Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Posting 1000 and slowing down to rest

A while back when I reached the milestone of 100 postings, I celebrated the achievement in the knowledge that I was now beyond the reach of the Canadian Jewish Congress and its army of evildoers who always managed to sabotage my efforts at getting published. I developed the sense that they will not be able to stop me now from telling my story or discussing my ideas. And this made me view the sky as being the limit.

But even in that state of high spirits, I did not dwell for too long on the idea that I might get to 1000 postings given that I was averaging only one a week. A quick crunching of the numbers demonstrated that it will take 18 more years to reach that distant milepost. And this is a length of time that will render me a very old man provided, of course, I live this long.

It is not that the material was not there for me to develop into essays; it was there in abundance. Indeed it had been there during the decades that I was blacklisted and was “watched” by the Jewish thought police and their non-Jewish army of running dogs, both of which committed the most cowardly and most heinous acts you can imagine to stop me. It was that by the time the internet had come along and given me the chance to do what I always felt I must do, I was having trouble already with my vision. Even wearing glasses, my eyes would get tired quickly but were not so deteriorated clinically to warrant a cataract operation.

When that time came and I had the first operation, I started writing more frequently. After my second operation, I could read and write during all the time that I was awake. It meant that I could review enough material, develop the insight and write as much as 3,000 words a day when necessary. I can still do that if I need to, and promise to do it if I must. But unlike the time immediately following the operation when I forgot I was not sixteen anymore and fell into the trap of believing I was indestructible, I now feel my age. I feel it because even after the two eye operations, my vision continues to suffer the normal rate of deterioration. And the rest of the body has joined the conspiracy of reminding me of my age by crying out: slow down and take a rest. I hear and promise to slow down but not stop entirely.

Even though there is more that I want to say before going to where we go at the end of our sojourn in this life, I do not feel the urgency of having to say it as much as I felt it when I was muzzled and the thought that I may never get to say it haunted me. I knew what picture of me the evildoers had painted to justify the work of their horror machine; I also knew what they were plotting to do to the world, and knew how capable they were of carrying out horrific acts – as well as incite others to commit them – without feeling an iota of remorse or being restricted by anything resembling a human conscience. Sadly though, I could not see someone relieving me and doing enough to stop the evildoers or restrain their capacity to do harm. I had to hang on in there because I felt I was now obligated to do so.

As to the lost decade during which time I could have written and published several times as much as I have during the last 7 years, the intensity of sorrow I used to feel has diminished a notch every time I posted a new article. I was developing ideas and insights as regularly as I do now but was forbidden from expressing them anywhere except to the evildoers who were blacklisting me. They encouraged me to “publish or perish” which meant to continue writing in the hope that they will take me off the blacklist and let me practice my vocation the way things are done in civilized societies.

What they did, instead, was to turn my material upside down and use it themselves to describe the causes that were dear to me in the way that I described the situations that bothered me. They also took the language I chose to describe the good things I saw in life, and used it to describe the evil things which they and their cohorts were committing. Thus, the suffering Palestinians became the suffering Jews, and the hard working Sudanese became the hard working Israelis. Worse of all, the monstrous axis of New York to Tel Aviv became the Iraq-Iran-North Korea axis of evil; an epigram that was used to justify the disastrous Iraq war.

These were cowardly and heinous acts they thought were a demonstration of Jewish superiority. In a sense, they were because they demonstrated that the Jews were better at it than anyone else. What they did not do, however, was make the Jews better for it. Yes, they were better at it but not better for it. These people – adhering as they do to the ideology that is now powering them – will never develop the ability to come to grips with that reality. They never did in more than 3 millenniums, and they never will. They must be watched all the time and restrained like wild animals.