You read the article and you say to yourself: What on Earth are they trying to do now? The article in question was published in the Wall Street Journal on February 8, 2012 under the title: “Bolstering the Military Option on Iran” and the subtitle: “Providing Israel with advanced bunker-busting munitions and refueling tankers to extend the range of its jets would help convince the Iranians to pursue a diplomatic solution.” The article is signed by Charles Robb who was a Senator, and Charles Wald who was a retired general. These two characters now co-chair what they referred to as a bipartisan policy center on Iran.
When you get over your original question, you go back and read the first sentence in the article. It says this: “In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama declared...” And this, my friend, tells you that the authors mean to send a message to the President of the United States concerning what is currently Israel's most pressing demand, the blowing up of another country which happens to be Middle Eastern, Muslim and has the potential to become very successful if left alone. Thus begins a train of thoughts which you try to arrange in your head, and set out to write in the form of an essay that you hope will be coherent enough for others to enjoy reading and to benefit from. Here it is.
When you befriend the Jews, as I have for most of my life, and when you know that someone wants what is good for you as much as they do for themselves, you welcome hearing them say that you cannot go wrong doing this or that. It is that the Yiddish culture they have forged in the harsh environment through which they lived in the Middle Ages of Europe, has taught them to classify any decision they may take as being risky or not so risky. Thus, when they feel that the risk of doing something is small, they say you cannot go wrong doing it. And if you are at the receiving end of this kind of advice, you feel encouraged to go ahead and do the thing.
With time, however, you formulate in your head two major realities. The first is that nothing in life is so clear that you can be absolutely certain of the outcome of a situation no matter who says what about it. The second is that it is not always wise to put blind faith in the advice of someone, even a well meaning Jew. And this is because the Jew can go wrong at times as would any human being; and it is also because the Jew may decide to abuse the trust you have in him and betray you behind your back if not stab you there.
As you observe and study the Jews who are close to you and those who are not, you learn a few lessons you never want to forget. You learn that when individual Jews are left to themselves, they behave like any other people in that they combine a similar blend of strengths and weaknesses, foibles and mundane qualities. But they differ from most other people in one important way. It is that they are inclined to listen to someone – usually a member of some self-styled Jewish organization -- who would tell them they are different because their religion says so. Because of this – goes the argument -- they are liable to being singled out for harsh treatment, even exterminated. Thus -- they are told -- they need the protection of the organization that is addressing them. And this is how the Jews are taken into the fold and bonded for life.
When this happens, it becomes difficult for the Jews to break away from the pack and be their individual selves again. Slowly but surely, they become absorbed into the “body” where they are taught to act not in their self interest but the interest of the Jewish causes. What this means is that they will begin a period of training on how to act in the interest of the self-styled organizations and their self-appointed leaders. In this respect, the thing you notice about your Jewish friends that tells you they are undergoing a transformation, is the display of a fire in the belly. You see this when you see them take up the Jewish causes, especially the needs of Israel, and defend them with passion.
Then something happens which sets off alarm bells in your head. One day, a Jewish friend asks you to do something that goes against your grain. When you express reservation about the matter, you are told not to worry because you cannot go wrong doing it. But the more you probe into it, the more you see that you are asked to do something bad, yet the Jewish friend insists that you cannot go wrong doing it. An example of this is the time (in the mid to late Nineties) when I was writing about the occupation by Israel of Palestine and Southern Lebanon. One of my closest Jewish friends told me bad things about the American Senator Patrick Leahy, and he advised me to attack him in my column. I researched the matter and discovered that far from doing a bad thing, the Senator had stood up for the rights of the Palestinian people. I confronted my friend with this discovery, and we had an awkward moment after which he never again attempted to fool me with something like that.
Obviously, what my friend was trying to do was install in my belly the fire that the Jewish organizations install in the belly of their own people -- then through them, install in the belly of what they eventually call friends of Israel. But as it happens nowadays, the fires in some bellies get to be so fiery as to look and feel like a pot of molten lead in the belly, even a volcano of molten lava in the belly. Thus, it is not surprising that in a country like Canada which has but a thin culture – also happens to be the soft underbelly of America – you have politicians who accuse each other of not being slavish enough to their Jewish masters, then go to America and tell the people there they are not slavish enough to the demands of Israel. What is at once flabbergasting, comical and sickening is that these same people develop enough gumption to go to China and scream at the people there: You know nossing about za damacracy of za Shamir and za free-doom of za Netanyahu. Wanna buy our oil? The Yanks are playing hard to get, eh!
More seriously, you must always remember to never again believe the Jewish organizations or the friends of Israel when they say that you cannot go wrong doing something they tell you to do. Look what happened when they bombed a civilian nuclear power station in Iraq that was never meant to produce weapons. Saddam got the message that he lives in a world where he can commit any crime he wants and get the protection of America if he declared himself to be a friend of the Americans. To do this, he attacked Iran -- and sure enough -- the Americans loved him and protected him even when he gassed his enemies.
Emboldened, Saddam then invaded Kuwait, and the Americans closed an eye till the other Arab nations said this cannot be. They rented the US military for something like 30 billion dollars and got Saddam out of Kuwait. This operation set off a chain reaction of events, all of which were exploited by the Jewish organizations to drag the Americans back into Iraq to “finish off” Saddam. However, neither the Israelis nor their friends – Jewish and non-Jewish -- paid for the encore because they were able to get the American suckers who were at the helm of the ship of state to do the work for free. It was the American taxpayers who ended up covering for the cost of the war with a trillion dollars in direct disbursements, not to mention the few billions more in indirect payments and hidden costs.
But the matter did not end here. The consequence has been that Iran rose from its ashes and is now looming larger in the region than anyone had wanted to predict then, even though all the signs were there to the effect that something like this was going to happen. And so you ask: What are the Jewish organizations doing now? And the answer is: A repeat of the same old game. They are telling the Americans they cannot go wrong doing it (get this now) because nothing happened when they bombed the civilian station way back then. Where the hell have these people been in the last thirty years?
In fact, they are now calling on all the American nincompoops to rally to the cause of Israel, and do to themselves and their country ten times as much direct damage as did the Iraq war. Of course, they know that there will be consequences here too but they also know that they will take advantage of these circumstances and make them work for Israel. These people are deliberately sowing the seeds of fortuitous circumstances they hope to harvest in the future while America burns. And this is more demonic than even Satan and a team of his devils could have arranged for.
I remain confident that even in Canada, you could not find someone nincompoopish enough to say amen to that. And so I cautiously predict that the Americans will not do it to themselves this time around. Will they?