Tuesday, April 4, 2023

They are robbing me in full view of the world

For several decades I trusted them saying that to get results in the Liberal Democracy that is Canada, I must play by their rules, and things will work out in the end. Well, I have come near the end of my lifetime, and nothing has worked. From what I am let to believe, they want me to continue playing the same old game, and expect a different result. Well, if they are insane enough to tell me this, I am not insane enough to listen to them.


This is where I reject playing the game they concocted long ago. They insist that I try it a few more decades, in a lifespan I do not have. And so, it is now my turn to insist that they respect the promise they made decades ago to the effect that they will contact me, and others like me to inform us of what the Government has done, why they did it, and what recourse we have that will compensate us for the damage caused by the Government and its criminal conspirators.


They did not keep their promise. In fact, it looks now that this was their intent from the start. They made an empty promise because they knew they will be protected by the wall of silence behind which they are hiding now. And to have known this much at the time, is to have been in touch with Jewish Central, the criminal organization that’s powerful enough to hypno-paralyze the Canadian State, the North American Alliance, the Liberal Democracies and the rest of the world. But to what end all of that? You tell me: What else can it be when Jews are involved? They stole a country; don’t you think they are capable of stealing from the man whose Human Rights they devoured like magots devour a cadaver?


Let me divert at this point, and tell you a true story before I go further with my analysis: While in Montreal, I listened to a tape recording that was apparently done of a meeting held in the basement of a synagogue. It was attended by young Jews, and supervised by two rabbis, one speaking perfect English; the other speaking English with a French accent. The message of the rabbis was to the effect that as Jews the youngsters must consider everything they see and like to be theirs. Without using the word stealing, the rabbis made it clear it was the right of the Jew to acquire what he wants by hook, by crook or by any means that will work. The rabbis added: If you don’t feel that way, you’re not a Jew, and must go somewhere else – somewhere more accommodative to your beliefs.


Where my case stands now is that — confident they will get the money that is owed to me one way or the other — Jewish Central has advised the various local and international Jewish organizations that new money for Jews is in the offing. Central has urged each leader to prepare a list of charities where the money will supposedly be distributed in case there will be an audit to that effect, when in reality the money will be distributed among the Jewish moguls around the world and in Israel … where most of them park their ill-gotten accumulations anyway.


If anything has come out of this episode, it is the lesson that the evildoers will hurt not only those whom they will be seen hurting, but also those they will not be seen hurting. That is, in the same way that Jews have been hurting many people around the world – not least of which the Palestinians – they have been hurting the ordinary people who mistakenly believe they live in a democracy when in reality they live in a gruesome dictatorship controlled financially and politically by the Jews.


These thoughts are so distressing, we can only ask if the human race was created on this planet to undergo a failed experiment and disappear as we seem to be doing? Not necessarily so. Whereas the advent of the Jews, and their journey with us through time and space, makes it look like we have been plagued from the start, the reality is that the “Western World” which has been most affected by the Jewish factor, will not alone determine the fate of the human race.


Whereas the West has contributed magnificently to the advancement of the human race, it was neither the first, nor will it be the last to contribute to the advancement of our species. Once dormant, but now awake, the ancient civilizations — whose wisdom sustained us through the most difficult moments of our existence without medication or life-sustaining technology — are roaring back to a life and a future that promise to clean up all that is smut and associated with Jews.


This will not mean the extermination of the Jews as in the Final Solution project once envisaged by a Western leader. It will mean an Ultimate Solution to which the Jews will be called upon to help fashion so that they will live in dignity the way they did under Arab rule – a time when they clearly understood what their limits were, and what the consequences of breaking the rules would entail.


The Jews may still want to live apart from the rest of the species, but they will have been stripped of their hypnotic abilities, and will no longer have the power or the support of others to cause the kind of mischief with which they have been associated in the past.


That should be acceptable to the entire human race because the idea from the start was that everyone should have the right to enjoy the kind of life he or she wants to live without interference from others.


This has been the philosophy of the ancient civilizations now returning to life, and it bodes well for a future that even the Canadian Government and Jewish Central will enjoy.