Thursday, September 8, 2022

Time to silence the propagators of antisemitism

 Antisemitism is spreading again around the world, and making life uncomfortable for a large segment of the human family. The time has come to give this recurring phenomenon a fresh look, and do so with an eye so critical, it will not turn away from unmasking the instances it encounters however politically incorrect that may be.


Because antisemitism is the expression of hatred that develops uniquely toward an identifiable group, it cannot be a natural phenomenon. This says that antisemitism is an artificial occurrence caused by people who know what they are doing. And because this is the case, the perpetrators of antisemitism must have a purpose for doing what they do.


This forces us to ask two critical questions: Who are the spreaders of antisemitism? Why do they engage in such a practice?


When trying to answer that sort of questions, there is no better way to proceed than adhere to the American advice which goes like this: follow the money. And so, we probe as to who may stand to benefit from the demands which are made to deal with situations when antisemitism flares up, and we try to trace the trajectory of the money from who dols it out to who receives it.


At this point, it must be made clear that “follow the money” does not always mean follow cash. In fact, because money is fungible, it can translate into non-monetary benefits of all kinds. Thus, the beneficiaries of antisemitism can be the people who suffer discrimination, sue and get compensated. Or they can be such people as journalists and politicians who pretend to sympathize with the victims of antisemitism, thus acquire admiration and a high standing.


It must also be acknowledged that editors of the mainstream publications have at long last noticed and recognized that trend for what it was. They wised up and responded by taking the measures that curbed the use of their publication by the contributors, and by the politicians who used the publication like a bullhorn to sneakily propagate what turned out to be a form of self-serving antisemitism that benefited them indirectly. More about that later.


The outcome of that reorganization has been the migration of many contributors to the internet where they took advantage of the low cost of publication online, thus launched their own electronic rags. In turn, this development attracted all sorts of individuals and groups – mostly of Jewish persuasion – who formed “associations” and gave them screaming names like Campus Watch, Honest Reporting; also gave them eye-catching acronyms such as CAMERA.


So then, what methods do these people use to achieve their goals, whatever these may be?


What is noticeable when trying to answer this question, is that there exist two main categories of people and their methods. One category seeks to benefit the player directly from the existing situation. The other method seeks to protect the player from being on the wrong side of history should the situation deteriorate and end up in tragedy … as it always does when Jews are involved.


Those who seek to benefit directly from the situation, have in mind the number of Jews who vote, the wealth of their moguls and the influence they exercise in the halls of power as well as the marketplace of ideas. As to those who seek to benefit indirectly from the situation, what they do is act now in such a way as to be seen later on that they promoted the interests of Jews, even if they were sneakily practicing the self-serving antisemitism that portrayed the Jews as being a coddled lot.


To that end, this group artificially fashions an unblemished record for themselves so that when the expected tragedy hits – and everyone is called to account for what they did or failed to do to stand up for the Jews and protect them from extermination – they who benefitted from the antisemitism they helped promote, will show a fake record that exonerates them.


And so, my friend, when all is said and done, what this study shows, is that the direct propagators of antisemitism are more likely to be Jews that have much to gain and little to lose immediately from what they do.


As to the indirect propagators of antisemitism, they are more likely to be the non-Jews who may or may not gain very little now, but will be protected in the future when the gates of hell will open as they often do when Jewish matters are involved.


Thus, it is that kind of people (Jews and non-Jews) who must be addressed and/or dealt with when we try to stamp out the current rise of antisemitism. We must unmask these people, tell them we know what they are doing, frustrate their efforts whenever possible, and protect the innocent who may fall under their charm offensives, thus end up helping evil achieve its depraved goals.


This is no time to remain silent because the potential beneficiaries of antisemitism are wringing their hands with glee at the prospect of another tragedy they expect will reward them handsomely.