Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Diving deep down the cesspool of no return

 We, human beings of Planet Earth, being the expression of the highest form of evolution ever attained on the planet, are endowed with a gift never attained by the other species. This would be the gift of the spoken language that allows us to communicate complex ideas among ourselves.


We came to this level of achievement by gradually shedding the more primitive form of communication that nature had induced in most other species. This would be the body language that we ourselves used as tool to approach others and socialize with them, or warn them of the danger in getting too close to us.


However, because our genetic code has kept a meticulous chronological history of our evolution, every step of our development has remained functional and active to this day. This would be the kind of behavior we often recognize as being the animal side of our humanity.


In fact, the body language is the most common set of expressions from among the medley that we exhibit when we feel that “damn human reason,” the time has come to set aside our lofty morality, and emphasize the hypered state of our mind and our emotions by returning to the use of the more primitive and injurious form of communication.


So here we are, tens of thousands of years since the start of our ascent to the level of verbally communicating organisms — and we discover that many of those who supposedly took charge of our lives by acquiring both the right and duty to organize us into a functional society — cannot do without resorting to the primitive body language while discharging their duties, especially when it comes to telling what future plans they have for us, or what premises motivated them to concoct such plans.


A notorious family of humans calling itself the Trudeaus, appearing in a place called Canada, became the symbol of what must have gone wrong during the trial and error phase that nature has used in the attempt to put together what we eventually became. It is that the foibles of this family left little or nothing to the imagination when it came to doing the wrong things while trying to reach the correct goals. The Trudeaus backtracked to try again and again but failed. Nature tried and finally produced us, “warts and all”.


Decades after Pierre Elliott Trudeau had messed up a Human Rights case, his son Justin Trudeau took up the tradition and added to the mess. But how did he do that? He did it by communicating the need for silence which he imposed on Western Civilization, having embraced the Jewish method of pretending to protect Democracy and Human Rights when, in reality, he and they spend their time raping Human Rights, killing them and feeding on the dead corpses like magots feed on a rotting cadaver.


But rest assured, dear friend reading this, that neither Trudeau nor the Jews are coming out of the experience unaffected. Being Jews or steeped deep into the Jewish tradition, they tried to pull themselves out of the corner in which they painted themselves previously. They did so by repeating the very Jewish thing that kept pushing them deeper into the cesspool of no return: they shot themselves in the foot.


It is that on the advice of his Master’s Voice, barking Justin Trudeau adopted the body language of running around and promising that he will block the Rights of every Canadian citizen who will dare to avoid the bandwagon of reciting a real or phony hatred for Hamas.


What the kid has not been told, is that the trick has been tried again and again but failed each time to win sympathy for the Jews, who remained as unpopular then as they are today. They failed when they started a program to impress the world by calling the Palestinians “Gorillas,” and sending tanks to blow up their homes in full view of the world.


They failed when a tragic incident happened in Montreal whereby a gunman massacred women at a university, and Leslie Stahl of CBS, who was stabbed in the back by her fellow Jew, Daniel Shorr,

tried to make a haystack out of the Montreal incident, pinning it on “terrorists” before that word had taken on the allure it has today. And so, she bombed like a dropping out of an elephant’s rear end.