Sunday, February 5, 2023

Kevin McCarthy must be a fan of Ilhan Omar

 Look at the title of an article that was published recently. It said this: “Ilhan Omar Fundraises Off Her Ouster from Foreign Affairs Committee,” which is the result of what Speaker Kevin McCarthy did to Omar. But is it possible that the Speaker of the House didn’t realize that something like this was going to happen? No, it isn’t possible.


Like they say: money is the mother’s milk of politics, and McCarthy who is a consummate politician, knows it as well as anyone. He also knows that clumsy politics is the mother’s milk of fundraisers and yet, he went ahead with the plan to seemingly punish Omar. Why did he do it? Why so clumsily?


We find clues to answer these questions in the article mentioned above. It was written by Caroline Downey, and published on February 2, 2023 in National Review Online.


The following quotation is one of the excuses that Kevin McCarthy gave for ousting Ilhan Omar off the House Foreign Affairs Committee:


“Omar has disqualified herself from serving on the Committee on Foreign Affairs, a panel that is viewed by nations around the world as speaking for Congress on matters of international importance and national security”.


But this is precisely why the man should be proud, and probably is, of the work that Ilhan Omar has been doing, and seen around the world. In fact, she had been repairing the image of America — broken during the Donald Trump years — the way that Barak Obama made the Europeans and the world, fall in love with America while stomping the continents as he ran to be President of the United States.


McCarthy also chastised Omar, accusing her of downplaying the September 11 attacks in a speech she delivered to a Council on American-Islamic Relations event—asserting that the event was used to justify persecuting Muslims in America. Here is how she expressed that thought:


“For far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen, and frankly I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties”.


But really, what’s all the fuss that’s made about this occurrence? Well, the best way I can answer this question is to speak from personal experience. Here is my story:


I was asked more than once to tell someone what they can do to improve their writing skill and become as compelling as me. I always answered that beside the acquisition of experience by writing as much as possible, two rules must never be broken.


First, respect your audience. That is, do not use the phrasing of a sentence in such a way as to confuse or deceive your readers. They may not be in a position to fully explain what you just did, but they will have detected your intellectual dishonesty, and will have rejected what you’re trying to convince them of.


Second, focus on the subject matter about which you are writing. The way to do it, is to speak in concrete terms about it while abstracting everything else that’s not directly related to it. You’ll understand the utility of this rule if you recall a time when Iranian diplomats were first interviewed on American television. Before anything else, they would express their religiosity by praising Allah, the Prophet or both.


The Iranians discovered that their habit got the audience so fixated on their religious mumbling, it missed the other points in the message that the diplomats were trying to convey. By contrast, the Jews never shed the habit that keeps dragging them into the sewer of irrelevance. It is a habit they practice themselves, and force others to adopt. It is the wall to wall praise of Israel which they stuff into every conversation and demand that others do likewise whatever topic is discussed. It is also the wall to wall slander they want to hear about those they designate as hated characters.


And so, when Ilhan Omar used the word “something” to refer to the 9/11 attacks, she did so instinctively to avoid confusing the audience by equating the horror of 9/11 with that of having to live like a second class citizen. It is a sign of respect for her audience. It is also the recognition that the two phenomena are so different, they cannot be equated by a mumbling that would add nothing to the conversation.


Because the resolution to kick Omar off the committee was introduced by the Republican Jew Max Miller, and because I cannot see how Kevin McCarthy would have decided on his own to chastise Omar for what she said, I must conclude that it was the Jews who pumped into his vein the cultural formulation of what makes Jewish opinion irrelevant, and wipes the sheen off America’s proclamations.


Kevin McCarthy may have been caught in the vortex of a confusing cyclone generated by the Jews to eliminate every source that can develop to prevent them from helping Israel by exploiting America, and had no choice but to go along — or he knew what he was doing but did it anyway to give Ilhan Omar the opportunity to shine brighter than all the Jews of America could dim her for a moment.


That man Kevin McCarthy can only be a fan of that woman Ilhan Omar.