Saturday, July 30, 2022

US seeks to become what Israel pretended to be

 The headline proudly blares news to the effect that “House passes $280 billion Bill to boost Domestic Semiconductor Production,” and the subtitle of the article asserts that “In a White House statement, President Joe Biden said the bill is ‘exactly what we need to be doing to grow our economy right now’”.


The article was written by Ethen Lieser and published on July 29, 2022 in The National Interest.


What’s this about?


Well, we find out what it’s about by studying what the article says the move seeks to establish, and what it seeks to avoid. Here are some of the passages that shed light on the matter:


The $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act will subsidize domestic semiconductor manufacturing and invest billions in science and technology innovation, with an aim to bolster the country’s competitiveness. Supporters of the bill contend that the legislation is long overdue and will help lower US reliance on China and other countries for chip manufacturing, which they say poses a growing national security risk. President Biden said ‘Today, the House passed a bill that will make cars, appliances and computers cheaper. It will lower the costs of every day goods and create high-paying jobs across the country, and strengthen US leadership in the industries of the future at the same time.’ He added: ‘By making more semiconductors in the US, this bill will increase domestic manufacturing and lower costs for families. It will strengthen our national security by making us less dependent on foreign sources of semiconductors. Nancy Pelosi called the legislation ‘a major victory for American families and the American economy’”.


Was it not yesterday that criminal traitors were paralyzing the American Republic, forbidding it from serving its own people while enhancing its ability to serve Israel and World Jewry? Look what Matt Schlapp – who is chair of the Conservative Political Coalition, the nation’s original grassroots – has written as recently as July 25, 2022 in the Washington Times. His article came under the title: “What binds America and Israel is stronger than Biden,” and the subtitle: “Both countries can learn from each other.” Here are excerpts from the article:


“In the face of globalism and bad leadership, people around the world are fighting for national sovereignty. That’s the message I heard last week at CPAC Israel in Tel Aviv. I’ve just returned from our first CPAC Israel where over 2,000 people attended the event in Tel Aviv, just days after President Biden’s trip to the region. We saw first-hand how the Israeli people fervently hope to restore positive relations with the US, a topic that was top of mind. The president came to the region to try to secure a commitment for more oil from Saudi Arabia. CPAC Israel speaker Jason Greenblatt explained that Mr. Biden ‘doesn’t understand’ that the Iranian threat ‘won’t be solved through diplomacy.’ Both countries, however, can learn from each other. We need allies in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and the Americas to leverage one another’s strengths to preserve God’s gift of freedom. Like Israel itself, we are now at the point where we are fighting for our very survival”.


With the open display of both contempt for America’s system of governance, and the worship of dripping vulgarities that come out the mouth of a Jew accusing its President of “not understanding” what’s good for his country, it should not be difficult to understand how America was brought to the edge of the abyss, requiring it to pass the bill that the House just did to save the Republic from being eaten by its rivals.


The worst part is that what happened in the past was not confined to the past alone; it remains in action today as much as it had been in the past. In fact, the abyss is still here, America is made to stand at the edge, and the ill-wind of obliteration is blowing hard trying to turn the potential calamity into reality.


What follows are passages from an article that tells what passes for normal in the relations between America and Israel, clearly showing how America turns itself into a willing victim of cannibalism and offers itself for Israel to consume it. Here are the passages that came under the title: “Biden views defense tech at airport, including Iron Dome, new laser-based iron beam,” and the subtitle: “Israel hopes to partner with Washington on the in-development laser air defense system; US president given classified briefing by Defense Minister Gantz, other officials,” written by Emanuel Fabian, and published on July 13, 2022 in Times of Israel. Here are those passages:


“US President Biden toured a Defense Ministry display of Israel’s air defense systems. The display at the airport included the Arrow, David’s Sling, Iron Dome, and an in-development laser interception system dubbed Iron Beam. The latter is designed to work in tandem with systems like Iron Dome and shoot down smaller projectiles. Israel hopes to partner with Washington on the Iron Beam project, including American investment in further development and deployment of the system. The tour of the Iron Dome was a nod to US efforts to grant Israel funding for additional missiles for the system after last year’s war in the Gaza Strip. Security cooperation has intensified and Israel is grateful for this and also for your support with record US security assistance that included a billion dollars to replenish Iron Dome interceptors,” Gantz told Biden who was given a fragment of a drone the Iron Beam system shot down during a series of tests. The US president was expected to announce his approval for US defense industry officials to begin talks with Israeli counterparts about purchasing Iron Beam, a senior US official told The Times of Israel. He added that “the alliance between Israel and the US is stronger than ever. The Iron Beam, which is being developed, is not meant to replace the Iron Dome or Israel’s other air defense systems, but to supplement and complement them. It is not clear when the initial deployment will happen. Officials have hailed it as a potential “game-changer” in the battle against projectile attacks. Biden landed at Ben Gurion Airport for his first trip to Israel as president. After touring the defense site, he headed to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem”.


