Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Mocking of a Diminishing Superpower

 A toddler soon discovers that he (or she) can get the attention of the parents by showing signs of discomfort such as coughing, for example. Toddlers will use this trick every time they feel neglected by the elders, even if the latter are busy discussing what toy to buy the little one who seems oblivious of what they are doing to please it.


By the time the toddlers have reached the difficult age of early teens, they realize that the trick is no longer productive because a simple sign of discomfort no longer causes the parents to jump to their feet and reach out to them. If he or she is truly a troubled child who seriously needs the attention of the parents but knows not how to get it, they might think of harming themselves.


If, after all attempts, the troubled teenagers still cannot have the ear of the elders, they might go ahead and do the harming, going perhaps as far as ending their own life and that of others. They would do so, primarily to punish the parents for being neglectful at a time when they were needed the most.


Now get this. Because we are used to the idea that organizations tend to mimic the behavior of human beings, we wonder if an organization was ever observed to behave in such manner. The answer is yes, such observations have been noted and duly documented. In fact, there is an ongoing case in which the player refuses to end the game they have been playing for some time now.


Moreover, the notorious player has indicated that they will continue to play the game for an indefinite period of time come hell or highwater. Worse, the player is working to amplify the seriousness of the consequences that will result from its actions. It does so because it was unable to extract what it wanted from its “adopted spiritual parents” who were themselves depleted of the strength to help.


That naughty player is Israel. Like a child orphaned at birth, and forgotten by the progress of time, a tribe calling itself Jews, has remained culturally and intellectually ossified in the Stone Age of Civilization. Whereas the surrounding cultures evolved from being hunters and gatherers, to building magnificent empires over the ensuing centuries and millennials, the Jews could do no better than evolve from being savage raiders of the neighbors’ food supply to savage raiders of the poorly defended societies.


As humanity continued to evolve and take on the look-and-feel of a family, the Jews felt left out with no place of their own to call home. This condition rendered them weaker with the passage of time, gradually diminishing their power to raid others or live at their expense. Thus, while adapting to their new condition, the Jews were rammed into a child-like mode of existence. It was a mode that forced them to survive by entertaining the advanced cultures surrounding them, and begging for a living.


And then, it occurred to some Jewish leaders, that the time had come to work on having it all. It consisted of having a country that the Jews could call home; also having the wherewithal to inflict pain on others in the way that others have inflicted pain on them. But with no means to achieve this dream on their own, the Jewish leaders relied on their deceptive powers to make others (considered useful idiots) do the dirty work for them while the Jewish collective collected the spoils.


After testing a number of candidates -- first in Eastern and Western Europe, and then in America -- the Jews determined that the most useful of the world’s idiots reside in America. Conscious that they can now play the role of the spoiled kid who bosses his own parents, the Jewish leaders devised a program of recruitment that tethered the American political characters to the needs of the Jews. Upon this, the Jewish leaders had the Americans dedicate the superpower’s possessions to serve the glory of Israel.


It was therefore inevitable that in time, the relationship connecting America to Israel, should become so intertwined, you wouldn’t know where sat the demarcation line that was meant to separate the two cultures. And whereas the nature of things would have forced the intertwining to happen by itself, the Jewish leaders exerted a great deal of trickery and gamesmanship to hasten the self-serving mix.


In so doing, not only did the Jewish leaders demonstrate that they want to make certain there will be no divorce between the Jews and their useful American idiots, they additionally signaled that they want to deepen their control of the American material and intellectual possessions, and use what they will grab to advance the Jewish agenda.


Now, my friend, guess what a child that has managed to boss his own parents, will do to toy with them as if they were the puppets he longed to own as a child, but never could.


To play that game with vengeance, the child will mock the parents by exposing what he perceives as being silly the method they followed to raise him, and he disliked intensely.


In the case of the Jews whose Stone Age patriarchal mode of governance has not changed since the start, the mocking of America has consisted of pretending to run a democratic state of Israel by duplicating each move that America took to implement the system of Liberal Democracy.


Up to now, however, the Israelis have only been repeating what they saw the Americans do -- but things have changed. It is that the Jews have taken their mocking of America a step further in the direction of contempt.


Instead of following the Americans, the Jews have anticipated them. What they did, is duplicate what the Americans will do before the latter would do them. The Jews did so to throw the Americans a long and fat middle finger while shouting: Here is to your system of governance, America!


What the Jews did in practice, was announce they will hold their make-believe election on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. This is a week ahead of the American midterm elections, scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.


With this, the Jews are telling the world they now lead, and America follows.