that the Evangelicals and the Jews in America now look like two scorpions engaged in a mating dance. They circle one another, each waiting for the moment of the Rapture to pounce on the partner and mate with it or eat it alive. A divine comedy that turned so tragic, it must be making Dante Alighieri squirm in his grave.

Rational people do not expect to see an ending like this to the drama of human existence but writers and artists of all sorts have used their works to describe other possible end scenes. From the way that things are developing at this time, it can be said that the one certainty we may hold is that a rupture and not the celebrated Rapture will occur between the Jews and the Christians. If and when this happens, it may invite a rupture between the Jews and everyone else in the world. And this could be the event that someone will most certainly try to exploit and score a final victory over the Jews. As you can see, it was never “never again” but was always “here we go again”. And this is where the matter stands at this point yet again.

It is not too difficult to see a scenario like that unfold when you consider how far things have gone already. To get a sense of this, imagine the following parable. The parents of a number of children leave the little ones in the care of the oldest son and go away for a while. One day an evil character comes along and rapes one of the daughters. Instead of seeking justice, the older brother offers the next daughter to the rapist. Being a pedophile of equal opportunity, the rapist asks for a little boy instead, and the big brother acquiesces. The pedophile-rapist keeps demanding more and more, and the brother keeps acquiescing more and more till the rapist gets to acquire and own as sex slaves all the boys and girls in the family, doing with them anything he wants anytime he wants it.

I now ask you this, my friend: What do you think the parents will do when they come home and see that situation? Think about it and think about the Republican candidates who seek the nomination to the presidency of the United States by saying things that go more or less like this: I am for the display of my Christian faith in public places and for the Jewish organizations that work to ban my faith from such places. I am for the marriage between a man and a woman, and I am for the Jewish leaders who fight to legalize gay marriage. I am for life and also for the Jews who would butcher the unborn by partial birth. I am for mentioning God when I feel like it and for the Jew who works to throw me in jail when I try. I am for freedom and for the anti-defamation league that censors me when I say something it does not like. And so on and so forth.

Don't you think that while this spectacle is maintained, someone will want to say: We have had enough of this; let's make the Jewish big brother see what it's like to be raped by a stranger over and over and over again? America is thirsting for justice and we are left with only one way to quench that thirst: it is the shedding of Jewish blood one final time.

Don't come and cry on my shoulder when this happens, mindless big brother. I stuck my neck out and I spent a lifetime warning you about this eventuality. The last thing I want now is to see you come anywhere close to my shoulder or my neck ever again. And remember this, when I say never again, I don't say it to impress; I say it to mean it. Never again means never again.