What does that say? It says that—like the pauper who manages to survive by fleecing the well-to-do that pity him—the government of Israel, in conjunction with the Judeo-American crime syndicate, have perfected the art of creating the theatrics by which to throw sand in the eyes of gullible Americans, thus pull it off for Israel and World Jewry each time.


And so, what you should expect to see now is American taxpayer money and American hi-tech innovations gushing like a tsunami toward Israel, which it will sell to the Chinese, the Russians, even the Iranians (Do you remember Mark Rich?) These guys will make it look like it is Israel helping America, not the other way around.


All that while America will spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to become what Israel has pretended to be but never was: The giant innovator of technology the world has ever seen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Has the Fox eaten the brain of Fox News?

 What’s wrong with the logic of these people? Using different words, they say – day in and day out, show after show – that they drown themselves in the sea of absurdity because it is their lifeline to clear thinking and perfect logic. In so saying and so doing, they muddy the thinking process of their followers who then spread out and pollute America’s intellectual landscape with all the absurdities they find in the deep sea.


Take the example of one such follower. He is Clifford D. May who wrote a column under the title: “Biden’s mission to the Middle East goes south,” published on July 19, 2022 in The Washington Times. The idea at the core of his argument is that Israel exists, and must continue to exist because “it is the ultimate guarantee and guarantor of security of the Jewish people not only in Israel but the entire world”.


Fair enough. But then look what Clifford May does: He says that once the Jewish leaders of Israel told the President what they want, and the President reacted more negatively than May or the Israeli leaders had wished for, things began to go south, according to Clifford May. Why is that? Because instead of choosing life by pursuing a worldwide hateful outcomes for the Jews, the American leader chose the way of peaceful coexistence for them.


Spearheaded by the propaganda prowess of Fox News, that kind of mentality hit the American intellectual landscape like a tsunami rising from the depth of an angry sea. Thus, you now see – news outlet after news outlet – echo a refrain that warms the hearts of warmongers everywhere, be they Jews or otherwise. The warning  goes something like this:


Keep fighting, ye Ukrainians of the world. The spectacle of your losing hundreds of soldiers every day while the Russians score gain after gain, says that you will ultimately win this war. This is why we keep promising you the weapons that will turn around the course of the war but never does. Our ultimate aim is to see you fight to the last Ukrainian, hence give the Russians a desire to go further and attack a NATO country, thus start the World War Three that will represent the Armageddon we, the Jews, have wished for during all our existence, and expect will end up giving us ownership and full control over the planet and everything in it.


To maintain and perpetuate that logic, the fathers of the Jewish muddied thoughts begot a near-twin for it to keep it company during the journey to eternity. The twin saying goes something like this:


Joe Biden is wrong because he is inconsistent and contradictory, even hypocritical at times. Why is that? Because when the price of gasoline goes up, he blames the rise on the Putin war unleased on Ukraine, say the folks at Fox News, and repeated throughout America via the echo chamber. But when the price of gasoline comes down, Biden takes credit for it, lament the talking heads and contributors at Fox News. Biden must be prepared to take blame or credit at all time in concert with the way that the price of gasoline goes, they add.


What demonstrates how deep these people have gone into the sea of ignorance concerning the nature of their behavior, here is a short story that illustrates the size of their mental deficiency:


Two entrepreneurs partnered some time ago to implement a joint project. Things begin to go south (to use May’s terminology,) and people begin to ask questions. What do you think the entrepreneurs will say? Well, the first thing you’ll notice is that the two will ultimately develop one and the same exculpatory narrative, and attribute it to the self.


At the basis of the narrative is that each had chosen a pathway to implement the joint project, but the ways clashed upon implementation. Now each entrepreneur wants you to believe that the small successes which are scored, are due to his original planning whereas the failures can only be attributed to the other guy’s planning. A straightforward sane logic would see this natural situation for what it is, and avoid making the mistake of displaying the color of the mud in his eyes, brought out from the deep sea. What Joe Biden did, was display a natural human reaction.


What must be done that can be done to save the Jews from themselves, and save humanity from the ignorance that’s ingrained in their culture?


All it will take, is for the mainstream media to develop the will to see that in the same way they never promoted the Palestinian intifada, they must now stop promoting the Ukrainian intifada. This will save lives – most of them Ukrainians, and open opportunities for a negotiated settlement in this European war of latter day charlatans wielding later days murderous weapons.


