It is difficult most of the time to understand why bad things happen in this world. The reasons are many, one of them being that a pattern connecting a number of the happenings cannot always be discerned. But sometimes, a few happenings shine bright at the same time, and they come to look like dots that beg to be connected to each other. When this is done, the connection shows an unmistakable pattern, and this makes the whole thing easier to understand.
Two such dots shone this week. When connected together, they show a pattern that helps to explain not only what is happening nowadays but also much of what happened in times past. The first dot is an article published in the New York Post on March 21, 2012. It came under the title: “P.T. Barnum & the nuke talks”, and was written by John Bolton. The second dot is an article published in the Wall Street Journal on March 22, 2012. It came under the title: “Tolerating Hamas Invites a Mideast War” and the subtitle: “The United Nations ignores 12,000 rockets launched into southern Israel,” and was written by Ron Prosor.
What the two articles have in common is that they were written by Jewish ambassadors to the United Nations. Ron Prosor is a current ambassador representing Israel in that world body, while John Bolton was an ambassador there too who unashamedly represented both Jewish America and Israel but no one else and nothing else. The two articles also end up talking about Iran, an issue that preoccupies Israel and Jews everywhere, having started the discussion with an entirely different subject.
First, we look at the Prosor article. He starts it by quoting a saying uttered by a historian decades ago. He calls the saying a principle then chides the world because: “...this principle continues to fall on deaf ears in the international community.” Who was the historian, you ask? It was Barbara Tuchman. And what was the quote? It was this: “War is the unfolding of miscalculations.” But what the hell is this all about, you ask? To understand what the ambassador is trying to do here, we need a simple analogy. Suppose you have a neighbor who confronts you every day with something like this: Did you know that the kid across the hall was wearing brown shoes yesterday even though it was a Wednesday?
The first time that this happens, you come to think that the neighbor knows something you don't, and you feel intimidated. But then you discover that wearing brown shoes on a Wednesday is so irrelevant to the scheme of things, you cease to feel intimidated when the idiot next door confronts you day in and day out with something you didn't know before. In fact, you don't want to know what he knows because you have better things to do with your life. And this is such a Jewish thing to do, you see them do it even at the United Nations which explains why the Tuchman principle falls on deaf ears in the international community. It is that the World has had it up to here with Jewish ambassadors telling them things that contain as much wisdom as there is in the bark of a dog.
But why did he write these words to be published in an American newspaper? Because sooner or later, the Israelis will ask America for money. It used to be easy for them to do so in the old days because they had only to say gimme, and the Congress gave. But like leeches, they have bankrupted their host who must now borrow from the Asians and the Arabs to give to them. And while America is going bankrupt, and while its people are going on food stamps, less and less of them have the stomach to respond to the cries of the rabbi who appeals to their Christian generosity to help feed the hungry Jews in Israel.
These people are beginning to look like the skin on bones you used to see in the famine stricken regions of Africa, and no matter how much their leaders try to explain that this is the look of a self-inflicted anorexia, the world knows that this is the look of a famine created by leaders who spend the little money they have to kill Palestinians and loot their properties rather than use the money to buy food and feed their own people. Because of this, the ruling crowd in Israel has come to be seen the world over as less than worthy to carry the suitcase for the leaders of North Korea. Like them, they are pathetic, disgusting and criminal but in a more exaggerated way.
So then, what does a criminal do when faced with a predicament he cannot get out of? He commits more crimes, what else? And this is exactly what the Israelis have done. They sent American-made planes loaded with American-made smart bombs, and they killed a number of unarmed Palestinians in the knowledge that the latter will respond by sending a few home-made flares to remind the world that they are still being victimized by American weapons placed in the hands of a demonic culture that never relented being demonic during the centuries that it tried to impose itself on humanity but was shunned by it everywhere and every time.
And when the Palestinians sent up the flares, the Israelis yelled: Rockets, rockets -- rockets from Gaza. Oh my belly, oh look how I ache at the belly. Help me world, help me. And while they were thus moaning, they sent their American-made planes to bomb Palestinian families in their homes killing something like two dozen of them which would represent, in terms of proportion, 480 dead Syrians or 5,800 dead Americans in a single day. And all this happened at a time when not one Israeli had suffered as much as a scratch.
