Thursday, December 19, 2013

The World Will Never Be Safe for Them

They live and work in Buenos Aires which is in Argentina, and they write to a publication in New York which is in America to say how displeased they are about the way that the Europeans are governing themselves at this juncture in human history. Who would that be? A couple of Jews, of course; no one else would do a thing like that. This time it was Federico Finchelstein and Fabian Bosoer who wrote an article under the title “Is fascism Returning to Europe?” and had it published in the New York Times on December 18, 2013.

Just think about it, whether they converted to the religion known as Judaism only now, or they are third, fourth or tenth generation converts, they all assume the responsibility of fixing the world, and make it safe for Jews to live in because they automatically become imbued with the belief that humanity is plagued with a genetic defect called antisemitism. They are further instructed that antisemitism does not necessarily mean being hostile to the ethnic group designated as Semitic – which includes the Arabs – but means being hostile to Jews of any and every ethnic background, be they of Hebrew descent or any other descent.

And so, they keep an eye on everyone in the world for two reasons. The first is to identify the individuals they can recruit to do the work they cannot do themselves. Usually they find this sort of people in the nations that have reached their economic and military apogees, and are beginning to decline culturally, morally or both. The second reason for which they keep an eye on the world is to identify the individuals, groups or nations they would classify as being at variance with their agenda of a world that should be safe for Jews to live in.

In the example we are facing, the American Congress is a place that is full of individuals who are ripe for recruitment to do the dirty work for them. And Europe is the place where a number of nations contain individuals who are at variance with the Jewish agenda. Hence, the article in the New York Times that is meant to impress the Senators and House Representatives of the United States Congress, thus prepare them to receive further instructions later on as to what they should do to fix a situation they will undoubtedly call existential.

What they see standing in their way at this time is none other than the President of these same United States. They know he has the power under the Constitution to determine the foreign policy of the country. And so they use every parliamentary trick in the book to usurp these powers and transfer them to the Congress which they have already determined is so rotten, they will bring under their control with a song, a little bribe and a blackmail that will be as big as it will take to convince the key members it is in their personal interest to follow the wishes of the Jewish lobby than follow those of their President.

And so, the first thing they do is launch a campaign of denigration against that President, which is what they did a day before on December 17, 2013 in the Washington Times. It was on that day that the notorious John Bolton published an article under the title: “Nero in the White House” and the subtitle: “The president fiddles at his domestic altar while the world burns.” And this is where you see in stark terms how the dirtiest of the Jewish game is played. It is a game that is sometimes called “the clarity of Jewish ambiguity,” and sometimes called “the ambiguity of Jewish clear thinking.”

It is here that you see them do two opposite things at the same time. On the one hand, they try to wrest the power to conduct foreign policy from the hands of the President and transfer it to a Congress that is under their control. On the other hand, they get John Bolton to assert that domestic affairs are none of the President's business because his only concern should be foreign policy. To reinforce this point of view, Bolton accuses the President of doing what Nero did which was to play the fiddle while Rome was burning. With this analogy, he asserts that the World (foreign) is to Obama what Rome (domestic) was to Nero. What can be clearer than this? Jewish clear, that is.

So then, what is it that these people want? Well, the Bolton article tells you they want to take full control of America so that they may have control of its military. The Finchelstein and Bosoer article tells you they want to use what is left of America's standing in the world to steer the Europeans, if not the whole world, to adopt the Jewish agenda of a “Liberal” world that will be dominated by a “Militaristic” Israel-America axis. What can be more ambiguous than this? Jewish ambiguous, that is.

The trouble is that if they keep going like this, the world will never be safe for them.