When this is accomplished, it will be easy to see why it will become imperative to confront the godfather of the worldwide rightwing movement – that Jewish Australian disguised as a gentleman – and tell him to get out the business of inciting the suicide of humanity, or be tried along with his brainwashed disciples such as Clifford May, for causing every war that will flare up on the planet from this day forward.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Trump tax cut that’s ruining America today

 When viewed from the inflationary point of view, America is not doing well these days. The situation has caused some people to dig beneath their feet looking for the causes, but find none. Others believe they see causes that do not exist. Still others, maliciously invent hurtful narratives, which they know are bogus, and attribute them to their political rivals.


The reality is that the economy of a nation responds to measures that cannot be found beneath the feet of those who search for the economy’s malfunction. In the same way that the measures taken in the first decade of the twentieth century has led to the depression of the late twenties; also in the same way that the war economy of the nineteen sixties has led to the inflation of the nineteen seventies, America’s current inflation was produced by Trump’s tax cut for the rich, done a number of years previously.


And so, to do a proper analysis of the current situation, we must begin by asking the following questions: What is inflation? How does it happen?


Inflation is the economy’s way to communicate that the currency with which it is run, has increased, therefore was reduced in value.  


In fact, inflation is the manifestation of the economy’s response to the law of supply and demand which says that when a commodity or a service are abundant, their values are reduced. But when they experience a shortage, their values rise. What we must not forget, however, is that the said values are measured in terms relative to each other: That is, how much goods or services are traded against how many units of the currency?


An economy that’s performing well is so maintained, year after year, by the ability of the Central Bank (at times called the Fed) and the government’s treasury to keep the supply of money at a rough parity with the supply of goods and services that the economy is capable of producing. At times, however, hard to control circumstances intervene, forcing the Fed or the Treasury to upset that balance by manipulating the money supply and correcting what the circumstances have caused. At other times, the correction is done for political reasons, something that must be called by its real name: Corruption.


Corruption is what Donald Trump brought to America in many ways, one being to constantly strive making the economy work for him and his cronies at the expense of the working American middle-class which pays the bulk of taxes. It is that Donald Trump committed the sin of cutting the taxes that the rich were paying instead of cutting the taxes that the middle-class was paying.


Now, the question to ask is this: Generally speaking, what does cutting taxes for any segment of the population do to an economy? The intuitive response is that cutting taxes puts money in the pockets of consumers, risking the rise of inflation. This may be true, but only to a small extent because the counterintuitive point of view that comes with a deeper analysis, tells a different story.


To understand this part, we first realize that in a modern industrial economy, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is made roughly of one third government, one third wages and salaries, and one third natural resources, rent and manufactured commodities. This means that every dollar you inject into the economy by way of a tax cut to the working middle class will generate 3 dollars worth of new goods and/or services. This says that when all is taken into consideration, the bigger rise in the supply of goods and services over the rise in the money supply will dampen the inflationary pressures.


This being the case, where did Donald Trump go wrong?


The answer is that giving more money to rich Americans produces an effect that is seen around the world. It is that normally, the rich do not invest the money in the country they know owes them nothing, but use the money to run shady enterprises such as gambling, thus have a fun and easier time measuring themselves against others, and bragging about being richer than the next guy.

In America, this habit of the rich has a nefarious double effect. Because it is easier to explain this phenomenon when discussing a political situation, it is what I’ll do:


Imagine two rivals running to be elected in the same constituency. When the counting of the votes is completed, it turns out that they got exactly the same number of votes: 1000 each. Candidate ‘A’ asks for a recount which, when done, shows there was an error concerning one of the votes. The election commission corrects the mistake by taking one vote from him and giving it to his rival, candidate B. And so, even though the error was only of one vote, the count as it stands now shows a two votes difference between them, with the final tally standing at 1001 versus 999. Truly a double whammy.


This often happens to America because its population is made more of consumers than savers whereas the rest of the world has it the other way around. The net result is that the foreign governments are seen to bring the American bacon home (so to speak) and gives it to a population that saves it in a well refrigerated place.


By contrast, the corrupt American governments of the Trump kind, skimp on feeding their people adequately, and gorge the foreigners on whom they depend to become fabulously rich after leaving the government job they hold, and having a title that allows them to say they were once a social climbing and stuffed shirt that never did anything good for their people.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The mutual Accusation Drama of equal Rivals

 A number of adages from the decades of the sixties and seventies survived long enough to make themselves useful at the start of the twenty first century. Most of the time, however, they were immediately rejected by those who viewed themselves as modern. Well, here is one adage about which I challenge anyone to find a good reason to eject: “I want you off my line of sight”.