And why all this? Because the Palestinians sat quietly in their homes minding their own business, and the Israelis decided it was time to accuse them of something, then create an incident that will bring money they can no longer have for the asking. They looked at themselves in the mirror and saw that they aim to commit a terrorist act so as to maximize civilian deaths, and so they said to themselves that the time had come to accuse the Palestinians of planning a terrorist act. Thus, speaking of someone never heard of before, the ambassador said the following in his article: “He aimed to launch another mass murder of innocent Israelis...” and he also said this: “As these terrorists sought to maximize civilian deaths...” Like Jews always do, the ambassador accused the other of what he saw in himself and his people. This is their culture; it is their religion. This is why they are hated and have been for thousands of years. They are paying a price not because of their genetic make up -- which happens to be the same as that of everyone else -- but because they have cultivated the wrong culture, and have adopted a screwy kind of religion.
And when you are that stupid, you're stupid enough to reveal the rot that resides inside your innermost bosom not knowing what you just did. The idea the ambassador had was to accomplish two contradictory goals at the same time. He wanted to say to America: look how bad these Palestinians are, so give us the money to defend ourselves. He also wanted to say: look how magnificent we, the Jews are, for inventing an Iron Dome that is working magnificently well, so give us the money to defend ourselves. This alone is a contradiction that kills his argument but being also a mathematical illiterate, he made another big mistake.
Here is what he wrote: “In the 5 days that followed … 60 rockets per day [were launched] … Israel's new 'Iron Dome' antimissile system intercepted … 50 rockets … [representing] 90% effectiveness.” Well, my dear ambassador, 5 times 60 is 300 rockets. Having intercepted 50 of them, you have intercepted 16.7% and not 90% as you claim. And when someone spews bullshit as glaring as this, you can be certain that all the numbers he quoted were imaginary. Also, the known truth is that no antimissile system is working in Israel or anywhere in the world except the American Patriot system which, after three decades, still cannot be fully relied on.
But having speculated that one nondescript Palestinian had “aimed” and that other Palestinians had “sought”, the Israelis determined that they needed to defend themselves. “It's a simple equation” and “you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that” says the Jew. And if the world does not come to the aid of his people “Israel will be forced to respond in a completely different manner,” he threatens.
He then does something that is as Jewish as Matzoh bread; he plays the card known as the Brown shoes on a Wednesday syndrome. To do this, he looks around and points to everything that is happening around him, and he suggests that they are happening to prove he was right in everything he said. Here is how he puts it: “With the Middle East locked in a struggle ... Gaza would tip the scales … From Marrakech to Manama … the Arab world would … drop its focus … on the Assad regime...” And there is also this: “Iran understands this well … The Iranian Revolutionary Guards are funneling weapons to Hamas … a conflict in Gaza would distract the world as they take their final steps toward nuclear capability.”
We now look at the John Bolton article. He starts with North Korea, a nation that has announced it will launch a satellite into space, and do so at a time when a number of countries will be meeting in South Korea to discuss nuclear issues. Bolton does not like it because he speculates (for himself and for humanity) that the North Koreans have bad motives. This is how he expresses that sentiment: “no one doubts that the launch's real purpose is to advance North Korea's capacity to target and deliver nuclear weapons anywhere on earth.” Thus he calls these people: “profoundly unserious” and he chides the world for giving them aid instead of heeding the P.T. Barnum insight which says that “there's a sucker born every minute.”
This being one leg of his argument, and the other leg being – not surprisingly Iran – Bolton uses another saying to make the jump from one country to the other. He says this: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me dozens of times, shame on me.” The idea he propounds here is that like North Korea, Iran too has been fooling the world. Upon this, he unloads the usual accusations against Iran to come to the point where -- like his Israeli counterpart -- he speculates as to what North Korea might do now, and what Iran will likely do when it will have acquired the bomb. The things he enumerates are horrifying indeed but he does not say that even without a nuclear device, the Israelis are inflicting that same level of horror on the unarmed people of Palestine using conventional American weapons.
Someday these people will have learned the golden rule which speaks of treating others the way you wish to be treated. Only then will humanity shed real tears when Jews get hurt instead of pretending to do so while walking them to the gas chamber and the incinerator.
John Bolton should understand this simple equation by now because he has lived in the Holocaust Memorial long enough to pontificate on this simple truth which, like says his Israeli counterpart, it does not take a rocket scientist to grasp.