Monday, May 7, 2012

Incitement To Wage A Never Ending War

Clifford May has another article in the National Review Online. It was published on May 3, 2012 in a series I call: The Jewish American incitement to hate and to wage war. The article has the title: “The Foggiest War” and the subtitle: “We don't know the enemy. What's more: We don't want to.” May begins by telling the story of a Prussian military theorist who developed some kind of theory about a fog of war that envelops a fog of uncertainty whereby those who lead troops into battle lack what it takes to know whether they are winning or losing. And this, says May, causes them to take actions that weaken them and strengthen their enemies.

He makes it clear that this is an analogy to represent what he describes as: “a conflict so murky we can't even agree on its name.” He wonders if it is a war on terrorism, a long war, a war against al-Qaeda or just overseas contingency operations. He points out that the State Department and the White House disagree as to whether or not America is still pursuing al-Qaeda, and adds that this is the problem because it misses the point. In his view, al-Qaeda did not vanish with the death of Osama bin Laden; it is regrouping as a non-state actor in a number of places under its original name as well as other names.

He also mentions the state actors that have adopted views which are just as dangerous now, and will be more so in the future. He cites Iran as being the most significant example of a state that sponsors terrorism. But that's not all, says he, because what has come to be called “legitimate Islam” is also dangerous because even though its members do not embrace the means of the jihadis, they pursue the same ends. He predicts that because they sound moderate and act with moderation, such movements stand a good chance of being elected to power. The trouble is that once they get the power, they hang on to it and refuse to relinquish it as is the case in Iran despite the fact that the population there has become disenchanted with theocracy and wants to see change.

What worries Clifford May is that he believes we cannot escape the effect of what happens in that part of the world because it has the means to cross the ocean and spillover onto this Continent. He makes the point that even if the jihadis can no longer mount an operation that would be serious enough to endanger us, and even if we choose to deal with legitimate Islam at arms length, their influence will be felt here because our thinking has been befogged. Thus, we see that the author has painted a picture which is so comprehensive in its darkness and hopelessness, he leaves no possibility of a way out except through war. To his credit, however, he gives plenty of examples that illustrate every point he makes, and he discusses every one of them in depth.

But what is wrong with this? Well, what's wrong is that every age tends to construct a version of a debate that is comparable to the one sparked by the question: “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” This is a debate that the best minds in the Middle Ages spent endless days and nights hashing and rehashing in depth without ever getting somewhere. Why is that? Because the very premise of the debate was so absurd, the discussion could never go anywhere. The same applies to a modern day discussion whose premise is that the world must engage in an endless war. It is a concept worse than absurd; it is Jewish.

What should happen now is something similar to what happened then. It is that the great minds of the Middle Ages became tired of trying to determine how many angels can dance on the head of a pin; and so they used their skills to determine why they were so foolish as to waste time asking a baseless question in the first place. In this same vein, we must turn away from discussing the launch of an endless war, and discuss instead why someone has been advocating this sort of absurdity in the first place, and deal with this question rather than worry about the planning of an endless war; how to execute it and how to maintain it for ever.

Advocating an endless war is not a new phenomenon; it has been the main motivation behind the activities of Jewish leaders for nearly two thousand years. The Jews have often been accused of causing many of the wars that have plagued mankind since the beginning of time but they always denied the accusation and they always complained of being singled out. In turn, they accused their accusers of being antisemitic. They kept denying the charges and kept accusing their accusers till they could deny no more, and could never accuse again. It is that they had generated a mountain of evidence they could no longer hide or explain away.

Thus, in the absence of a better way to proceed with what they seek to accomplish, they now accuse the people who reject their warlike attitude of being antisemitic. They make this accusation not to deny that they are constantly inciting a war here and a war there (they are proud of this and they wear it like a badge of honor) but because some people do not accept them for what they are or what they do no matter how abhorrent that is. To them, being an obnoxious Jew is a natural state of being; one that is analogous to being a person of color. Thus, to reject this attitude is to commit the offense of discriminating against the Jews.

If we consider the mountain of evidence they have created as being made of stones, one stone in that mountain would be the incitement to war that Clifford May has packed in the article we are here discussing. What he is advocating is a war that is as futile as the one the Communists have waged against Capitalism and lost. But as they often do, the Jewish leaders have turned their coats, have shed their communist ideology to embrace Capitalism, and have gone after the Arabs and the Muslims. To do this, they allied themselves with what they call the West; a group of virtual nations that is supposedly headed by America. They pitted this group against the Arabs and the Muslims, and they turned the engine of hate and incitement to full power. The result has been that the repulsive history of Jewish self-inflicted agony has started the cycle of repeating itself once more.

The Communists lost to Capitalism because their aim was to conquer the world by the trick of badmouthing their opponents. They had bet on the old saying: If you kill everybody, you get to be king. But what happened was that the people who believed in the promise of Communism did so for only a short period of time. It is that the opponents had a weak side which the Communists exploited to the hilt. But when the people began to realize that having a weak side was a natural state of the human condition given that nobody is perfect, they started to have doubts about the Communist ideology.

