Friday, May 23, 2014

The perpetual Wheel of Misfortune

Anyone that is moderately familiar with science would have heard of the perpetual motion machine; something that can never be built because it would violate one of the most fundamental laws of physics. But for several centuries before the principles of thermodynamics were formulated at the end of the nineteenth century, the idea of a perpetual motion machine preoccupied many minds as well as their time. But now that the idea has been discarded, and no one tries to build such a machine, the concept has transformed into a metaphor that is used to describe the never ending efforts of someone that never stops doing the useless thing.

An example of that is the effort of the Jews to gain control of all of Palestine by sabotaging the moves made by the Palestinians to bring an end to the status quo. So far, the Palestinians have tried to come to an equitable arrangement with the Israelis or, failing this, to take their case for arbitration before an international body that would be free of direct Jewish influence or the influence of America which is shaped by the Jewish lobby.

And so, having exploded a thousand volcanoes of the belly as they howled their outrage at Secretary of State John Kerry for trying to revive the peace process in a way that is even-handed, you see the Jewish leaders come around and say that the peace process need not end here. They came up with suggestions that basically say to America: use your power and influence to (1) freeze the Palestinians where they are, (2) fend off the other powers, especially the Europeans, who will surely try to interfere, (3) supply Israel with money and weapons, (4) make Israel's talking point your own and run around the world amplifying them, (5) put pressure on the Palestinians to hand Palestine to the Jews, and (6) put pressure on the Arab countries to pressure the Palestinians to accept the new “old” Jewish suggestions.

You can see all this in two recent articles, one written by an Israeli; the other by an American Jewish leader. The first came under the title: “A New Plan for Peace in Palestine” and the subtitle: “Dismantle the security barrier in the West bank. Let most Palestinians who live there govern themselves.” It was written by Naftali Bennett who is Israel's minister of the economy. It was published in the Wall Street Journal on May 21, 2014. The second article came under the title: “Open a Middle Road to Mideast Peace” and was written by Dennis Ross who once pretended to represent America's views while negotiating peace in the Middle East, but was in reality more Jewish than the Pope is Catholic. His article was published in the New York Times on May 23, 2014.

Bennett calls his concoction “Stability Plan” which he says can be achieved when “Israel allow[s] Palestinians complete freedom of movement, which requires removing all roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank.” Not realizing what he is divulging, the Israeli minister is saying that in Israel, they always knew what the world has been telling them mainly that the roadblocks and checkpoints are a major source of instability in the region.

But that's not all because there is also the matter of what he calls the security barrier; a construction that the world has called the “apartheid wall.” Of this, Bennett says: “In particular, Israel should dismantle the security barrier erected throughout the last decade.” So you want to know why the Israelis erected it in the first place, and what they think of it now. Bennett speaks his mind on both these issues in a roundabout way that betrays the true motives of the Israelis.

He says that the excuse at the time was to “defend against Palestinian attacks during the Second Intifada.” But the Intifada took only days to exhaust itself whereas the building of the apartheid wall took a decade to complete. And this says that the Israeli minister is now admitting what the world has been saying, mainly that the wall was erected to separate the peoples and to render impossible the creation of a viable and contiguous Palestinian state. This means they were planning to maintain the Palestinians in a walled ghetto as second class citizens in what used to be their own country.

If this was their excuse then, what is the excuse they prepare for the future? Bennett tells what that is: “Many Israelis credit the barrier with the dramatic increase in security over the past decade … The remarkable drop in terror happened thanks to high-quality intelligence coupled with Israel's ability to conduct targeted military operations in the West Bank.” In other words, he says that Israel will want America to keep supplying it with helicopters and smart bombs to continue bombing Palestinian families as they sleep in their bedrooms at night. And to be sure that the military operations will be conducted without opposition, they want a Palestine that remains demilitarized, which means undefended, innocent and helpless.

He goes on to say: “Israel can now stay secure without the barrier.” But being the Jew that he is, he must get paid for suggesting he would reduce the savagery of his never-ending rape of the defenseless. How does he do that? This is how: “This will prove especially true if the Israeli government works with the international community to promote Palestinian economic development.” In other words, he says the world must pay the Israeli government that will then pretend to use the money to promote Palestinian development.

This is the new Israeli plan that Dennis Ross has seconded, sitting as he does in the Washington, D.C. area. He begins his article with this: “the administration should declare that it is not walking away from the conflict.” To this end, John Kerry should declare the following: “I will focus on conflict management, instead of conflict resolution.”

In other words, he says let the Israelis maintain the perpetual wheel of misfortune in motion, and use America's power and influence to (1) freeze the Palestinians where they are, (2) fend off the other powers, especially the Europeans, who will surely try to interfere, (3) supply Israel with money and weapons, (4) make Israel's talking point your own and run around the world amplifying them, (5) put pressure on the Palestinians to hand Palestine to the Jews, and (6) put pressure on the Arab countries to pressure the Palestinians to accept the new “old” Jewish suggestions.

Here we go again.