Saturday, July 30, 2022

US seeks to become what Israel pretended to be

 The headline proudly blares news to the effect that “House passes $280 billion Bill to boost Domestic Semiconductor Production,” and the subtitle of the article asserts that “In a White House statement, President Joe Biden said the bill is ‘exactly what we need to be doing to grow our economy right now’”.


The article was written by Ethen Lieser and published on July 29, 2022 in The National Interest.


What’s this about?


Well, we find out what it’s about by studying what the article says the move seeks to establish, and what it seeks to avoid. Here are some of the passages that shed light on the matter:


The $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act will subsidize domestic semiconductor manufacturing and invest billions in science and technology innovation, with an aim to bolster the country’s competitiveness. Supporters of the bill contend that the legislation is long overdue and will help lower US reliance on China and other countries for chip manufacturing, which they say poses a growing national security risk. President Biden said ‘Today, the House passed a bill that will make cars, appliances and computers cheaper. It will lower the costs of every day goods and create high-paying jobs across the country, and strengthen US leadership in the industries of the future at the same time.’ He added: ‘By making more semiconductors in the US, this bill will increase domestic manufacturing and lower costs for families. It will strengthen our national security by making us less dependent on foreign sources of semiconductors. Nancy Pelosi called the legislation ‘a major victory for American families and the American economy’”.


Was it not yesterday that criminal traitors were paralyzing the American Republic, forbidding it from serving its own people while enhancing its ability to serve Israel and World Jewry? Look what Matt Schlapp – who is chair of the Conservative Political Coalition, the nation’s original grassroots – has written as recently as July 25, 2022 in the Washington Times. His article came under the title: “What binds America and Israel is stronger than Biden,” and the subtitle: “Both countries can learn from each other.” Here are excerpts from the article:


“In the face of globalism and bad leadership, people around the world are fighting for national sovereignty. That’s the message I heard last week at CPAC Israel in Tel Aviv. I’ve just returned from our first CPAC Israel where over 2,000 people attended the event in Tel Aviv, just days after President Biden’s trip to the region. We saw first-hand how the Israeli people fervently hope to restore positive relations with the US, a topic that was top of mind. The president came to the region to try to secure a commitment for more oil from Saudi Arabia. CPAC Israel speaker Jason Greenblatt explained that Mr. Biden ‘doesn’t understand’ that the Iranian threat ‘won’t be solved through diplomacy.’ Both countries, however, can learn from each other. We need allies in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and the Americas to leverage one another’s strengths to preserve God’s gift of freedom. Like Israel itself, we are now at the point where we are fighting for our very survival”.


With the open display of both contempt for America’s system of governance, and the worship of dripping vulgarities that come out the mouth of a Jew accusing its President of “not understanding” what’s good for his country, it should not be difficult to understand how America was brought to the edge of the abyss, requiring it to pass the bill that the House just did to save the Republic from being eaten by its rivals.


The worst part is that what happened in the past was not confined to the past alone; it remains in action today as much as it had been in the past. In fact, the abyss is still here, America is made to stand at the edge, and the ill-wind of obliteration is blowing hard trying to turn the potential calamity into reality.


What follows are passages from an article that tells what passes for normal in the relations between America and Israel, clearly showing how America turns itself into a willing victim of cannibalism and offers itself for Israel to consume it. Here are the passages that came under the title: “Biden views defense tech at airport, including Iron Dome, new laser-based iron beam,” and the subtitle: “Israel hopes to partner with Washington on the in-development laser air defense system; US president given classified briefing by Defense Minister Gantz, other officials,” written by Emanuel Fabian, and published on July 13, 2022 in Times of Israel. Here are those passages:


“US President Biden toured a Defense Ministry display of Israel’s air defense systems. The display at the airport included the Arrow, David’s Sling, Iron Dome, and an in-development laser interception system dubbed Iron Beam. The latter is designed to work in tandem with systems like Iron Dome and shoot down smaller projectiles. Israel hopes to partner with Washington on the Iron Beam project, including American investment in further development and deployment of the system. The tour of the Iron Dome was a nod to US efforts to grant Israel funding for additional missiles for the system after last year’s war in the Gaza Strip. Security cooperation has intensified and Israel is grateful for this and also for your support with record US security assistance that included a billion dollars to replenish Iron Dome interceptors,” Gantz told Biden who was given a fragment of a drone the Iron Beam system shot down during a series of tests. The US president was expected to announce his approval for US defense industry officials to begin talks with Israeli counterparts about purchasing Iron Beam, a senior US official told The Times of Israel. He added that “the alliance between Israel and the US is stronger than ever. The Iron Beam, which is being developed, is not meant to replace the Iron Dome or Israel’s other air defense systems, but to supplement and complement them. It is not clear when the initial deployment will happen. Officials have hailed it as a potential “game-changer” in the battle against projectile attacks. Biden landed at Ben Gurion Airport for his first trip to Israel as president. After touring the defense site, he headed to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem”.


What does that say? It says that—like the pauper who manages to survive by fleecing the well-to-do that pity him—the government of Israel, in conjunction with the Judeo-American crime syndicate, have perfected the art of creating the theatrics by which to throw sand in the eyes of gullible Americans, thus pull it off for Israel and World Jewry each time.


And so, what you should expect to see now is American taxpayer money and American hi-tech innovations gushing like a tsunami toward Israel, which it will sell to the Chinese, the Russians, even the Iranians (Do you remember Mark Rich?) These guys will make it look like it is Israel helping America, not the other way around.


All that while America will spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to become what Israel has pretended to be but never was: The giant innovator of technology the world has ever seen.