Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Israeli Opportunists Seeking New Opportunities

Ehud Barak who is a big honcho in Israel wrote an article in which he inadvertently demonstrated how and why the occupation of Palestine – which is the Middle East only imported problem therefore only real problem – has festered for decades, and promises to continue festering for a long time to come. The title of the article is: “With Obama's Israel Visit, an Opportunity” and the subtitle is: “Forming a 'strategic triangle' to ensure Middle East security.”

No, Ehud Barak is not talking about a Bermuda Triangle for the Middle East but he is suggesting something that comes awfully close. It would be a situation in which America will be trapped more securely than it is now inside the quicksand of Zionist ambitions. You can see all this in the article that is published in the March 20, 2013 edition of the Wall Street Journal.

As to the three cornerstones that will form the triangle of the new Ehud dream, they would be what he calls a Regional Security Framework, what he calls a reinvigorated peace process with the Palestinians, and what he calls an effective halt of the Iranian nuclear program. He wants to achieve all this, he says, because it would be “the most effective approach to deal with the dynamic challenges on our horizon.”

So, you go through the article to see what he means by dynamic challenges, and you find that the only thing really new to the region is what he introduces to the readers in this manner: “Many in the world would do well to learn that ... the Muslim Brotherhood would still have come to power in Egypt.” Thus, he is arguing that the advent of the Muslim Brotherhood – an indigenous movement to that country no different from Europe's Christian Democrats – is a problem in the Middle East. And this means that in his eyes, the advent of the alien Zionist movement to the region was never a problem. Get it, my friend? Jewish logic says that a movement indigenous to a place is a problem, but that an imported movement is no problem. See how Jewish logic works?

Puzzled (or perhaps not) by this Jewish mutilation of reason, you look into the cornerstones of his proposed solutions and find nothing in them that will deal with the Muslim Brotherhood. This puts a big question mark on what he calls Regional Security Framework. With this cornerstone in limbo or out of the way, we are left with the peace process with the Palestinians, and with the Iranian nuclear program. But there is nothing new about these two subjects; they have been around for decades.

Still, the title of the Ehud Barak article says: “With Obama's Israel Visit, an Opportunity” so you ask: What opportunity is he talking about? And you find the answer at the end of the article. It is the following: “this triangle ... demands an even stronger U.S.-Israel alliance. President Obama's visit to Israel ... offers an opportunity to kick-start an effort to accomplish just that.”

Well, well, well. An alliance being a relationship of reciprocity, you see that Ehud Barak is proposing to continue the same old relationship under which Israel would continue to behave like the murderous terrorist state it has always been while America will stand as bodyguard to defend it from any possible retaliation, even from a bunch of kids who would do nothing more than is reported in the moaning vocalized by Israelis and by New York Jews: “They throw stones at our soooldiers; oh pity me, piteee meee.”

That's when the congressional male and female bimbos of America usually come out of their whorehouses and chant in unison: “Terrorists! Terrorists! Let's pass unanimous and bipartisan resolutions condemning these acts of terrorism. Let's also give Israel more bombs to kill more Arabs, and let's give it more money to buy more food from the Arabs.”

Implicit in the Ehud Barak presentation is also a rejection of the Security Council resolutions pertaining to the end of the savage occupation of Palestine. The man makes a mockery of the American repeated calls to stop building settlements on Palestinian land. And he expects to see America continue having Israel's back, continue showing no daylight between the two, and continue arming Israel with the most advanced weapons in its arsenal; weapons that will allow the terrorist state to widen the circle of conflagrations in which to drag America.

This is how new opportunities will present themselves in the future so that Israel may again take advantage of them. This is what Ehud Barak is articulating in his piece.

He wants Israel to continue having a piece of America.