Monday, February 2, 2015

Hear them say they have bigger Fish to fry

Here's a cry that comes not from the heart but from a belly that's on fire: “Put More Pressure on Iran.” It is vintage Judeo-Israeli, but was let out by their mouthpiece; the editors of National Review Online (NRO). It was presented in the form of an editorial, and printed in that infamous publication on January 30, 2015.

Ignore for a moment the merit or demerit of what they say, and tiptoe instead on the pads which are offered by their logic to see where they will lead you. (1) “Senator Menendez and nine other Democrats … don't want to send the bill to the President's desk until March.” (2) “The arms-control community and the elite foreign-policy class back the Obama administration's opposition to the sanctions bill.” (3) “They argue that the bill would move the goalpost of the sanctions regime and the existing negotiations.”

So the question: Where does that lead? The answer ought to be: Wait at least till March before considering the talked about bill. But that’s not what the editors of NRO conclude. Here is what they say: “It would be better to pass it [the bill] now.” And why is that? Because “the bill sets the goalposts where they ought to be.” How do they make this out? Here is how: “It is the position needed to ensure America's and Israel's security.”

Do the editors give an explanation that debunks the opinion of “The arms-control community and the elite foreign-policy class who say otherwise”? No they don't because they say they have something better than the opinion of those guys. Oh yeah! What's that? It is this: “Even members of his [Obama's] own party recognize the folly here.” What folly? Obama's saying that he can't reach a nuclear deal with Iran if Congress [passes the bill].” But that's not what the senators did. In fact, our number (1) item cited above reads as follows: “Senator Menendez and nine other Democrats … don't want to send the bill to the President's desk until March.” Oh, never mind, we have bigger fish to fry here at NRO.

So you ask: Can you elaborate on that? And they say, yes, they can elaborate because there is logic behind it all. The problem, however, is that every time the editors of NRO unfurl their logic, the bellies of friends and foes alike from around the country, crack wide open from the laughter that the logic provokes. Here is an example of that: “In fact, the logic of the bill suggests that any more negotiations without it will be pointless or dangerous.” Hey guys, here reprinted is the number (1) item that was cited above: “Senator Menendez and nine other Democrats … don't want to send the bill to the President's desk until March.” Does it mean that these senators are engaged in a pointless and dangerous game? Oh, never mind, we have bigger fish to fry here at NRO.

Like what? Please explain your thinking. And they answer; we know something you don't know. Again, you cry out: elaborate, please elaborate. And they respond: Oh yeah, you want us to elaborate? Here is elaboration you will not find anywhere else. We can tell you something that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will admit to. What's that, you ask? And they respond: “The supportive Democrats, plus the Republicans involved recognize a principle that the president does not: You need leverage, not trust-building exercises, to get the result you want.” But if this is true, then how come: “Senator Menendez and nine other Democrats … don't want to send the bill to the President's desk until March.” Oh, never mind, we have bigger fish to fry here at NRO.

You keep talking about bigger fish. What's that about? You really want to know what's that about? We'll tell you what it's about. It is this: “Iran's government budget is once again in tatters, thanks to falling oil prices.” That's it? That's what is getting you orgasmic? Of course, we're getting orgasmic. There is a time for ecstasy and this is it. You don't even have to ask for an explanation because we're giving you one for free. Read and rejoice:

“There was a time when the West had gathered the inventions of the East, and used them to make weapons with which to conquer these people and keep them underdeveloped. Thus, we stayed ahead of them for a while. But the current thinking is that we cannot grow economically unless they too grow with us. This is why many in the West want to do away with the economic sanctions that served us well in the past. But thanks to the Jews, America continues to throw its economic weight around, keeping the others down. We may yet prevail and succeed at reviving the good old days. It'll be exciting to see the Iranians come close to starvation.”

Question: Don't you think there may come a time when the table will be turned, and America will find itself standing alone, suffering economic sanctions imposed on it by the rest of the world? Answer: Oh, never mind, we have bigger fish to fry here at NRO.