Saturday, May 26, 2012

To Be Free Of Jewish Democratic Tyranny

Here is another valuable gift from Clifford D. May. This time it is a column that goes by the title: “What Iran's Rulers Want” and has the subtitle: “War, genocide, and nuclear weapons.” It was published on May 24, 2012 in National Review Online. It is a gift because the four words of the title encapsulate the strategy by which the Jewish leaders were able to gobble up America, subjugate it and turn it into a giant client state orbiting the little thing they call Israel. Thus, if you make the effort to uncover what is hidden in the title, you will understand how a handful of demons in human clothing were able to use the weakness of Christian democracy to strengthen Jewish authoritarianism.

For fifty years, the Jewish propaganda machine had been telling the Americans -- be they commoners or leaders in any field of endeavor -- that they must not dialogue with anyone in the world or listen to what they say because the Jews will tell America what everyone want, what they are about, how to deal with them and so on and so forth. Upon this, the rabbis immediately started to “educate” the public about how good, smart, generous, intelligent, compassionate, civilized and superior the Jews are. While doing this, they picked on someone in the world, called them the enemy of the day and attacked them for being bad, stupid, stingy, unintelligent, cold, uncivilized and inferior. It was perfect symmetry; a Jewish style Yin and Yang.

Having inherited centuries of experience dealing with the Christians of Europe, the Jewish leaders knew how to work on their descendants; the Christians of America. This time, they did things in a way that was so subtle, they were able to avoid the kind of immediate backlash they used to provoke in Europe; the kind that served to unleash pogroms and holocausts on their followers. But their goal did not change in the sense that it remained the same old quest to infiltrate the system, occupy the strategic positions and get the locals to slavishly serve the Jewish and/or Israeli causes. The Jewish leaders were able to accomplish all this by making the locals believe they were protecting themselves while also helping to save the world and save civilization “as we know it” from the evil people who are out there living for one reason only: to destroy the American way of life.

So here they are again, the political descendants of Karl Marx and cultural descendants of the Kibbutzim collective farms of Israel no longer pretending to be members of the Jewish Defense League – which is on the American list of terrorist organizations -- but members of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies – which ought to be on the list of inciters to hate and fight wars – trying once again to convince us that Israel and the Jews are in danger because they are saints. And being saintly is the reason why the evil characters who rule Iran labor to hurt them, says the author. And he hastily adds that in doing so, the Iranians also demonstrate they plan to hurt America.

Now this question: Do you know what proof he gives for all this? It is that America is just as democratic as the concoction that was erected by the work of the Irgun and the Haganah, the first terrorist organizations to ever plague the Middle East when the Jewish hordes went about bombing the British out of Palestine, and went about machine gunning the unarmed people of Palestine out of their homeland. Of course, the Jewish leaders do not use these words, and they do not tell this history to relay their message. Nevertheless, the message is being relayed by their activities as it has been for half a century.

Clifford May begins his column by telling us what the chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces has said. I am certain that whatever the man has said, he said it not in English but in Persian. Well, I do not have the luxury of being able to go check because I do not speak Persian. But I speak Arabic, and every time I hear or read these people relay what was said in Arabic, it turns out to be as false as translating something like “Let's all get together and make an effort to rebuild our country” into something like “Let's start a worldwide holy war.” And I tell you, my friend, that when you encounter a translation as stinky as this, you feel as sick to the stomach as when you step on a poop left on your porch by the neighbors' dog. And this particular author has been one of the most heedless offenders when it comes to quoting people who speak in a foreign language too remote for Americans to verify. It is like rancid acid being injected into your nostrils.

So then, what does Clifford May claim the Iranian Chief of staff has said? This is what May claims: “he vowed 'full annihilation of the Zionist regime of Israel to the end.'” But you know what I think the Iranian most probably said? He most probably said something that went like this: As usual, the Zionists are once again spreading hate and inciting the Americans to cause a regime change here in Iran with every means being on the table. But I promise you, my fellow citizens, that Iran will be the one to bring about a regime change in Israel with every means being on the table to respond to any means they will dare to use against us. We are your armed forces and we shall defend our ancient homeland to the last drop of sacred blood in our veins.

Do you know why I think so, my friend? I think so because Iran has been one of the earliest civilizations to grace this planet; and that is how civilized people talk among themselves, and talk openly for the whole world to hear. On the other hand, the American Jewish leaders are the most savage things you will encounter on this planet since the Nazis ruled in Europe, and the Khmer Rouge ruled in Cambodia (now Kampuchea). That is how savages distort in their own screwed up little brains what someone else has said, how they translate it and how they report it to others.

