Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rape In The Name Of Virginity

In politics you often encounter instances when governments repeatedly make the same bad judgment and repeatedly take the same bad decisions after which they cover up for their mistakes by inventing flimsy excuses. This sort of performance has led to the observation that the cover up more than the original act is what dooms the governments in question because when you hear the excuses they put out you realize that what they do is condone rape in the name of virginity. A case in point is what Susan Rice did recently when she tried to justify vetoing a UN Security Council resolution that was to condemn Israel for looting Palestinian lands. Rice explained the veto by saying words that amount to this statement: America has vetoed the resolution because to let Israel continue the rape of Palestine is to aspire to a peace in the Middle East that is as clean as a virgin. And so we, in the new Administration, say let the Israelis continue to rape and let us continue to protect not the victims of the rape but the rapist of the victims. See how glorious it is when you turn something on its head? How much more inspired can the power of reasoning be!

In turn we, the citizens of the world are asking this question: Who are the people that have reduced the American superpower to a pimp who operates on the international stage carrying on the business of selling Israel to the world then protects it from the wrath of humanity? Also, what do all these people want, anyway? And we realize there are three main players in this sordid saga with a number of minor ones standing on the sideline. The main players are Israel, the American Jewish establishment and the American political establishment. To fully understand the situation and to answer the above questions, we need to probe into what the main players want and what they do to obtain it. To begin with, we recognize that what is involved here is a game of high stakes with the players who are engaged in it being as ruthless as a pack of hyenas out on a hunting expedition. And so we look to see what each player is going after and what each one does to influence the others.

We notice that the primary concern of the main players is the state of Israel which is an artificial construct that has turned colonial and has grabbed much of Palestine. When we look at the behavior of Israel itself, we learn about the people who live in it, what they want and how they go about obtaining it. We probe into what differentiates Israel from the old colonial powers and determine that the people who settle in that place have a motivation that is different from what motivated the colonial settlers that went to Africa or to Asia centuries ago. Whereas the settlers of olden days cherished the fact that they had a homeland to which they will return at the end of a stint in the “colonies”, those who go to Israel make the move on the basis that their decision will not be reversed. They know there will be no going back on their decision, a move that they and their descendants will have to live with for generations. Thus, regardless as to which corner of the world these people come from, their move to Israel is akin to burning the bridges after crossing them. And so we ask: What do these people expect in return for taking such a drastic decision?

For one thing, they ask for and receive a piece of Palestine which they do not regard as a colony but consider it their “ancestral homeland”. This view would have been sealed even before they traveled to Israel by the fact that a law exists which grants Israeli citizenship to the Jews of the world wherever they live even if they never set foot on Israeli soil and do not intend to ever do so. In addition, these people are motivated by a notion they grow up with to the effect that they have a divine right to the land of Palestine not because they inherited the thing but because God gave it to them. This last notion allows them to reject off hand any suggestion to the contrary under the pretext that no mortal is qualified to argue against the will of God. And this stance has also the effect of killing the chance of non-Jews who live in Israel to participate in the debate that relates to their status. Consequently, these people sit like ducks on the sideline and wait for a Jew who never got to know them and could not care less about them decide their fate. This happens even though these people have lived in that place since the beginning of time, and the Jew has just landed there coming from a hellhole where they would rather have a hole in the head than see a Jew in their midst.

All the while, those who are of the Jewish faith insist on being treated not only like the citizens of the state of Israel but also the favorite children of God. This makes them sovereigns in their own right which means they are granted the entire spectrum of rights enjoyed by everyone but have only the obligations that each individual chooses to shoulder. This approach has the corrosive effect of spoiling the population, and this is where a big problem has begun to take shape in that country. It is that when Israel had a small population it could live on the handouts it received from foreign governments and from the prosperous Jews who live abroad and do business there. But now, the population of Israel has grown large enough and the demand on the state has grown big enough to make the country consume more than what comes into it.

Consequently, the government of Israel finds itself obliged to borrow more money from abroad than it has the ability to pay it back. This activity helps to increase the size of the external debt, and the consequence will be that America will sooner or later be asked to pay where Israel is expected to default because America is the guarantor of Israel's borrowings. When this happens something will hit the fan and, America being in the fan's line of sight, it will be hit with a double whammy. It will be drenched so badly that it will come to look like a diaper worn by a diabetic astronaut who also suffers from diarrhea. Hold your noses and close your eyes.