Believe it or not, it happened that even in the Age of Aquarius — that of infinite love and flower power, some people were disturbed by the unwanted company of others. It happened to the extent that they could not even look at the other, let alone be in company with them. Thus an adage was created that immortalized their distress; leaving to posterity an unmistakable legacy concerning the dark side of the human condition and its true nature.


Knowing this, reassures us that we are not at odds with who we are or that monstrosity has not seeped into our character, turning us into technological wizards seeking to populate other worlds with our defective character. This applies to the Americans who want to see their government pushback against foreigners entering their country illegally to do work they will not do themselves. It also applies to the Chinese, North Koreans, Russians and Iranians who want to see the Americans out of their line of sight.


Thanks to globalization, the epidemic, the supply chain interruptions and other factors, the concepts that relate to that human trait, have surfaced lately and gained a strong traction in the debating houses of many nations. Clifford D. May has declared himself an active participant in the debate, thus added to it the two cents worth of his wisdom; doing it with a column titled: “What China’s ‘Cold War’ rulers want from US,” and the subtitle “The FBI director understands, many business leaders do not.” The column was published on July 12, 2022 in The Washington Times.


It so happened that not long ago, Christopher Wray, America’s FBI director had travelled to Britain which is America’s most trusted ally in Europe. The apparent reason was that his observation of China’s behavior convinced him the distant country was a dangerous and destructive entity, and that he — being in charge of America’s security if not the planet's — should talk to the world about his destress by telling the truth as he knows it to an audience that will welcome and appreciate his wisdom.


Whatever support Mr. Ray may or may not have received from the rest of the world, the undeniable truth is that he knocked the socks off Clifford May who quoted from the speech extensively. It was especially the cornerstone observation to the effect that helping China become rich, made it a serious aggressor. Clifford May who would rather perish than play to the good nature of others, latched on to the idea he always championed in any case, namely that it was dangerous to accommodate others. And so, Clifford May started immediately to construct a new theory which he believes will guide America into a future that’s free of American urge to cozy-up to “undemocratic” foreigners.


Here, in condensed form, is how Clifford May’s new theory would look like, according to his description of it in the column: You will see that each side is blaming the “Cold War mentality” on the other, which is normal given that they are equal powers, each trying to neutralize the other. You will also encounter accusations thrown in the fashion of a sleight of hand rather than expressed openly. You will understand that despite wanting to hurt the other, the two sides avoid burning their bridges. Here is that description:


“The Chinese Embassy warned US companies that, if they want to keep doing business in China, they need to fight bills in our Congress that China doesn’t like. In other words, they are instructing American businessmen to act as their lobbyists and agents. Maurice Greenberg, a titan of the American business community who last week published in The Wall Street Journal an op-ed titled: ‘We Want to Rebuild US Relations with China,’ announced that he is now heading a small group of senior US business and policy leaders who have experience in China and share the view that we would be better served by having a more constructive relationship with China; one based on mutual respect and understanding. Among the distinguished members of this bipartisan coalition are Max Baucus, former US ambassador to China, William Cohen, former secretary of defense, and Carla Hills, former US Trade Representative. They are confident that like-minded people in China would embrace the opportunity to work together to find solutions. I find it puzzling that they appear so little troubled by the brutal persecution of China’s ethnic and religious minorities, the stripping of the rights of the people of Hong Kong in violation of specific treaty obligations, the continuing threats against Taiwan, and the use of debt-trap diplomacy to achieve imperialist goals in vulnerable third world countries. The men who hold all the power in China are anti-American neo-Maoists. Their policies include military-civil fusion, the acquisition of what can be used against American troops in any future conflict. Does that sound ‘like-minded’ to you?”


It may be possible for Clifford May to argue that officials in China and America are not like-minded, but what he cannot do is make the same argument regarding the officials in China and Israel, Clifford May’s pet project. Here is what there is to say about Israel:


The Jews in Israel and around the world appear so little troubled by the brutal repression of the Palestinian people whose country they stole, the stripping of the rights of Palestinians in violation of international laws formulated with America’s participation, the continuing threats to annex more of the West Bank, and the confiscation of taxes levied by the PA to do Palestinian work, thus maintain these outstanding people in a permanent state of poverty.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

They just cannot let go of the Iran question

 Can you make someone love you by making them fear and hate your chosen enemy of the day? This question was tackled in articles written by two soulmates that have nothing more in common between them than there is between a snake and a snake-eating meerkat.


Both Abraham Wagner who is an American Jew, and Farhad Rezaei who is of Muslim-Iranian descent have concurred as to the need for America to interfere in the evolution of Middle Eastern history lest an Iran that’s left alone pull ahead and become a dominant power in the region.


To make his point, Abraham Wagner wrote: “Biden’s Plan B for Iran,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Regional scrambling in the wake of failure.” It was published on July 8, 2022 in the Washington Times.