Guess who else our esteemed author quotes in his column. He quotes none other than José Maria Aznar. Do you know what this thing is? It is the former prime minister of Spain. Do you know how he came to be former? Because he was caught committing the most heinous crime a leader can commit against his own people and against the very essence of democracy – yes, even that screwy brand of democracy you find in Israel and in Jewish America. It all happened just before the election he was expected to win in Spain but lost decisively.

You see, as fate would have it, al-Qaeda had bombed the trains in that country during the electoral campaign, something it promised it will do if Spain did not withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. Aznar knew who did the bombing but blamed the act on a local terrorist organization because his opponent was promising to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan if he won the election. The truth came out anyway, Aznar was trounced, the opponent won and fulfilled his promise. Thus, I would not believe a word that Aznar says or what May says Aznar has said. It is all dog poop on your porch and mine.

He also quotes Anthony Cordesman who basically says that the Iranians have the knowledge to produce a nuclear weapon if they want to but have not done so. Based on this, however, May goes on to say the following: “Besides being committed to war, genocide, and developing nuclear weapons, Iran's rulers are the world's leading sponsors of terrorism...” But the fact is that Iran has not attacked anyone, and that Israel has attacked everyone it could attack in a neighborhood that was once the garden of Eden but is now a garden infested with a skunk called Israel. As to genocide, the only genocide being committed these days is committed against the unarmed people of Palestine by the savage Jewish hordes, be they in uniform or wearing the civilian attire of settlers. As to the subject of nuclear weapons, it is Israel that pretends to have what it does not have while denying it has what it may or may not have. They call this the purest form of Jewish immersion in ambiguous Marxist-Jeffersonian thinking. But the world calls it the kind of screwed up Jewish behavior that will once again lead innocent people to the gas chamber and the incinerator. Don't they ever learn?

This portion of the presentation complete, he now tells the American negotiators who are a part of the P5+1 group not to give an inch in the negotiations with the Iranians pertaining to their nuclear program, but to ask for absolutely everything while threatening war if they do not get it. This being the case, I have my own advice to give to the Americans. It is this: The people who form organizations and stick the word Jewish on them are charlatans. Listen to them at your peril; something you ought to be familiar with, having been shafted several times already during the last five decades while playing the role of beast of burden and carrying the luggage for world Jewry.

All that these people look for is the fabrication of incidents that will allow them to claim compensation for events deemed to be anti-Semitic. They accomplish this by stealing the Semitic identity when, in fact, they are neither Jewish nor Semitic. But even if they were, they have no more right to compensation than I have for being Christian, and given the fact that my “ancestors” were fed to the lions and other wild animals in the arenas of ancient Rome. But I am of Egyptian origin and as such I am a Semite. And I can tell you from personal experience that the worst thing I dread is being told these characters are my kin folks.

I feel this way not because I am a racist but because I consider that what they do are acts that diminish the value of the entire human race. I feel this way and you should too all the more so because they will continue to incite America -- as they have done with many other peoples in the past -- to start a war and kill millions in the hope that their followers will get hurt in the process thus give them the opportunity to ask for compensation. Simply put, these characters are an insult to the human species and we should see them for what they are.

There is the saying: With friends like these, who needs enemies? And yet, presenting themselves as friends of America, they have infiltrated that society, took it over by turning their journalists, legislators and politicians of every stripe into shameless prostitutes who would sell the children of their neighbors if not their own to the lords of endless wars. And what do these Americans get in return? They get a pat on the back, a smile and maybe a favorable write up in the local newspaper. America has become a sort of democracy where the practitioners give so much of what belongs to the public for so little that may benefit them personally. This is a horror story all by itself.

These examples of low life practitioners of democratic politics Jewish style ought to be unmasked for what they are: the running dogs of the dogs of war who inhabit the doghouse they call Israel. But this is not all because the trainers of the American dogs of Congress and elsewhere can be found in all the places where they stick the word Jewish to make it sound like it is a privileged place that must be approached with respect and reverence. Do that if you want but once inside the premise, call the spade a spade, and call the asshole you meet inside the asshole that he is.

As for you, America, go ahead and negotiate with the Iranians in good faith so that we may save this planet from the only plague that has plagued it since the beginning of time; the idea of supremacy accorded to a people chosen by God to rule over you and me and the rest of the human race.

They are nothing like that. If they were, no one would want to gas them or incinerate them.