Sunday, April 23, 2023

Old mystery explained by current events

 Those of us that have been around for a while can only marvel at seeing nature challenge us. It does so, not by making the old new again, but by turning the new into a key we can use to unlock the buried and forgotten secrets of the past.


We recall a time when a hot controversy erupted with regard to the swimming pool that was constructed at 24 Sussex Drive, the official residence of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, then Prime Minister of Canada. The public as well as the opposition parties wanted to know who paid for the project that was expected to benefit only Trudeau, the man who loved to show off his athletic prowess, especially when he found himself in the vicinity of the swimming pool and in the company of photographers.


Trudeau and his associates refused to answer any question posed to them regarding the identity of the people who might have paid for the construction of the swimming pool. As far as I know, that information was never made public, which means that the mystery is yet to be revealed, and the way to go about doing just that, is to find the key that will unlock the mystery.


Okay, we’ve been challenged by nature, but has it done anything to guide us as to where we should look for the clues that will help us trace a roadmap to the mystery’s hiding place? Well, my friend, nature gave us a key that has a name. It is the same as Pierre Elliott Trudeau, except that the current Trudeau starts as Justin. And so, we are to accept and follow the old adage which alludes to a history that repeats itself, but not always in the exact same manner.


Working with that information, we discover commonalities that connect the two Trudeaus, one being the father’s son of the other when it comes to revealing information that concern suspicious financial transactions that may have taken place but kept secret by the Trudeaus. And that’s not all because there is also the reality that the monster known as Jean Chretien was one of Pierre Elliott’s advisers who kept quiet since he left politics, but jumped with both feet into the present controversy to advise Justin, the way he used to do with Pierre Elliott.


What Jean Chretien did this time was tell Justin Trudeau to steal the 20 million dollars that the Government of Canada owes me, and use it to fix the windows at 24 Sussex Drive, the address where his father’s swimming pool is situated. And this incident is what takes us close to thinking it might have been Jean Chretien who advised Pierre Elliott how to build the swimming pool using someone else’s money.


But who could that someone be? Well, it could be that at the time Pierre Elliott had decided to establish a Commission of Inquiry to establish what caused the RCMP to turn themselves into a weapon of terror in the hands of Jews and the hearts of Canadian citizens, Jean Chretien came up with the idea that since a fund will be established to fulfill Trudeau’s promise — to the effect that he’ll advise the people affected by this horrible crime and compensate them — it would be a better idea if Trudeau used that money to build the swimming pool he has been dreaming about and talking about for a time.


Yes, my friend, history seems to have followed the old adage and repeated itself but not in the exact same way. Still, what made it possible for the events to take place the way they did, was the reality that we had a Trudeau at each end of the story, and had Jean Chretien bud in, and pull his demonic trick by throwing a monkey wrench into the original plan to compensate the victims, using the money instead to build the swimming pool.


It seems from all indications that Pierre Elliott could not resist the allure of stealing the money and building himself a swimming pool. It also seems from all indications that Justin cannot resist stealing the money and doing something else with it. Whereas doing repairs at 24 Sussex Drive was suggested to him, the heat on this subject has become so intense, he may listen to the advice of other people who suggest he should be more diplomatic this time lest the controversy that has gone global, hit the fan and douse a room that’s full of people from around the world.


If you wonder what course Justin Trudeau may take, think of the advice that the Jews may wish to give him. These people care about denying those they dislike the right to enjoy what is rightfully theirs, as much as they care about members of their own clan being awarded their full rights.


Thus, you should expect to see Justin Trudeau to do all that he can to deny me the 20 million dollars that his government owes to me, thus appease the Jews who are as excited seeing me stripped of my rights, as they were seeing the Montreal Jewish lawyer who took up the case of a Syrian Canadian and received 11 million dollars without having to go to court because it was revealed that the Prime Minister of the time knew “how the court will rule”.


This story is still unfolding, and the more time passes, the more it looks like that of a demented family which fell prey to the monstrous advice of a Jean Chretien, and the hypnotic spell of the Jews.