Monday, June 13, 2022

Two-state solution more promising than Zimbabwe

 Let me tell you a true story before I tell you another true story.


Here in Canada we have a weekly lottery called 6/49. That’s because when you buy a ticket to participate in the game, you choose 6 numbers out of 49. The choice for the 6 winning numbers is made by a machine that drops numbered balls, and the whole thing is shown on television. If you chose all 6 numbers correctly, you win millions of dollars. If you chose 5 or 4 or 3 correctly, you win lesser prizes.


Most people who participate in the game watch it play on TV, and know whether they won or lost. But if they don’t watch, they can go to any of the stores that sell tickets, and have the clerk verify if they won anything. Most of the time the store clerk would check the number and say, no luck this time, and throw the ticket in the trash can. This happened to a citizen not knowing that he had the winning ticket but that the store clerk cheated him.


Many things happened in the ensuing few days that alerted the citizen to the fact he had been cheated by the former store clerk who now lives in a luxury house and was leading an extravagant life. The citizen alerted the lottery commission as well as the police. It took very little to establish that the store clerk had stolen the winnings of the citizen. The clerk was confronted with the evidence, he admitted to his crime, and the authorities saw to it that justice was done.


Now, my friend, let me ask you this question: Would you have believed me if I said that when the police showed up at the door of the former store clerk, the latter admitted he stole the citizen’s money, admitted he now lived the good life, but there was no logical reason why he should relinquish the house or the remaining cash to the citizen because — get this now, my friend — we don’t know what he’ll do with the house or the money. Does that blow your mind or what?


But why am I telling you this story? I’m telling it because something like it happened, and the thief behaved in the manner you would agree is mind blowing. You can get the true story from the horse’s mouth when you read the article that came under the title: “Three Tough Questions About the Two State Solution,” written by the shamelessly mind blower James Sinkinson, and published on June 12, 2022 in the despicable Jewish online magazine Algemeiner.


Here is a condensed version of the preamble with which Sinkinson started his discussion:


“Pundits and politicians have called for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. What would ‘Palestine’ look like? We don’t know who would negotiate a Palestinian state or who would be in charge of it. We don’t know what the terms of that state would be—like borders and peace agreements with Israel. We don’t know what the vision would be for the new state’s political, military and economic structure. We don’t know these characteristics of a future ‘State of Palestine’ because none of its proponents reveal them. We don’t know what the United States or European Union envision. Likewise, we don’t even know how the Palestinians imagine their new state. Yet the answers to these questions—and many others—must be provided before rational people can embrace the concept of a two-state solution”.


This is the first time in the history of colonialism that the colonial power put down conditions for the occupied to fulfill before promises are made to end the occupation. This should not have surprised anyone given that the colonists are Jews, and these people are the only ones in history to steal the land, and immediately go on a never ending spree to slander their victims.


And if you think that’s bad beyond comprehension, consider the following:


First, James Sinkinson says he is President of a Jewish outfit calling itself, Facts and Logic About the Middle East (FLAME), which offers educational messages to correct lies and misperceptions about Israel and its relationship to the United States.


Second, this is the kind of logic that Jews wish to impose on the schoolchildren of America. They are working relentlessly to take over the schools at every level, and they are doing it in the same way that they successfully took over the levers of decision making in the journalistic and political arenas.


Let’s see what else that Jewish logic has produced. Here is another condensed passage from the James Sinkinson article:


“While Abbas theoretically holds power in the West Bank, he is currently serving the 17th year of a four-year term. West Bank Palestinians have a bankrupt economy; they are propped up by financial contributions from Western nations. Most analysts agree that if Israel did not assist in the Palestinian areas, Hamas would take over. Did we mention that Abbas is 87 years old and has no heir-apparent? Thus, it’s entirely possible that when Abbas dies, Hamas will simply start ruling the West Bank’s 2.7 million Palestinians as a thugocracy, just as in Gaza”.


The truth is that none of what Sinkinson implies ought to be conditions that the Palestinians must fulfill before Israel would consider ending the occupation — was asked of anyone else. It wasn’t asked of the Mau Mau rebels in Kenya. Nor of the Algerian Resistance that fought the French, nor of the African National Congress that struggled to end apartheid in South Africa nor of the Zimbabwe African National Union who fought the Ian Smith forces … and many more such examples around the globe.


Only the Jewish leaders could come up with a cockamamie basket full of what sends the rank-and-file to the undesirable places that makes the latter wish it would happen never again, and yet keeps happening again and again.