Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Here is why America must drop Israel

It must be said that if you wait long enough, the perpetual slippery slope machine will make the case for you. In fact, this is what just happened thanks to the article that came under the title: “The Appalling Talk of Boycotting Netanyahu” and the subtitle: “Congress has every right, and even an obligation, to hear the Israeli leader speak about the Iranian threat.”

Written by the quintessential self-appointed Jewish leader: Alan Dershowitz; and published on February 24, 2015 in the quintessential Jewish mouthpiece: the Wall Street Journal – the article demonstrates that the only strong thing about the American-Israeli alliance is the stink that the fusion of the two entities has been generating all these years.

There has always been suspicion that Jewish activities on the American political scene were not entirely kosher, but very few people ventured to discuss the subject with the candor that would have shed enough light on the subject to make it possible turning off the machine which keeps the slope in perpetual lubrication. But Alan Dershowitz proved to be animated by a character so flawed, he made the case that – far from being a strong alliance – the relationship between America and Israel is worse than unhealthy; it is obscene. Why is that?

Well, a normal alliance is based on the premise that it remains free of coercion. It becomes a strong alliance when each member demonstrates a willingness to forgo something voluntarily to better accommodate the other member or members. It ceases to become normal when a member constantly pushes their luck, demanding more from the others. It can also become obscene when a member pushes their luck for no reason than to show he has the power to bully the others. This is what Alan Dershowitz – a recognized longtime formulator of the American Israeli relationship – has been doing from the start.

It must be said that in the matter of governing a ship of state, two codes of conduct are followed. One code is based on protocol and politics, the other on the law. The people who run the ship are given enough discretionary powers to use the protocol and the politics in a manner that suits them best. This is what expedites the decision making process which the democracies are famous for. But when it comes to the law, little flexibility is accorded to the members … and this is what can hold things back, even to the point of total paralysis.

And so, even though it is impossible to look at the contemporary American scene without noticing that it is paralyzed politically, and even though the suspicion has been there to the effect that the Jews have something to do with this paralysis, no one put their finger on how it is happening … until now. Very simply, the Jews have confused the two codes of conduct to give themselves maximum flexibility in promoting their interests. They do so by making things look like protocol and politics when they need to; and they do it by paralyzing everything else by making things look legal when they need to.

Dershowitz shows us how this is done practically in five steps. (1) He sets up the confusion: “This controversy is not simply about protocol and politics – it is about the constitutional system.” (2) He begins the legal talk: “it is the responsibility of every member of Congress to listen to Netanyahu.” (3) He creates the actual confusion by applying 'violate' which is a legal term to protocol which is not: “the idea that some members of Congress will not give [Netanyahu] the courtesy of listening violates protocol.”

He continues (4) by attacking the integrity of his opponent, the President of the Unites States: “What the president objects to is not that Netanyahu will speak but the content of what he intends to say.” And (5) by coercing: “This will endanger support for Democrats among pro-Israel voters. I would never vote for a member of Congress who walked out on Israel's prime minister.”

But wait a minute. This is Alan Dershowitz talking. He is the flawed character that dissed President Carter by having him uninvited after being invited; something that Alan has been bragging about ever since. What's going on? It is the obscenity of the situation displaying its ugly head. The truth is that the Jews are not looking for someone to protect them; they are looking for a cat they can come home and kick when everything they touch starts to suck except the vacuum cleaner. And so they procured America and made it their cat.

Better drop this household and go live somewhere else, America … before they skin you.