Monday, February 3, 2014

The Lesson that never gets learned

Something happened lately that reminded me of something I heard some time ago. So let me tell you what I heard before I tell you what reminded me of it. The occasion was the revelation that the Jewish/Israeli propaganda machine is now justifying the building of Jewish settlements in occupied Palestine with the argument that everyone knows this land will eventually be handed to Israel in a final settlement agreement, so why not accept the inevitable, and let Israel take the land now, and do with it what it wants. It is going to happen anyway so why not let it happen now?

This being the most authentic kind of Jewish mentality you will find anywhere; it naturally provoked the most typical kind of human response from one of the attendees. He said that by this same logic, we must note that this sort of mentality will lead the Jews to their next holocaust, so why not accept the inevitable, and let some crazy maniac out there do what he wants with the Jews, which is to gas and incinerate them. It is going to happen anyway so why not let it happen now?

That's what happened some time ago, and what reminded me of it was the reading of an article which came under the title: “The Exoneration of Raphael Levy” and the subtitle: “The medieval myth that Jews slaughter Christians for their blood remains a part of world culture today.” The article was written by Edmund Levin and published in the Wall Street Journal on February 3, 2014. That event came to mind because nowhere in the article does the writer ask the question: What is it that Jews are doing wrong which prompts the rest of humanity to respond the way that it does?

We know what Israel is doing now, and we know what its supporters are saying to justify it, both of which are horrible things. But humanity's negative reaction to the Jewish mentality did not start now. In fact, long before the creation of Israel, something about the Jewish culture made those who convert to the religion behave in such a way as to stir a violent response in the internal organs of perfectly normal human beings. That response has a name; it is called visceral hatred. And when enough people get exposed to the Jewish mentality, and when they begin to experience similar responses, the stage is set for another pogrom or holocaust to occur.

Edmund Levin tells the story of what Christians did to Jews, going back hundreds of years, as a result of what came to be known as the blood libel. It has to do with the “myth that Jews require the blood of Christians, especially of children, and routinely slaughter them to obtain it.” Now you ask: where and how would a myth like that originate, and why would it persist for this length of time? Could it be that no effort was made to expose the myth as being a lie? Or could it be that things are done by the victims themselves to keep the myth alive, and lend it credibility?

Well, according to the article, efforts were made to educate the public but despite them, more people in Poland today believe that Jews use Christian blood for their ritual purposes. And there is also this: “Neither papal bulls nor the proclamations of kings and emperors could put an end to the blood libel.” So if you ask why that is, you cannot escape the conclusion that there must be currents countering such efforts. And the first thing that comes to mind is that the Jewish leaders have the bad habit of going to the people at the top, and ask them to talk down to the people at the bottom, telling them (or educating them) as to what ideas they must adopt and what ideas they must reject. It's a futile effort that always backfires.

Instead of doing what is expected of it, that approach links the Jews with the people at the top of society who are seen to exploit the people at the bottom. In time, the average people begin to form an opinion to the effect that the Jews are drawing into their cabal the influential big wigs with whom they conspire to exploit them. This gives the Jews the image of bloodsuckers and parasites. It may only be a metaphor, but it is not far removed from the legend which affirms that the Jews feed on the blood of Christian children.

But what else could there be that suggests calling someone a bloodsucker and a parasite will transform the metaphor into reality in the minds of people? Well, there is the story of King Herod who ordered the killing of all babies below a certain age to make sure that Jesus – the heralded future king of the Jews – will be dead before he can challenge Herod to the throne of the kingdom. Is that it? Is that all there is to the story? No; there is more. In fact, this is not the only time that Jews have been associated with the killing of children.

Look at the Jewish bible, and you'll find it full – from cover to cover – with stories that have to do with the killing children, and the spilling of their blood. From Abraham whom God ordered to kill his own son, to Solomon who wanted to cut a baby in pieces, to the warlords who ordered their soldiers to kill the children of enemies in front of the parents to make the latter suffer the most, the Jewish religion is soaked with the blood of children. This is not a bible of religion; it is a book of blood.

But using the blood of children to make matzo? Where did that come from? That, my friend, is none other than the story of Passover. It is a story, according to which the “nation” of Israel came to be. This is the bible story that tells how the Jews killed the first born in every Egyptian family, robbed the place of all its treasures, made unleavened bread (the forerunner of matzo) not to waste time waiting for it to rise, and ran out of Egypt with the loot, and with blood on their hands if not in their stomachs. What the Jews did next was to raid the land of milk and honey called Palestine, and looted its inhabitants as well.

What happens to this day is that the Jews celebrate that horror on the day of Passover. They celebrate instead of recognize that – true or false – those stories must be condemned because they describe not a religion but the kind of savagery that does two things. First, it makes ordinary people view the Jews as being savage not because of their genetic disposition (they are converts from all races) but because of their religious teachings. Second, believing in those stories makes the Jews behave so badly, they stir the internal organs of normal people who then develop a visceral hatred for the Jews.

It's all in their hand now. They can continue to celebrate the horror, pay the price then bellyache to get compensation on which to live; or they can condemn the horror that is their religion, and live normally like the rest of humanity.