Saturday, July 28, 2012

Money Bloodstream Of The Hate Machine

Having demonstrated to the Brits what the political version of an American Joker looks like and sounds like, the plan for Mitt Romney is to spend a couple of days in Israel where he is expected to do two things. He will meet with wealthy American Jews who will be flying into Israel from the United States with checkbooks in pocket loaded with American dollars. These people will meet him at a fund-raising dinner which they set at 50,000 to 100,000 dollars a plate. In return, for this money, Romney will give a speech outlining how, if elected president of America, he will turn his country into a more obedient servant of Israel, and a faithful booster of all the Israeli and Jewish causes even if this will add to the ruination of superpower America that is no longer what it used to be thanks to them.

What they also have in mind for him down there is to have him elaborate on the promise he made to reopen the case of Jonathan Pollard. This is the Jewish spy who helped Israel bomb the peaceful nuclear power station in Iraq by giving it the satellite images needed to commit that heinous criminal act. In fact, this was the act that started a chain of events which culminated in the castration of America, and the elevation of Iran into a regional superpower. Come to think of it, this is what lethal friends are for -- are they not? And when it comes to imposing themselves as friends of someone whose blood they plan to suck, no one does it better than the Jewish leaders, and no one succumbs more readily to the temptation than the American leaders. Together, these two are like the hand that penetrates the glove and fits into it perfectly. In the meanwhile, this is how the American people get it right up their rear end – screwed up royally by the “fickle finger of fate” each and every time.

Not to be outdone by Romney's show of fake love for Israel and all the Jewish causes in this election year, President Barack Obama signed a bill that had been sitting on his desk for several months. The bill is now law which authorizes the sending of another 70 million dollars to Israel so as to help complete the imaginary dome they say is protecting Israel from the Palestinian flares and firecrackers they insist on calling rockets. And they add to the charade despite the fact that everyone knows there is no protection dome in Israel -- by telling another lie. The truth is that Israel needs the money to buy not a dome but buy enough dough to feed its people for a few more months. Rice, wheat and corn is what this money will buy when no one is looking because there is something that we and Romney are not supposed to know about.

In fact, what Romney will not do in Israel is lay a wreath at the tomb of Moshe Silman, the Israeli middle-aged man who set himself on fire to protest the socio-economic problems plaguing that hellhole. But unlike the Tunisian Mohammed Bouazizi whose act sparked the Arab Spring, the one committed by Silman was hushed up in Israel and was totally blacked out in the North American media. Unable to pay rent, feed himself or buy medicine, Silman was helped for a while by his sister, but realizing that this cannot go on for ever, he blamed his troubles on the screwy set up which exists in Israel where corruption is so rampant, the government and the institutions do nothing -- in his words -- but take from the poor to give to the rich. And this was the theme of the protests that have been going on in Israel for more than a year now; events we do not hear about in this Jewish controlled media hellhole we call North America.

This being the case, what else may be happening in the world that we are banned by Jewish decrees from knowing about as we consume our daily ration of media motley of made up stories? Well, you can go over this blacklisted website, my friend, where you will find warnings that America was following the Israeli economic model so perilously, a crash was bound to happen. Eventually, the crash did happen in 2008, the Americans felt it but the media kept on saying that Israel was doing so well, it was like a piece of paradise in a hellish world that is envious of it. No, I was saying, this is a lie. I shouted like a lone voice in the wilderness that Israel was the pits; it is a hellhole that could not come up to the level of a Sierra Leon or a North Korea if left without American help, and the help of many other donors.

How did I know this when the world was turning a blind eye to the truth? Well, I studied (rather I tried to study) the Israeli economy but discovered that there was no economy to study in Israel. Unlike Sierra Leon or North Korea where there is the semblance of a nation with a rudimentary economy, Israel is neither a nation nor an economy. It is an outpost financed and held in place mainly with American money and some help from a few other sources. Take that away and Israel will look like a doghouse and a hellish place.

What alarmed me most was the fact that America was made to copy the Israeli non-business model. To achieve this, America was turning itself into a handful of giant retail stores that sell cheap imported goods while gradually destroying the local manufacturing base and putting out of business the small neighborhood stores. This is how the Israeli so-called economy is structured. You have a number of retail stores which are owned by a handful of families with dual citizenship – mostly Israeli and American but also Israeli and some European nationality. These same people own businesses outside of Israel where they make real money in the manufacturing and/or the wholesale sectors.

To make the operation in the Israeli outpost worth maintaining, they turned the place into a way station where they park their money and keep it sheltered for a while from the authorities of the countries where they generate the profits. After that, they start taking the money out to invest anywhere in the world where they see an opportunity. But this would not be sufficient to generate the surplus that can maintain a population of a few million Israelis. They needed to find a number of other sources that would supplement the cash flow. To this end, they plugged their sucking pump into the bloodstream of the German people and demanded reparation payments. They got it; and this is something which is still ongoing half a century past any statute of limitation you will find anywhere in this world.

But that is not all they did because by now they had secured the complete and absolute control of the house of insanity known as the Congress of the United States of America. They incited the criminally insane members of that toilet bowl to pass stinking legislation by which to blackmail some European nations such as Switzerland to pay Israel moneys that no Jew was ever entitled to. In addition, they mounted endless fund-raising campaigns throughout the world to ask for donations which they received with extreme generosity. They also borrowed money that was secured with American endorsements, debts that keep piling up with no hope they will ever pay them. And this means that America will end up paying. Despite all of this, they still managed to bring the Israeli outpost close to a financial cliff on several occasions, and had the American Congress of imbeciles bail them out each and every time.

They have something else going for them. We see it clearly in the way that the current administration and the one seeking to replace it have been made to play the Jewish game. When you follow the money, you see it go round and round and round. Here you have wealthy American Jews go to Israel with their pockets stuffed with American dollars they intend to donate to the Romney campaign. This will diminish their coffers in America which will require replenishment. They will be able to do this because they also own the businesses in Israel where their money is sometimes parked. Some of that money will come back to America where it will be used to finance the two campaigns. The net result is that the American taxpayer which is already on its knees will end up as usual feeding Israel, its moguls, the Jewish moguls in America and the two political parties.

Any change in this carousel of political insanity risks exposing the fraud that is perpetuated legally on the American people. This is why it is up to them now to say enough is enough. The thing, however, is that the situation in America is no different from the one in every authoritarian state. In America, as in pre-revolution Tunisia, the press is not free. Thus, there will be no one to spread the word that the people have had it up to here, and that they want a change. But will there be a Bouazizi who will make a splash as in the Arab world? Or will there be a Silman who will die in silence and take his cause with him to the grave?

Time will tell.