Friday, March 20, 2020

How Fanaticism makes them eternal Pariahs

First, you meet a religious fanatic that wants to convert you to his religion. He says it is the truest religion of all. You ask how he knows that, and he says God said so. You say, let's go meet that God of yours and have a talk with him. He says you cannot do that because God works in mysterious ways, which is why he never makes mistakes. You ask for proof that this is true, and he says the proof is that God said so himself, and you cannot argue with God. End of discussion.

Second, you meet a hardcore criminal that was just sentenced to life in prison. He says that the judge and the jury were biased against him because of his good looks. You ask him to provide proof of that, and he angrily snaps back that he is saying so himself, and that’s proof enough. As you try to ask another question, he commands that you stop arguing with him. End of discussion.

Third, you read the work of a Jewish fanatic that says, it is preposterous to accuse Israel of committing war crimes and ask it to stand trial. You inquire as to why she makes this assertion, and the fanatic says that Israel exceeds the purity and nobility of the best angel you'll meet in heaven. She adds that Israel must never submit to trial. Puzzled, you ask the innocent question: Says who? And the fanatic Jew responds: Israel and I said so … and you cannot argue with either of us. End of discussion.

Now, my friend, do you believe I’m writing a horror novel about the ravages of a potential mental illness that could reduce the quality of life on our dear Planet? Let me assure you, this is not a novel. It is horror alright, but it is real. It is as real as the American-made bombs in the hands of Israel's Jews who drop them like rain on the unarmed population of Palestine whenever the Jews feel it is necessary to remind their base they remain as alert as ever and as savage as they'll ever be.

You can ascertain that such is the case by reading the article that came under the title: “How the ICC [International Criminal Court] is encouraging greater civilian casualties,” written by Evelyn Gordon who lives in Israel. She had the article published on March 18, 2020 in the Jewish News Syndicate.

A blurb that serves as the summary of the article's content sounds as follows: “By prosecuting Israel, the International Criminal Court has essentially said there's no point even trying to uphold the laws of war because as the court interprets them, they are incompatible with self-defense.” With this, Evelyn Gordon is saying that she and Israel have determined that Israel was engaged in self-defense when it committed the acts that looked like war crimes. Their word being as good as that of God, they contend it is sufficient proof that Israel is innocent, that it must not be investigated and that it must not be tried.

Evelyn Gordon and those like her do not live in a forsaken planet. They live here on Earth, and when they write something, it's because they know they have an audience––however small it may be––that will listen to and be impressed by the moral pornography they have been spewing. In fact, we don't have to go too far looking for that audience; it rears its ugly head like a bunch of hookers who beat the pavement of the political red-light district, looking for lobbying johns with deep pockets to turn a trick on them. That unspeakable audience has a name that goes like this: The hungry-for-money state and federal legislators of America.

But what is there in the words of the Jewish fanatics that convinces the hookers in the red-light corridors of America's halls of shame, to block what they are elected to accomplish for America, and work instead on expediting the demands of Israel and the Jews? Well, to find the answer to that question, we look at the way that Evelyn Gordon started her article. Here it is:

“The ICC prosecutor's decision to open a criminal investigation against Israel poses a much bigger problem: Contrary to the court's stated mission to trying to reduce the harm caused by war, it may well result in even higher casualties and more extensive property damage”.

This is the combination of two tricks often used by the Jews. The first trick goes something like this: “If you don't do what we tell you, America, there will be another holocaust, and you'll be responsible for it.” The second trick goes something like this: “If you listen to the Palestinians, there will be no peace, only violence and bloodshed in Palestine and the whole region”.

The first saying is very much a part of the Jewish exploitation and monetization of the Holocaust. It scares the Americans to be told they might be responsible for the next holocaust. Too stupid to know this cannot be true, they cower upon hearing the fake warning, and respond by handing the Jews everything they ask for.

As to the second saying, it is a threat that aims to terrorize the listeners, and then place the blame for the terror on someone else.

In this case, the terror is that Israel will increase the punishment it inflicts on the Palestinians. The blame will come when the Palestinians will be forced to defend themselves, and the Jews will accuse them of committing violence. That would be violence as serious as flying a kite or throwing stones at tanks that come to demolish Palestinian homes.

Now you know why it is that the world feels pity and sympathy for the Jews after each holocaust and pogrom, but then the Jews turn themselves into pariahs by flooding that same world with unbearable obnoxiousness.