As to Farhad Rezaei’s article, it came under the title: “Will Biden’s Trip Launch a ‘Middle East NATO’?” and the subtitle: “President Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to the Middle East may be the most consequential of his tenure.” It was published on July 9, 2022 in the National Interest.


To explain his point of view, Abraham Wagner took the approach that the current American President Joe Biden has failed in everything he tried so far. For this reason, says Wagner, it behooves him to catch a golden opportunity that blew his way and make the best of it so as to repair the damage he caused his tenure. The opportunity is giving him the chance to bring Arabs and Jews into a military alliance that will frustrate Iran’s ambitions for the region, and he should seize it in Wagner’s view.


As to Farhad Rezaei who belongs to groups loyal to the long ousted Shah of Iran, and want to see America help reverse the gains scored by the Islamic Revolution’s series of successes, he wants to see America work on coalescing the Arabs and the Jews into a NATO-like military organization that will commit itself to the destruction of the Mullah’s regime in Iran.


Will this work or will it remain a pipe dream for as long as it is dreamed up? To answer this question, consider the following realities which, among other things, speak of the dominant Arab traits that will make it hard if not impossible to turn the losers of the old Iranian regime into winners:


One — it is the nature of the Arabs not to come together in anger to fight a stranger who may or may not have hurt them previously. This was shown by the fact that the Anglo-American dream of coalescing the Arabs into a Baghdad Pact, has failed only months after its formation. Paradoxically, the Arabs would come together to discipline one of their own if and when he violates the code of conduct they drew up for themselves. The best example of that, was the Arab response to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.


Two — Despite that nature, which governs the Arab response to provocations, these people can still be gripped by the sense of “Blood is thicker than water,” thus stick together and defend one of their own when he is undeservedly threatened by a powerful force. This was shown by the fact that when the oil-rich countries discovered the reality that America was fueling its military with their oil to help Israel fight against an Egypt that was busy liberating the Sinai from an occupation that had lasted 6 years.


Three — the Arabs who are known to be the most accommodating hosts – a trait that was acquired over the centuries by the nature of their living conditions in the desert – do also display an acute sense for accommodating the exploration of new ideas. This was proven true throughout history when the Arab nomadic traders became the catalysts that fertilized Europe by seeding it with Oriental innovations, and fertilized the Orient by seeding it with European innovations.


When you take all of that into account, and read the Abraham Wagner article a second time, you cannot help but conclude that his thesis is standing on shaky ground. This being the case, you cannot shake the idea that the plan he proposes as Plan B, is nothing more than a pipe dream. The following are the passages in the article that show possible violations of the Arab character:


“Mr. Biden needs to focus on a new strategy — a Plan B for dealing with the Iranians, which many believe will be a regional security alliance with the US including Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. This would involve greater coordination among the members, including intelligence, early warning and common responses to possible attacks from Iran and its proxies throughout the region. Joint deployment for such strategic challenges in the Middle East was at the center of a scenario used in an Israeli military exercise during May. The IDF exercise shows that there is a wide field here for cooperative efforts — opening of emergency depots; intelligence sharing; and the establishment of a regional air defense system which the US wants to upgrade through a broader regional initiative. This potential alliance became clear that military coordination with the US had to be upgraded, and expanded to include allied Arab nations. A new military alliance must focus on countering Iranian ballistic missiles and drones as well as support for terrorist proxies. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates all need to be part of this alliance. Operationally this would involve the deployment of Israeli radar in these Arab countries; intelligence cooperation; and early warning of the launching of Iranian missiles and drones and their interception. This is in the interest of Israel and the Arab countries. US involvement is also important due to the large number of military forces in the region, where American bases are in danger of attack”.


As to Farhad Rezaei, whose culture is so close to that of the Arabs, he did not repeat the mistakes that were made by the Jew. What he did, however, was allow the fantasies that were pumped into his head since early childhood, infect his judgment. Thus, instead of presenting a sober view of what may realistically unfold in the near future, he described the invented situations that define the pipe dream he lives by. The following are the passages in the article that show these realities:


