Thursday, July 19, 2012

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet, Karl

It looks to me like Karl Rove's magic touch has been upstaged by the gamblers of Macao and the diehard crowd that believes God gave the “Holy Land” of Palestine to any kook who fantasizes he or she was chosen by Him to own that land because he or she chose to convert to a long defunct religion they still call Judaism. The reason why I see Karl's influence wane is that his original plan to have Mitt Romney only promise to make Israel his first foreign trip if and when elected President, has been pushed aside by the kooks who must be raising more money than him for the Romney campaign.

The way I see how the drama unfolded inside the Romney campaign is that the swarm of Jewish advisers who now surround Romney must have huddled together and decided to pull the foreign trick they pride themselves as being the only ones to possess. This way, they will score a spectacular coup; as spectacular as the Olympics, and thus sprint ahead of the Obama campaign. They said to themselves they can make their candidate look presidential by cooking up a foreign trip for him that will offset his apparent inexperience in foreign matters except for the fact he has shipped jobs overseas and has maintained secret bank accounts in foreign lands to evade American taxes.

I know from personal experience how much these people pride themselves on their ability to pull those foreign tricks because they tried on at least two big occasions to entice me to turn into a mouthpiece forever puking their filthy propaganda, by showing me how much they can control events not only in North America but around the world. They pulled it once when they told me to watch what will soon happen on the world stage. When I saw nothing happen that was out of the ordinary, they asked: Didn't you see that guy Cohen bump into Bill Clinton in Japan? I said what about it? They said, we fixed that; now Cohen who is a Republican will be Secretary of Defense in a Democratic government. Yawn.

And they pulled it a second time when they said they could fix it for me to win prizes all over the place from the Pulitzer to the Oscar to the Nobel. To show the extent of their prowess, they told me to watch what will happen in India. I was too busy at the time to watch the news and so, I was not aware of anything that happened in India. They had to tell me themselves what happened which is that they had a kid – apparently a Canadian – bump into then Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien and yell at him that he is doing nothing to take up the cause of kids around the world who are forced into child labor. And my reaction was: Why was it necessary to have the encounter in India when it could have been organized here in Canada? They gave me no answer.

There were a few other minor occasions when they tried to pull similar filthy tricks on me. Apparently, however, Mitt Romney does not see them as filthy tricks having accepted to set aside the Rove plan for that of the Jewish cabal now advising him. You get this same feeling and you arrive at these same conclusions when you read Karl Rove's latest installment in the Wall Street Journal of July 19, 2012. It comes under the title: “Obama Gets Down and Dirty” and the subtitle: “The president's campaign puts out a steady stream of smears against Mitt Romney, including an insinuation that he committed a felony in an SEC filing.”

The thing is that matters have become so bad in the governance of business that even a minor director – perhaps one in twenty on the board of a company – can no longer say: I didn't know what was going on because I am a director on a dozen other boards, and I never had the time to ask the proper questions. And the reaction of the SEC and other policing authorities is that he or she should have found the time to know what they were getting into or make a clean break with that company and perhaps a few of the other companies as well.

Thus, for Mr. Romney to claim that he didn't know what was going on at Bain because it only took him two or three years to extricate himself from that company while claiming to the SEC that he remained its CEO, chairman, and president is to tax anyone's credulity. Hey Karl, I have a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you and a Santa Claus to bump into somewhere in Timbuktu who may arrange for you to meet Moses who has a couple of tablets containing the ten newest commandments on how to run a godly, clean political campaign. Interested?

And guess what – if it turns out that the tax returns Romney is hiding from the public show he was making tons of money during that period of time; yet he never bothered to ask a single question, the electorate will laugh him out of the country and send him to stay permanently in Israel or in Macao. There is no more a place in America for someone – felon or not – to sell his country short so as to implement the treasonous plan of World Jewry.