Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Jewish civil War and the state of the World

Culture Shock has been discussed ever since homo sapiens started using speech to communicate. It has been written about seriously in North America for at least half a century. If fact, if it were not for culture shock, there would not have been resistance to immigration from Ireland, China, Poland, South America and other places.

This is not surprising since, by nature, human beings dread the unknown. It is why a wave of immigrants who come with strange customs represents a mystery that unsettles the locals. They will wonder how their lives will be impacted, and how they will have to change if compelled to give up what is familiar to them. They foresee that replacing their current way of life with something they don't understand will disturb them greatly. If this happened, it would be an exchange they may never get used to.

What is surprising, however, is the way that the newly settled Jews on this continent reacted to ethnic groups that had settled here long before the start of the Jewish influx. The first thing they did when they got here was to oppose the Germans; the people they had differences with when both lived in Europe. The odd thing is that the Jews adopted this stance at the same time as they were paving the way to oppose the Arabs; another group with whom they quarreled in the old countries.

They started to needle the Arabs by falsely accusing them of bringing to North America the quarrels they were having with the Jews in the old countries. But the fact is that the Arabs were doing nothing of the sort. They were not because they had no inkling to fight the Jews or anyone, had not the necessary skills to do it with, and had no organization to do it through. Still, anti-Arab attacks continued to intensify as the Jews could go no further in their opposition to the Germans thus decided to go full throttle against the Arabs. It is that quarrel is in their genes, and they cannot shed the habit.

Things have evolved so much over the past half century that the Jews find themselves once again at odds with almost everyone, including each other ... having split into at least two camps. Not only that, but the camps started to feud with each other, escalating the battles to the point of creating a full blown cultural civil war. You get a glimpse of what this war feels like when you study two articles written by right wing Jews.

The first article came under the title: “Is the Left Even on America's Side Anymore?” written by David Horowitz and published on January 8, 2016 in National Review Online. The second article came under the title: “In Cologne, Multiculturalism More important that Protecting Women from Rape,” written by Dennis Prager and published on January 12, 2016 in National Review Online.

The history of the Jews in America is that upon coming into the country, they followed the ideology of the extreme Left. After a while some of them got disillusioned, switched allegiance and went to the extreme Right. Both Horowitz and Prager fit into this category. Now, Horowitz is calling those who refused to switch, a “Fifth Column” that supports Marxist causes such as “the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values (to take place in a magical socialist future.)”

He attacks the movement known as “Black Lives Matter” because, he says, it is a racist movement that supports the causes of African Americans no matter what they do. He goes on to say the following about the Left: “They are delusional about black racism and black crime, enthralled to a vision of a future in which social justice will guarantee that every individual outcome is the same.” From opposing the Germans, they went on to oppose the Arabs, and now they try to pick a fight with African Americans.

As to Dennis Prager, he attacks the Left because: “it faces a dilemma: Which deal should it fight for first – women's human rights or multiculturalism?” Speaking of an incident in Britain in which girls were allegedly raped by gangs of Muslim Asians, he says this: “faced with the choice of protecting the girls or the rapists, British authorities chose to protect multiculturalism and diversity.” Thus, the Jews are doing what they can to start a fight with the Muslims.

Meanwhile, our two Jews blame the troubles of the world on a Left composed of the Jews that refused to switch allegiance to the Right. And of course, those who remained on the Left blame the troubles of the world on the Jews who switched to the Right. It is a civil war that makes America look sick.