Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Nothing can justify prolonging 20,000 days of terror

 Whereas the world is becoming conscious of the fact that the group of so-called democracies priding itself on its spotless Human-Rights record, has in reality been a phony and hypocritical bunch, the government of Canada that maintained itself at the forefront of the group, is now demonstrating how phony and hypocritical it has always been.


If you can imagine a democracy as being a healthy human body, you must now think of the so-called democracies as being a dead and decomposing corpse being devoured by magots. It is that the government of Canada has allowed a foreign criminal organization with worldwide reach to use Canada’s own security apparatus (RCMP) in a long term scheme to terrorize a citizen that refused to toe the Jewish line. That citizen is yours truly. Thus, I speak from personal experience.


Instructed by the Jews, the RCMP maintained a constant regime of surveillance on me, and widely spread the raw information among those in the loop whose veins were simultaneously being pumped with poisonous lies about me engaging in illegal activities that endangered human life on Earth. The result was that I lived most of my adult life under a constant regime of psychological terror imposed on me for no better reason than I would not praise the foreign criminal organization while trashing my people, my race and every moral stance I stood for.


If you think that the use of the internet, which gave me the opportunity to take my story public, motivated the Canadian government to feel shame and respond to my call to come clean by honoring the promise it made to acknowledge what happened, and tell me of my options — I say think again. You get less response talking to these people than talking to a wall. It has been more than 40 days since I went public, and the government of Canada has made it clear by its stonewalling that it is comfortable prolonging its terror campaign against me for as long as it will take to silence me by exhaustion or by old age.


Because what made it possible for me to survive the RCMP tricks designed to push me over the cliff of despair, and do something stupid that would have justified their beastly treatment of me — was to think there could be a way out of the horror I do not see now but will see in the future, I renew that kind of hope and cling to a similar notion, even believe there is a better chance now that the government of Canada will see the light and move to end the rapacious devouring of Canada’s dead Human Rights corpse by the Jewish magots advising it how to handle this case.


I say this because the signs are there to the effect that some honorable souls are prepared to break through the wall of the conspiracy of silence, and take the story to the general public where the government of Canada always feared it may end up. In fact, an incident that shows how the fear factor motivates the government to do the right thing, happened to me when I was in Montreal, but there is a lesson in it for all of Canada and the rest of the Anglosphere.


This part of the story started because I got fed up one day with the editors of the Globe and Mail. They were suppressing my right to free speech by pressuring others to treat me as non-existent while at the same time “mining” what I was writing and what information was gathered about me by the RCMP and their cohorts. The editors encouraged everybody to have a field day while enjoying an intellectual freebee for breakfast every morning.


I sued the editors of the Globe and Mail in Montreal, and this required that I subpoena the big honcho among them who was in Toronto. Because the Civil Code of Quebec requires that I obtain permission to subpoena someone, I had to fill an application in accordance with the demands of the Code. I did that … not once but 13 times because the clerk at the courthouse refused to approve it each time without telling me why except to say it did not conform with the requirements of the Code.


Having to go home and retype the application several times before going back to the courthouse not knowing if this will work, got me so frustrated, I thought of a way to scare the clerk into moving out of his paralysis, and granting me the permission that will allow me to proceed with my lawsuit — or telling me what in the application required fixing. Knowing that nothing scares Quebeckers more than someone telling the Americans how horrible these people are, I threatened to write a letter to an American publication or two, telling them about my dreadful experience on that day. A man sitting near the clerk, who turned out to be his supervisor, jumped to his feet and ordered him to stamp the application with the approval seal.


He explained to me that the Code asks that the subpoena be delivered to the witness by an adult. Because I did not use these specific words, the clerk had the technical right to reject the application. However, because I said that the application will be delivered by the sheriff in Toronto, who could only be an adult, I fulfilled the demand required by the Code, and should be granted the permission.


Why the fuss? What really was going on there?


What happened on that day had roots that went back years prior to it. It is that to scare the world about the evildoings they constantly attributed to me, the Jews would use the true information gathered about me to tell scary stories that seemed to have the scent of truth in them. And so, what they did one day was to say I was on my way to the courthouse planning to plant an explosive in it. And they left a “suspicious” looking package where it was thought I’ll be going.


The police cordoned off the area, recovered the package and found nothing dangerous in it. But ever since that day, the mention of my name first scared people such as the subpoena clerk, who then proceed to have fun pulling my legs being a privileged member of the mischievous crowd that’s legally allowed to give me a hard time and be protected by law.


I cling to the hope that public opinion will eventually put an end to the habit of Canada’s politicians who would terrorize their citizens, make their own activities look like fun games, and invite the Anglosphere to share the little joys of life.