Monday, June 24, 2019

For Shoshana Bryen, History starts when useful

When the Jews started their cultural conquest of America half a century ago, they used weapons that were new to the American scene, thus cut through the existing cultural setup like a hot knife goes through butter.

One potent weapon used by the Jews consisted of randomly choosing a point in time for the start of events in such a way as to advance their narrative of these events. This is the weapon that Shoshana Bryen has brought back to life … but with a difference this time. Not only did Bryen use the weapon again, she is falsely and simultaneously accusing Ilhan Omar of using it.

Shoshana Bryen is doing exactly that in an article she wrote under the title: “For Ilhan Omar, History Starts Today,” published on June 21, 2019 in Algemeiner. This is where, under the cover of a lie to the effect that Ilhan Omar had given a lesson in history, Bryen accused the Representative from Minnesota of being ignorant because she viewed history as starting afresh every day. But the reality is that, unlike Bryen, Omar did not pretend to talk history, and certainly did not lecture on it.

What Ilhan Omar did, was express her opinion on the events of the day based on her observation of such events. This is how human interactions have been unfolding throughout the world since forever, and how they used to unfold in America before the Jews came along and––by repeated sleights of hand––gave a historical tail to every event that was related to Jewish and Israeli matters.

The most notorious of these sleights of hand occurred in 1967 when the Jews falsely accused the Arabs of wanting to turn the clock back to 1948. The Jews did so while they were themselves turning the clock back 2,000 years, to a moment in time when they said their ancestors were driven out of ancient Palestine by the Roman occupiers. Thus, the Jews had the gall of accusing the Arabs of being so inhuman as to want what they were themselves doing. Ironically, the Jews were blind to the reality that they were effectively calling themselves inhuman.

Unhappy with Ilhan Omar's observation that Trump's decision to get out of the Iran nuclear deal, is causing the current tension in the Middle East; also unhappy with Ilhan Omar's opinion to the effect that America should reinstate the nuclear deal, Shoshana Bryen has decided to lecture on the history of Iran as it was spun repeatedly by the Jewish propaganda machine.

The arbitrary point that Shoshana Bryen chose for the start of history, was 1979, a time when a new regime grabbed Power in Iran and took over the American embassy in Tehran. What Bryen neglected to tell, however, is why the event took place to begin with. Well, the reason why it took place was that the American embassy in Tehran was “ground zero” inside of which a plot was hatched in 1953 to overthrow the elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosadegh. Thus, Shoshana Bryen has once again proven to be intellectually dishonest. As to being ignorant for not knowing when an event started, Shoshana Bryen has proven to be the mother of all ignoramuses.

Another reality that Shoshana Bryen failed to mention, is that an overt Cold War has existed between Iran and the United States since at least the overthrow of the Shah, and that a covert Hot War was started shortly thereafter. The reason why all this happened, is that Iran was convinced that as long as America maintained military bases in the region, the Iranian people will never be safe. In fact, this theory proved correct when Saddam Hussein attacked Iran using chemical weapons against civilians. These were chemicals made with equipment and raw material supplied to Saddam by America.

Thus, in the same way that America risked war when the Soviets placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, Iran decided it would risk an all-out hot war with America if it came to that. The Iranians made this point clear to America when they attacked a Marine base in Lebanon. Ronald Reagan got the message and promptly pulled out of Lebanon.

Shoshana Bryen mentioned none of that in her article. What she did instead, is what Jews do all the time. She religiously recited the one-sided, distorted litany that Jews inflict on their audiences when they want to say their side was the innocent party that was attacked by an evil opponent.

But that kind of Jewish propaganda had failed previously to gain traction among the general audiences. So, the Jewish pundits shifted their approach to now describe battles that pitted soldiers against soldiers as terrorists killing their soldiers and those of friends. This approach appealed to Jewish audiences when the fight was said to involve Arab commandos and the Israeli military.

But when the Jews applied the same approach to battles that involved American soldiers and their enemies, the Jews were surprised to learn that the American soldiers did not feel terrorized by those they were killing and by whom they risked being killed. The Americans fought like soldiers, killed like soldiers and died like soldiers. Unlike the Israelis, they did not have someone eulogize them as young superheroes who were murdered by terrorists.

This is what Shoshana Bryen has tried to revive, and you get a feel of that, when you read the following passage in her article:

“The 1980s marked the start of Iran's occupation of Lebanon and the start of Hezbollah as its proxy. In 1983, Hezbollah blew up the US Marine Barracks in Beirut, killing 220 Marines and 21 other American military personnel. A second suicide bomber struck the French barracks, killing 58 French soldiers and wounding 15. Hezbollah blew up the Khobar Towers in 1996, killing 19 Americans and injuring 372”.

In politics they say, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. In war they say, if you can't risk dying, stay home and cook something in your kitchen.