Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Unmasking the Fear that's disguised as Bravery

What can you do in the dark that you cannot do when the lights are on? Well, you can turn things upside down, and no one will know.

This is what used to happen before the advent of the internet and the other social media. Reality was often turned upside-down, and no one noticed because something else had preceded the advent of the new methods of communication. It is that World Jewry had established a Jewish presence on the North American continent long ago, and was monopolizing the traditional media outlets. The first thing the Jews did was to shut out all those who were able to shed light on reality, and set out to turn reality on its head.

Things got so bad in Canada (and the United States as well) that in trying to navigate the daily deluge of fake news and hypocritical opinions, you were made to feel like a kitten trying to brave a mudslide. Even people who were very intelligent and highly moralistic could not stand up to the force of the rushing mud. One man I respected very much before he pronounced himself on the subject and after he did (because he served Canada well) was former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. But he too was caught by the trap and victimized by the Jewish mudslide which made him believe that courage was to stand with Israel against the Palestinians.

This was like saying courage was to stand with the rapist against his victims. Fortunately, however, after several decades, and thanks to the enlightenment brought about by the internet and the other social media, Brian Mulroney finally saw the light a few months ago and backtracked on his old stance. And the good news does not stop here because the indications are that a similar sort of conversion is taking place in the United States of America.

You can see this effect in three articles that were authored by members of the mob of Jewish pundits who took up the subject. On August 7, 2017 Jonathan S. Tobin wrote: “Democrats Who Want to Be President Back Away from Israel,” published in National Review Online. Also on August 7, 2017, Jonathan Feldstein wrote: “Senator Booker Wrong on Funding Terror,” published in Townhall. And on August 8, 2017, the editors of the New York Daily News wrote a piece under the title: A load of B.S. On BDS: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand jumps off a good bill.

The articles speak for themselves so loudly and clearly, I cannot add much that will enhance the experience of the readers … they should read the articles in their entirety. But there is one passage that came in the Jonathan Tobin piece I would like to emphasize because it says a great deal about the general condition that the Jews have created in America around the current and other subjects. The following is how Tobin has registered his complaint against the Democratic Party:

“Polls show that those who identify with the party are far less likely to back Israel. The grass roots of the Democratic Party are increasingly hostile to Israel, something that became clear in 2012 when the delegates at the Democratic National Convention revolted against their leadership's efforts to include in the party platform a recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The delegates booed loudly and rejected the measure in a voice vote while the convention chairman ignored the crowd and declared that the measure had passed. The spectacle was a benchmark moment”.

Yes indeed, that was a spectacle, and it was a benchmark moment. It was awful because it encapsulated what is truly horrific about political Judaism. Here you see Johnathan Tobin lament not because the convention chairman committed the highest crime you can imagine against democracy to please the Jews, but because the grass root delegates booed the chairman for trampling all over the democratic process.

From the start, Judaism has been a politico-militaristic movement disguised as religion. For thousands of years, its secret platform has described an operating procedure that comes down to this: (1) Infiltrate the already established nations; (2) by hook, by crook and by every other measure, turn the leaders away from the service of the public; (3) have them impose your will on their people; (4) take over the political, financial and military institutions of those nations; (5) Use this accomplishment as a base of operation to go after the next target.

Whereas some people in America get upset seeing someone burn the flag or speak ill of the constitution, many remain oblivious of the fact that in subtle and stealthy ways, the Jews will not hesitate to do the moral equivalent of shredding the constitution and trampling all over the flag if and when they sense that such actions will serve the interests of Israel or any of their other causes.

But because people in power – such as the senators whom our authors are complaining about – have gotten the message that the grass roots have sent them, a shift of the paradigm is beginning to take place.

This situation has so alarmed the mob of Jewish pundits; they attacked the senators to punish them, and also to send a terse message to all those in office. In a typically Jewish fashion, the pundits are warning these people they'll be made to pay a heavy price if they defect.

What the mob does not realize is that it may scare some politicians who will decide not to defect, but will do something else as well. Those that have not joined the so-called friends of Israel sorority will think twice before joining what is beginning to look like a foreign criminal syndicate operating in the heart of the American political establishment. And they'll avoid it like the plague.