Thursday, January 21, 2016

Jewish Game infecting America's Culture

This discussion is about fairness and legality on the international stage. However, before we get into the main topic, we need to flesh out an idea. And the best way to do this is to give an example.

Suppose a serious dispute erupts between two American States or two Canadian Provinces or an American State and a Canadian Province. Can any one of these jurisdictions insist that its courts have the exclusive right or even the moral authority to adjudicate the dispute? Of course not.

What happens normally is that the aggrieved State or Province sues the alleged culprit in the courts of the culprit. But if there is a treaty between the two nations, and a dispute arises on a matter covered by the treaty, a tribunal composed of jurists from both nations is convened to adjudicate the case.

In the past, when it came to international disputes involving the United States, the Administration went to the appropriate international tribunals and had the disputes settled there. And then one day, the Jews ran out of money – having milked Germany for all the “compensation” money they could get – and so they looked for compensation somewhere else. The trouble is that no Nuremberg sort of tribunal had been set-up to put the squeeze on someone the way that it did on the Germans. This being the case, what's a Jew to do?

Well, the Jews that had trained the American Congress to bark when signaled to do so, sent out a signal to let it be known that they wanted a law permitting them to sue in America someone like Switzerland, for example, asking to be compensated for damages they suffered during World War II. And the Congress of the United States barked exactly as instructed, and geared itself to extort money from the Swiss to give to the Jews.

For this primitive coup to succeed, the operations of the Swiss banks in America were held hostage. Either the Swiss agree to pay what the Brooklyn courts had ordered, or their assets in America will be confiscated. And the banks may be ordered to stop doing business in the country altogether. That, my friend, was the incident that allowed a slippery slop for the proliferation of similar actions, to take root in America.

A consequence of that is a case that involves Iran. It is discussed in the editorial which came under the title: “American Tax Dollars for the Mullahs” and the subtitle: “Tehran gets more cash while its U.S. victims get nothing.” It was published on January 21, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal.

Two formulations you encounter in that editorial tell you there is in it a heavy Jewish influence. One formulation appears in the first paragraph. It is this: “Iran's Supreme Leader has good reason to be happy.” In fact, this is the method by which the Jews gauge if something is good or bad for them. Because they know they hate the Supreme Leader ... to see him happy says that the nuclear deal he concluded with the world must have been a bad thing for the Americans to have negotiated.

The other formulation is an ambiguity of the kind that is committed by Jews when they try to have it both ways ... which is most of the time. Here is how they cooked up the current ambiguity: “the Administration agreed to pay $1.7 billion to settle a claim dating to the 1970s.” They explain: “That amount includes a $400 million trust fund, plus $1.3 billion in interest.” They complain: “The $1.3 billion will come from U.S. taxpayers.” Because of this, another argument can now be injected into the debate. It is this: “it happens that $1.7 billion is also the amount at issue in a case brought by Americans against the Central Bank of Iran.”

What happened here? What happened is that $400 million that grow at a compounded interest of 3.5 to 4 percent a year will reach the value of $1.7 billion after about four decades. That's because the money does not sit idle in the bank vault. It is invested, and he who has it reaps the benefit. When the time comes to return it, the entire profit – or at least a part of it – is returned with the principal. That's what happened in this case.

What it means is that the $1.3 billion is as much Iran's money as the $400 million. It is not taxpayers' money. The editors of the Wall Street Journal lie to their readers when they say it is. Even a Jew knows that. But the Jew will lie shamelessly and deliberately if he believes he can gain something he is not entitled to. And this is the depth to which the Wall Street Journal sinks when it is influenced by Jews.

Too bad. The Journal used to be a respected publication.