Sunday, December 9, 2012

Obsessing About Non Existent Shiny Objects

If you read the latest column by Tom Friedman, you will not fail noticing a slight shift from what he used to write, most of which was standard Jewish propaganda. The column is titled: “The Full Israeli Experience” and was published in the December 9, 2012 edition of the New York Times.

Make no mistake about it, this is still Jewish propaganda but it is not what used to be. It is propaganda because it compares what is not comparable for the purpose of saying that the Jews are good and everyone else is bad, especially those who refuse to swallow the Jewish bait hook, line and sinker – such as the Arabs the Muslims and all of humanity.

At the same time, it is not the propaganda it used to be because the column ends this way: “The world is full of risks … avoid self-fulfilling prophesies that are extremely dangerous here.” And so you ask: What happened that got us from there to here? To answer the question, you need to know what got us there in the first place.

It was the story of the inmates who had taken over the asylum.

What happens when inmates take over the asylum is that their insanity becomes the normalcy they tolerate, and what used to be the normal order of things becomes the aberration they obsess about and never stop talking about. This situation was gradually seen as being the existing order in most of the American media, ironically because things were trying to go back to the old normal again. The shift was happening ever so slowly but was unmistakable and becoming easier to discern the more that the mindless order of the day was contrasted against the reasoned order of yesterday.

But when faced with a situation like this, how can you tell which is the correct order and which is the fallacious one? Well, you know that someone is insane when you detect in them the inability to differentiate between what they think they see from what they wish to see happen. Time after time, those people in the media have described what they see happen, time after time they told what they wish to see happen, and time after time you could see that their vision and their wish were matching exactly right. And this is a definition of insanity.

Let us take the example of how the Middle East was covered in the American media over the years. There was a time before the decade of the Nineteen Eighties when the journalists in America used to enjoy a certain level of independence from Jewish dictates. This was the normal order of things in the old days; what a handful of journalists in today's America are trying to go back to. They are experimenting with a trend according to which they push against what used to be the small wave that grew to become the tsunami of Jewish propaganda.

Told in one form or another, the storyline has always been to the effect that Israel is surrounded by people who hate it because it is full of Jews who are the children of God, the One they love so much and are loved by Him in return. As to the haters of Jews who happen to be Arabs and the Muslims, they also hate America because the country is full of Christian people who love freedom as much as they love God. This makes of America and Israel two natural allies who should be fighting shoulder to shoulder against the evil ones who hate them both for no reason except that the latter have a monopoly on the love of God and the love of freedom. See how logical the whole story is?

But how did the captains of the Jewish propaganda machine, such as Tom Friedman, know that the people surrounding Israel hated it that much? This was the question often asked at the start of the tide that became the tsunami. And the answer given by the captains was that the leaders of the countries surrounding Israel were obsessed about it as would be a child that is looking at shiny objects. The leaders pointed at the objects to their own people and informed them of the reality that they will remain under a dictatorial rule till the time that Israel is dealt with after which they will be allowed to enjoy a democratic form of government or something like that. This was the diet fed to the American people, and like an obsessed maniac, Tom Friedman harped on the point with undiminished insistence.

But look here, said the sane people of the world, there are 22 Arab countries of which 5 could be construed as “front line” states. They are Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt. The other Arab countries lie well beyond them, extending as far away as Morocco to the West, the Comoros Island to the South and Dubai to the East. Beyond the Arab countries lay some 40 other states where Islam is the predominant religion. So then, tell me this, ye young-old wise man of the Jewish propaganda machine: Which of these countries had leaders say to their people you're out of luck, guys, because as long as there is an Israel, you'll never have what you seek? Whatever it is that you seek.

To answer that last question, it would be foolish for anyone to point to a state like Morocco or Comoros or Dubai, and say that they have an interest in whatever oozes out of Israel, be it shiny, dull or stinky. This leaves the front line states, three of which have territory occupied by Israel, an entity with which they are at war. These are Palestine, Syria and Lebanon who have every right to talk about their current condition as much as anyone has the right to talk about the history of their current wars, and the wars that go back several decades. As to Egypt and Jordan, they have a peace treaty with Israel, and the last thing they want to talk about is the little fart that the American Congress – under pressure from the Jewish lobby – keeps shoving down their throats.

The refrain has always been: Do this for Israel. Do that for Israel. Don't forget Israel when this happens. Think about Israel when you go there. It is always Israel, Israel, Israel because in the American Congress, in the Administration and in the media there is nothing but Israel, Israel and Israel again. But don't get obsessed about it; it's only Israel we're talking about.

The truth is that the Israelis and the Jewish leaders in America wish that the Arabs, the Muslims and the rest of the world were as obsessed about Israel as America's media and its political apparatus have been and still are. These people fantasize about the matter, and because it is not happening, they tell themselves and each other that it is. They also say it to the Americans, most of whom believe it, but some journalists are beginning to say: enough of this nonsense because we've had it up to here with this kind of Jewish nonsense.

Give us a breather, they say; we want oxygen, the kind of fresh air that is free of the farts put out by the Jewish propaganda machine. We are choking, they cry out.

And Tom Friedman seems to have gotten the message though he has a long way to go before he grasps all of its dimensions.