Monday, June 26, 2023

Master mainstreamers of the maelstrom

 Because it is a near universal desire that justice be delivered equally among all that deserve it, the firm belief that such delivery happens by itself, has imbued most human cultures. In some cases, the belief is created by the logic that nature always seeks balance. In most other cases, the belief is held as a matter of religious faith; one that promises justice will be delivered not in this life but in the afterlife.


Leaving the religious part to those who preoccupy themselves with religion, we look at the logical possibility of justice being delivered in this life, and ask how the mechanics of a natural system might work to fulfill that promise.


But as we study the existing situations, trying to develop insight on how nature’s property to seek balance ends up delivering justice to those that cannot wait for the afterlife to do it, we are surprised to discover that nature has gone a long way to fulfilling the promise — even if nature’s definition of “justice” differs slightly from what is normally expected. In fact, we discover that a system has been in place and has been delivering since the beginning of time.


The case that led us to this conclusion, has been unfolding in Canada for decades, and is coming to fruition just now. It tells of the country’s wish to appear as being the paragon of virtue, especially in the matter of human rights, when in reality Canada has been a symbol of depraved savagery in human rights. I know all about this case because it happened to me. It gave me the opportunity to live the horror I was studying, thus helped me derive authentic lessons that I hope will assist humanity in getting rid of the most destructive evil ever to plague Planet Earth.


It all started when the Jews who thought they had a monopoly on free speech threatened to make life miserable for me if I did not stop interacting with the editors of publications in Toronto, Canada. When I did not heed the Jewish threat, the Canadian Jewish Congress did two things to make life miserable for me as promised. They hit me with every means they had, and commissioned the Canadian Government to do what it does vigorously: Crush its own children to please the Jews.


To that end, the Canadian Government put the RCMP, which is the security apparatus of the country, under the disposal of the Jewish Congress. The combination of the national police force and the ubiquitous Jewish forces of sabotage you see in every institution, made it possible for Jewish Central to infect every aspect of my life with horror, while at the same time throwing a wall of silence around the savagery being committed in hiding. And it was this mafia-like “omerta” that kept the crime going.


Here is how I made that discovery. The Jews were able to maintain the wall of silence because they mainstreamed their crimes, thus normalized them as if they fit naturally into the discourses of everyday. In my case, they did so when they began the long process by using a harmless but false analogy about me. What they did subsequently was to gradually normalize the analogy and mainstream it into a criminal slander that no one objected to despite my protests.


The Jews achieved all that by relying on the fact that I espoused ideas different from theirs. At some point, they began to use the analog “bomb thrower” to characterize what I was writing — which happened to demolish their lies time after time.


In time, the Jews made it sound like the analogy was more substantive than it was analog. By the time that years and decades had passed, the normalized mainstream belief had falsely become that I did something horrible for which I was being punished. It solidified into an aspect of normalcy that reflected life on Earth, thus condemned me to a lifetime of suffering in silence; a situation what can only be viewed as the most horrific crime committed against a lone individual by a massive crime syndicate.


But little did the Jews know at the time that they were creating more than a situation to fit my circumstance. What they did, in fact, was create an entire ecosystem of normalcy that began to affect them as much as it did me. And it was in that ecosystem that began to develop the tendency to normalize talk about inflicting extreme forms of punishment on the Jews in return for what they were inflicting on the human race.


In time, the false paradigm that was fabricated by the Jews had shifted so much, it reversed itself. Instead of associating me with a horrible crime for which the public believed I was made to suffer and deservedly so, that same public began to see my innocence while at the same time thinking of the Jews as the recidivists who came back to beg being crushed once again the way that they were repeatedly crushed in the past.


But how did the mechanics of reversal work in the Jewish-created ecosystem? It worked like it does in everyday life: By relying on the universal desire that justice be delivered equally among all that seek it and deserve it — which creates a societal backlash of such force, it can move any immovable object, including the Jewish Central and Government of Canada crime syndicate.