As to what the American Jewish establishment does, it makes sure first and foremost that no one will dare to oppose the work it undertakes in America and elsewhere on behalf of Israel. To this end, its members abuse and exploit the law of the land making certain that anyone who questions their stance on any of the issues is quickly labeled an anti-Semite. The people who are targeted by this drive are then victimized in the cruelest of ways by the fact that they are placed on a blacklist that is distributed everywhere to make everyone aware of it. The reason for this move is to throw the victim to the hyenas. This act makes the victim fair game to those who wish to turn their life into a living hell. In fact, the victim becomes a completely defenseless target for the sociopaths and their sidekicks who hunger to practice their underdeveloped skills in the area of social and political marksmanship. This happens as surely as a hungry hyena will feast on a wounded prey. And the most discouraging part of the whole episode is that there exist people who view this performance as being the best that democracy stands for. And they devise all sorts of arguments to justify it the same way that Susan Rice has justified the rape of Palestine.

In the meantime, Israel's enablers also use the power and prestige of America to work on the rest of the world for the benefit of Israel. And since the Middle East is of crucial importance to Israel, this is where their attention is focused these days given that the international chessboard is being altered by forces affecting it on several fronts. But even as this is happening, you already see the Jewish organizations, their lobbies and cohorts position themselves to fully exploit and to take advantage of what they believe the new chessboard will look like. But don't kid yourself and believe for a moment that they will be more rational this time than they were the last time. That was the time when they were putting savage pressure on the American government to limit its relationship with the Egyptians, especially the military of that country, on the grounds that Egypt was ruled by a bad man.

And guess what happened during the three weeks that this man was under siege. What happened was that the Jewish organizations, their lobbies and cohorts cried their eyes out calling him an ally of Israel who should be kept in place to continue protecting Israel like he did for 30 years. And so we ask: what lesson is there to learn about these people? And we answer: We can learn many things, two of which are extremely important. First, these people are programmed to lie and they cannot stop lying anymore than a skunk can stop farting. Second, they will always bite the hand that feeds them because it is the most cowardly thing to do. These people are now farting everywhere in America and they are biting every hand that feeds them. Nevertheless, the American people are told to keep inhaling the foul air of Jewish democracy; and they are told to keep feeding those who call themselves Jewish with their bare hands. Why must it be so?

I do not know why it must be so but I know why it is so. It is so because of the role that is played by the American political establishment. The following ditty describes that role in capsule form: “Xaviera was the happy hooker from Holland; Steny is the male bimbo from Denmark.” The sad truth is that America has been turned into one giant political bordello where, at this point in time, Steny Hoyer is the male hooker that is cracking the whip of the dominatrix. It started a long time ago when he and Nancy Pelosi began their political careers at the same time, working in the same office of the same senator. The competition between them flared almost immediately and was never extinguished. Losing ground to Nancy at every turn, Steny concluded what every loser concludes which is that he needs to do two things. First, he needs to kiss Jewish asses and get them on his side. Second, when it comes to playing the game of power politics, women have the advantage because of their feminine demeanor. And so Steny Hoyer worked diligently to out-effeminate the woman while he prostituted himself to the Jewish lobbyists. It looks now to every observer that he believes he has turned himself into an object of desire in the eyes of other men. And so he behaves like the quintessential male bimbo he has aspired to be in order to do the things that no man can do when competing against someone of Nancy's caliber.

With the medal of Champion Bimbo hanging from his chest and with the Whip of the House of ill Repute firmly in his grip, Steny started to blackmail his president on behalf of the Jewish lobbyists for the benefit of Israel. He repeatedly warned that if things did not go the way that Israel wants them to go, he will not crack the whip on his democratic troops with the view of passing elements of the president's agenda. Instead, he will make sure that nothing works for his president or his party or his country. He did so again in January of this year when he teamed up with the House Republican Leader, Eric Cantor and fired a letter to the President of the United States demanding that America veto the upcoming UN resolution.

Susan Rice cast the veto as ordered, the new Administration lost its virginity and the world puked.