On the other hand, when you constantly accuse someone of being bad, you imply that you are perfect. Thus, when the inevitable happens and the people you incite to hate others for being imperfect, see that you are less than perfect yourself, they grab the hatred you stuffed into them and they throw it back at you. As if hit by a boomerang, you become the victim of your own doing. Thus, to  preach hate and to incite war has forever been the boomerang that turned around and hit the Jews in the face. They are the eternal victims of their own doing; the miserable people who forever drag into their wretched existence those they convince to follow in their footsteps.

But how do they drag people into their sphere of influence? In fact, we have an example in the May article that shows how they do it. Look at this quote: “Iran's rulers do not think that their war against 'the world of arrogance' is over.” If you remember that Iran was once a close friend and ally of America and of Israel, you wonder what happened that made the Iranians undergo a change of heart, and view themselves as being at war against a world of arrogance that used to be their friend and ally. But you do not have to go too far to find the answer because all you need to do is look at the paragraph below the quote on Iran to see a quote on Egypt. When you consider that Egypt has been a friend and ally for more than three decades, you get to understand how the obnoxious Jew can turn a friend of America into an enemy.

Pretending to speak for all Americans, here is how Clifford May, the Jew has characterized the people he wants you to hate and fight: “As for the Muslim … Brothers [they] and the jihadis … sing from the same hymnal … Both believe in Islamic supremacy; both are committed to the establishment of Islamic hegemony over the Middle East ... and beyond; both seek the power to silence critics at home and abroad; both are engaged in persecuting religious minorities in 'Muslim lands'; both are committed to the destruction of Israel.” Now imagine what this kind of talk will do to the relationship between Egypt and America if and when enough people repeat it, and do so for a long period of time. In fact, this is what happened to America's friends in Iran and elsewhere when they refused to bow to Israeli demands or refused to genuflect to American Jews. And the aim of May and all others like him is that it happens with Egypt as well.

That sort of characterization was responded to on this website on previous occasions, and I shall not take them up all again this time. I shall only take up the subject of religious persecution because it keeps recurring in Jewish writings over and over. What I have to say is that I lived in Egypt as a teenager and a young adult for seven years, and I never felt discriminated against overtly or covertly because of my Christian faith or anything else. When I came to Canada, the people in the media where I tried to start a career assumed automatically that I was a Muslim and told me openly that I will have to write anti-Arab and anti-Muslim articles if I want to be published or I shall never be published. I told them off and they blacklisted me.

In the meantime, I did not completely distance myself from journalism but stayed close to it, even had a few successes. What I did most of the time was try to lead as normal a life as I could while studying the Jewish character and the Jewish methods because I had in mind to write a book one day that will tell future generations how to decipher the Jewish doings and avoid the calamity that the Jewish existence keeps inflicting on the human race. And in my study, I came upon the monumental effort that the Jewish organizations were making -- first alone and then in conspiracy with the Christian fundamentalists -- to start sectarian wars in Lebanon and in Egypt. The plan was to start the wars then call on the American Congress of low-life imbeciles to bankroll them till both sides in each war finish off each other. Apparently they believe that this would be a good thing for Israel; something I was never able to figure out why or how.

They had a limited success in Lebanon but they failed miserably in Egypt. However, there was one incident during last year's revolution when a fire was started in a church. It was put out quickly, and the church was repaired in a day or two. No one knows exactly what happened then but you keep reading about it here both in the Jewish and non-Jewish publications. The writing is done by people who use the incident to make you believe that they have succeeded at long last to start the sectarian war in Egypt for which they schemed so diligently; about which they dreamed for so long. It is the victory lap of the mentally challenged.

But let me tell you what this is, my friend. It is nothing less than the cannibalistic hunger of delirious Jews and that of their running dogs. You see, I was reading the other day about ordinary air travelers who crashed on top of a mountain range in South America and were forced to eat the dead bodies of their fellow passengers. Eventually, they ran out of food and started to turn delirious. When found by a search team, they were clutching a piece of bone and sucking on it in the belief that it was the only thing keeping them alive. They would not let go of it even in exchange for real food.

In that same way, those who talk about religious persecution in Egypt are delirious Jews and their screwed up friends clutching a piece of bone and sucking on it in the belief that a sectarian war will soon explode in Egypt, and get this now – deliver them from their miserable existence. It is that these people consider a wish to be a prayer, and they see a Moses-like Messiah come to help them with every plague they wish upon Egypt. It is absolute lunacy but a fact of life.

So you ask: How miserable has Jewish existence become? Well, look what Clifford May is lamenting about: “Last week, General Martin Dempsey … ordered all military schools to make sure they are not including 'anti-Islamic themes' in training courses. Dempsey's order prohibits … 'advocating ideas, beliefs an actions … disrespectful of the Islamic religion.'” This is the writing of someone who first complains about religion being treated badly then laments that someone has ordered that religion be treated well. It is absolute lunacy but a fact of life.

To the delirious mind of Clifford May, this is the fog of war that the Prussian military theorist has warned against. The remedy according to the Prussian is 'a fine, piercing mind.' to which May adds that “it also requires intellectual courage – something not often exhibited by Western leaders in the current era.”

This man, and all cannibalistic Jews in his condition, need to stop sucking on the bone of dead issues and start nourishing themselves with the wholesome food for thought they will find in publications they have not yet contaminated with their dead and decomposition ideas.