“The Abraham Accords have generated a preliminary security infrastructure to counter the destabilizing activities of the Islamist regime in Iran. They made it easier for Israel and Arab countries to coordinate militarily, notably to create a regional air defense alliance, the ‘Middle East Air Defense Alliance’ (MEAD), to counter threats from Iran’s ballistic missiles and drones and the threats from Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the pro-Iranian Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq. According to Israeli officials, the program is already operative and has intercepted multiple Iranian attacks against Israel and other countries, including in one instance where it shot down an Iranian drone fired from Iraq toward Israel. Saudi Arabia is not part of MEAD, but the kingdom has been vulnerable to attacks by the Yemeni Houthis, which used Iranian-supplied ballistic missiles and drones to sabotage its oil facilities. Turkey, whose relations with Israel were strained for over a decade, has changed course. Israel’s role in the evolving ‘regional NATO’ has been complemented by its rising profile. China, Russia, and Iran have already conducted several joint military exercises in Persian Gulf waters to challenge the US presence in the region. China is said to have acquired rights to the strategic island of Kish and built a naval facility in Bandar Jask, not too far from the American base in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Iran was accepted as a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Iran has also used the Chinese-run Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS), an alternative to SWIFT. Iran’s push to become a breakout nuclear power is of major concern. China has helped Iran evade sanctions by buying its oil. The Houthis and the PMF have used drones and are predicted to increase their missile and drone activity. The United States has vital interests in the Middle East. A void created because of the US pivot to Europe and Asia needs to be filled by a new regional alliance. Washington officials understand this and have worked to push for normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel. It has been reported that the Americans have sponsored a meeting of senior defense officials from Israel and Saudi Arabia in Egypt. It is expected that during his visit, Biden will discuss the ‘vision for integrated missile defense and naval defense.’ A formal Middle East NATO should not be too far behind”.


Either way, this is a case of a blind trying to lead the other blind to the gates of an impossible nirvana, but taking him instead to the gates of hell which they are about to open, thus unleash horrors on humanity we cannot even begin to comprehend.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

They preach one gospel but adhere to another

 No more than you can run your train simultaneously on a railway track which goes in one direction, and another which goes in the opposite direction, can the Americans run the narrative of their exceptionalism in both directions simultaneously; and do so without shredding the ground beneath their feet whereby they’ll see themselves swallowed by the angry nonsense they create as they try to have it both ways.


Try as they may, however, and failing as they do each and every time, the Americans insist they can accomplish the impossible, pushed as they are to act by a force they cannot begin to comprehend.


It all began when the offspring of the ultimate force of darkness rose to challenge the supremacy of said force, claiming it is ready and able to sit on the throne for a thousand years, and govern all which is and all which will be. A cosmic-size battle between the two contenders ensued, culminating in the ultimate force of darkness defeating its offspring who were the Nazis and the Fascists. Siding with America, the superpower-in-waiting and its allies, the Jews won the Second World War that was fought by others.


Realizing that they cannot project the supremacy they are convinced was theirs by divine will, the Jews painted America with the colors of their Zionist project, thus made the superpower look, talk and behave like an authentic member of the ultimate force of darkness. This was the successful Judaization of superpower America.


Upon this, the Jews embarked on a new project they called Pax Americana according to which they would push America to get involved in forever wars, till such time that everything will have been consumed by fire. And this would be the point at which the Jews will start rebuilding the planet to make it safe for Jews to live in, so accomplished by taking total control of the planet.


For that scheme to succeed, the Jews came up with the double-track railway approach to the fictitious exceptionalism that covers both America and the Jewish made-up concoction known as Israel.


And so, for now, each time that you hear or see someone of the Clifford D. May variety speak of America, you’ll know that he means the Judaized America that’s nothing more than Israel’s shadow playing out the culture of war and megadeaths on the translucent screen of human misery.


You’ll find that Clifford May has done it again by writing an article that came under the title: “U.S. Must lead in shaping the future of the world,” and the subtitle: “Either we do it or our enemies do it,” published on July 5, 2022 in the Washington Times. Here is a condensed version of what’s said in the article:


“America embarked upon a noble experiment: We would establish a community of nations, named the United Nations. Members would embrace ‘fundamental human rights.’ They would agree to settle conflicts through diplomacy. They would pledge to abide by international laws. They would impose consequences on those who undermined this ‘rules-based order.’ For several decades, this arrangement was successful because the Soviet-American competition did not become overheated. In 1991, the Soviet flag lowered for the last time over the Kremlin. A resentful and revanchist Putin came to power. Bill Clinton brought the People’s Republic China into the World Trade Organization. Today, China’s ruler, Xi Jinping, is subverting the UN and other international organizations, bullying China’s neighbors, and threatening Taiwan. He formalized an alliance with Putin who said: ‘The struggle we are waging is for our sovereignty.’ What does he think limits Russia’s sovereignty? The rules-based order. Why should Americans care? If Mr. Putin swallows Ukraine, he is likely to attack other former Russian/Soviet possessions. But why should we worry about quarrels in faraway lands? The answer: Because if we do not, it will mean the end of what we call the Free World. The United States will become an isolated island in an ocean dominated by despotic empires. Our freedom and prosperity will diminish. Our children and grandchildren will not thank us. The less-bad alternative is to recommit to the goals we fought for in World War II and the Cold War: That means continuing to help Ukrainians by sending them the materiel [they should have received long ago]. It’s also essential to help Taiwan become difficult for Xi to ingest. We need to strengthen our military and defense alliances. We must insist that our partners bear more of the burden than they are currently. American leadership is indispensable — one hopes they recognize that. But America cannot serve indefinitely as our friends’ Guard. One hopes they recognize that, too”.


