Tuesday, August 7, 2012

No End To A 20 Year Existential Distress Call

Time is short proclaims the big headline. Short for what? you ask. And the answer comes: for Iran diplomacy. In fact, the latest installment contributed by Michael Oren -- who is Israel's ambassador to the United States -- is an article that is titled: “Time Is Short For Iran Diplomacy”. It was published in the Wall Street Journal on August 7, 2012, under the subtitle: “Iran is the world's leading terror sponsor without nuclear weapons. With them, it can commit incalculable atrocities.”

Oren begins the article with this: “Nearly two decades ago, Israel started alerting the world about Iran's nuclear program.” But the world did nothing about it, he adds, despite the fact that Iran is a bad actor on the world stage. He gives a list of the bad things that Iran committed and continues to commit, then says this: “Iran has done all this without nuclear weapons. With them, it can commit incalculable atrocities anywhere in the world, beginning with Israel.” Whoa! These are powerful accusations that should worry the world, you think to yourself. Is he or is the Jewish Establishment worried that much about the world?

Not really; it doesn't look like it. In fact, Israel is all that counts to these people. Long before they had picked on Iran, they ordered their propaganda machine to sound the alarm on the other neighbors; claiming each time that Israel was facing an imminent existential threat. This time, the threat is formulated by Michael Oren this way: “As the chief of staff of the Iranian military recently stated, 'the Iranian nation stands for the full annihilation of Israel.' Last week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said 'the annihilation of the Zionist regime is the key for solving the world problems.'”

But really, no one can fault Ahmadinejad for saying he wants to annihilate the Zionist regime given that the Israeli leaders have endlessly repeated they want to annihilate the regime of the Iranian Mullahs. As to the statement of the chief of military staff, it is no different from what Ahmadinejad said except for the fact that he used the word “Israel' instead of the expression “Zionist regime.” To see why there is no difference between these two, we note that to the Iranians -- and to many people around the world -- there is not an Israeli state but an occupied Palestine. Thus when someone says he wants to annihilate Israel, he means to say annihilate the regime of occupation in Palestine. And who could be against that? Even reasonable Jews want to see the occupation ended. Only fanatic Jews and their American political prostitutes want to see it maintained.

And this is why the world yawns when the Israelis and their echo-repeaters in America and elsewhere accuse the Iranians of engaging in genocidal rhetoric without first admitting that they were the ones who introduced that kind of rhetoric in the dispute that Israel is now having with Iran. And this is a dispute it has been having non-stop with all its neighbors ever since the Jewish hordes invaded Palestine at the start of the Twentieth Century. It is not that the world is a mad, mad place; it is that the Jewish invaders are a bloody, bloody bunch of lunatics.

As if to prove this point, Oren explains in detail what he assures us is the Iranian achievement up to now: “In their first round of talks ... the P5+1 demanded the suspension of all enrichment activities ... Iran rejected those conditions.” He then tells in what sinister way the Iranians could use that achievement: “Iran now has amassed ... uranium ... sufficient for almost five nuclear bombs.”

But did this kind of speculation scare the Permanent 5 plus Germany who are negotiating with the Iranians? No, says Oren because: “Rather than stand by its initial demands ... the P5+1 is now seeking merely the ... first stage in the phasing out of Iran's nuclear program.” Guess what happened after that. This is what happened: “But Iran has rejected even this preliminary gesture.”

Well, this is how the hard nosed negotiations always proceed, you say. Yes, says Oren on his behalf and the behalf of his cohorts. But given that he and they have speculated that the Iranians will soon be able to put together at least five bombs, America and the world are obliged to do something about it; and do it in a hurry. These nations must act because: “time is dwindling and, with each passing day, the lives of eight million Israelis grow increasingly imperiled.” He is again expressing the view that what is threatened is no less than the very existence of the Jews – a cheap trick these people have been pulling for decades.

What they are looking for is a preemptive military strike against Iran; one that will destroy the country – as it did Iraq – and take away from it not only the weapons it may or may not have; and take away not only the possibility of producing such weapons in the future, but also take away the know-how that could lead to their production.

This must be done, says the Jewish Establishment, even if it means that Iran will be kept in a permanent state of underdevelopment scientifically, technologically and industrially. In fact, it can be generalized that by arguing that every scientific, technological and industrial progress has the potential to add to the military capability of Iran or any of Israel's other neighbors, the Jewish Establishment wants to keep using American power to maintain the Middle Eastern nations in a permanent state of backwardness.

The truth is that Israel and world Jewry want not only to preempt the military potential of those nations; what they want is to preempt their general progress. Sadly, having the tight grip that the Jewish leaders have on America, they are succeeding to some degree. However, for every backward step that the countries of the Middle East are forced to take, America is made to take three backward steps. Those countries may lose a little but America is losing a lot.

The other nations of the world know this. It is no wonder they have ceased to play ball with America. They are saying to themselves and to each other: If the Americans want to commit suicide for the sake of the Jews, let them go it alone.