Now my dear reader, I’ll ask you to do something for yourself. It’s important that you do it because no one appreciates the power of an indoctrination that’s directed at them without personally digging deep into the meaning of the words which are fired at them by propaganda experts. Well, you just read the gospel that Clifford May’s people want you to believe they adhere to, and want the world to accept as their manifesto for fixing the world. You’ll find below, the condensed version of an article written under the title: “The International Criminal Court and Negative American Exceptionalism,” and the subtitle: “the United States cannot say it is upholding the principle of holding war criminals accountable unless it applies the relevant rules and laws of war to everyone, including itself and states it favors, and not just to regimes it dislikes.” It was written by Paul R. Pillar and published on July 5, 2022 in the National Interest. Do the comparison between the two articles to detect and appreciate the force that these people use in the attempt to maintain America’s leaders in the constant state of betraying their country to serve Israel and only Israel. Here is that version:


“The US has presented problems by resisting participation in international projects because they raise the possibility of US freedom of action being restricted or of foreigners judging Americans’ actions. This pattern goes back as far as the debate over membership in the League of Nations. US rejection of the League rendered it weaker than it could have been, and a weakened League was an ingredient in the twenty years crisis that culminated in another world war. Such American resistance, notwithstanding US membership in the later UN, has been an exception to much talk through about the US being part of a liberal internationalist consensus. A narrow, and negatively defined, conception of American exceptionalism is the cause of this pattern. This conception sees the US not just as better or bigger than anyone but as a state that doesn’t have to follow the rules the US would like to see other countries follow. A contributing factor has been the Senate’s role in the ratification of treaties. Domestic politics and personal pique have been related contributing factors. In recent times, Donald Trump withdrew from the World Health Organization (WHO) in the middle of a global pandemic, asserting that ‘China has control’ of the WHO, and using a China-bashing strategy to deflect blame away from his own handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. The trouble is that some of these international organizations and conventions are useful from the standpoint of US interests. This has become all the more the case with the Russian war in Ukraine. In response to Russian atrocities against civilians, President Joe Biden has labeled Russian president Vladimir Putin a war criminal and said, ‘he should be held accountable’. Setting aside the difficulty of gaining physical custody of Putin or other senior Russian leaders, there is an international institution up and running that is tailor-made for investigating and trying war crimes: the International Criminal Court (ICC). That is one of the purposes for which the ICC was created. It provides an impartial forum that no national forum could in weighing such crimes. 123 nations are members of the ICC, but the US is not. It participated in negotiation of the court’s founding treaty but was one of seven countries that voted against it, the Rome Statute. Bill Clinton signed the treaty but never submitted it to the Senate. Since then, the ICC has been the target of varying degrees of hostility from the US. The hostility reached an extreme under Trump and Mike Pompeo, who imposed sanctions on the ICC’s chief prosecutor and another senior official of the court. You know something is wrong when the world’s superpower is sanctioning not war criminals but the people who are responsible for investigating and prosecuting war criminals. The Biden administration still objects to ICC investigations of possible war crimes in Afghanistan and in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The ICC is a court of last resort and supersedes national courts only if the nation involved is unable or unwilling to handle a case. Thus, if the US holds accountable its own personnel who have committed war crimes, it has nothing to worry about regarding US citizens being hauled before the ICC or anyone else’s court. The objection to investigating war crimes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict consistently overlooks how that investigation targets possible crimes by both sides in the conflict. The US habitually provides cover for Israel in international organizations and routinely argues that Israel is being singled out for disproportionate treatment. The record of the ICC demonstrates otherwise. If there has been any disproportionate treatment, it has been aimed far more at Africans. The US played a critical supporting role in bringing some of those Africans to the ICC to face justice. This was an example of the US being happy to apply to others rules of international conduct that it does not want applied to itself, or to those it favors. That is not how a rules-based international order is supposed to work. Putin’s war in Ukraine has suddenly made believers in the ICC out of many opponents of the court, notably Republicans in Congress. That’s fine as far as it goes. It doesn’t take much political courage to call for an investigation of Russian war crimes in Ukraine. But the US cannot say it is upholding the principle of holding war criminals accountable unless it applies the relevant rules and laws of war to everyone, including itself and states it favors, and not just to regimes it dislikes”.


Do you see the level of insanity that the Judeo-Zionist culture has injected into what used to be a society shining with the brilliance of clear thinking and high morality?


Weep for America, my friend. Weep and weep some more.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Mocking of a Diminishing Superpower

 A toddler soon discovers that he (or she) can get the attention of the parents by showing signs of discomfort such as coughing, for example. Toddlers will use this trick every time they feel neglected by the elders, even if the latter are busy discussing what toy to buy the little one who seems oblivious of what they are doing to please it.


By the time the toddlers have reached the difficult age of early teens, they realize that the trick is no longer productive because a simple sign of discomfort no longer causes the parents to jump to their feet and reach out to them. If he or she is truly a troubled child who seriously needs the attention of the parents but knows not how to get it, they might think of harming themselves.


If, after all attempts, the troubled teenagers still cannot have the ear of the elders, they might go ahead and do the harming, going perhaps as far as ending their own life and that of others. They would do so, primarily to punish the parents for being neglectful at a time when they were needed the most.


Now get this. Because we are used to the idea that organizations tend to mimic the behavior of human beings, we wonder if an organization was ever observed to behave in such manner. The answer is yes, such observations have been noted and duly documented. In fact, there is an ongoing case in which the player refuses to end the game they have been playing for some time now.


Moreover, the notorious player has indicated that they will continue to play the game for an indefinite period of time come hell or highwater. Worse, the player is working to amplify the seriousness of the consequences that will result from its actions. It does so because it was unable to extract what it wanted from its “adopted spiritual parents” who were themselves depleted of the strength to help.


That naughty player is Israel. Like a child orphaned at birth, and forgotten by the progress of time, a tribe calling itself Jews, has remained culturally and intellectually ossified in the Stone Age of Civilization. Whereas the surrounding cultures evolved from being hunters and gatherers, to building magnificent empires over the ensuing centuries and millennials, the Jews could do no better than evolve from being savage raiders of the neighbors’ food supply to savage raiders of the poorly defended societies.


As humanity continued to evolve and take on the look-and-feel of a family, the Jews felt left out with no place of their own to call home. This condition rendered them weaker with the passage of time, gradually diminishing their power to raid others or live at their expense. Thus, while adapting to their new condition, the Jews were rammed into a child-like mode of existence. It was a mode that forced them to survive by entertaining the advanced cultures surrounding them, and begging for a living.


And then, it occurred to some Jewish leaders, that the time had come to work on having it all. It consisted of having a country that the Jews could call home; also having the wherewithal to inflict pain on others in the way that others have inflicted pain on them. But with no means to achieve this dream on their own, the Jewish leaders relied on their deceptive powers to make others (considered useful idiots) do the dirty work for them while the Jewish collective collected the spoils.


After testing a number of candidates -- first in Eastern and Western Europe, and then in America -- the Jews determined that the most useful of the world’s idiots reside in America. Conscious that they can now play the role of the spoiled kid who bosses his own parents, the Jewish leaders devised a program of recruitment that tethered the American political characters to the needs of the Jews. Upon this, the Jewish leaders had the Americans dedicate the superpower’s possessions to serve the glory of Israel.


It was therefore inevitable that in time, the relationship connecting America to Israel, should become so intertwined, you wouldn’t know where sat the demarcation line that was meant to separate the two cultures. And whereas the nature of things would have forced the intertwining to happen by itself, the Jewish leaders exerted a great deal of trickery and gamesmanship to hasten the self-serving mix.


In so doing, not only did the Jewish leaders demonstrate that they want to make certain there will be no divorce between the Jews and their useful American idiots, they additionally signaled that they want to deepen their control of the American material and intellectual possessions, and use what they will grab to advance the Jewish agenda.


Now, my friend, guess what a child that has managed to boss his own parents, will do to toy with them as if they were the puppets he longed to own as a child, but never could.


To play that game with vengeance, the child will mock the parents by exposing what he perceives as being silly the method they followed to raise him, and he disliked intensely.


In the case of the Jews whose Stone Age patriarchal mode of governance has not changed since the start, the mocking of America has consisted of pretending to run a democratic state of Israel by duplicating each move that America took to implement the system of Liberal Democracy.


Up to now, however, the Israelis have only been repeating what they saw the Americans do -- but things have changed. It is that the Jews have taken their mocking of America a step further in the direction of contempt.


Instead of following the Americans, the Jews have anticipated them. What they did, is duplicate what the Americans will do before the latter would do them. The Jews did so to throw the Americans a long and fat middle finger while shouting: Here is to your system of governance, America!


What the Jews did in practice, was announce they will hold their make-believe election on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. This is a week ahead of the American midterm elections, scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.


With this, the Jews are telling the world they now lead, and America follows.