Thursday, February 4, 2016

An Italian 'Kama Sutra', a Persian and a Jew

The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian work that started as a written text discussing love, sex, and the good life. Later, the sex part of the work was depicted in paintings and sculpture. They exhibited the variety of sexual positions that a couple can adopt to derive maximum pleasure from the act.

The reason why I mention this subject is that the Italians have a milder version of the Kama Sutra and, in the eyes of some people, has caused an international incident. These are nude sculptures meant to celebrate the beauty of the human body. Made hundreds of years ago, they are kept in Rome's Capitoline Museums.

On his visit to Italy, the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was taken on a tour of the museum containing, among other works of art, those nude sculptures. Not to offend his sensibilities, the Italians covered the private parts of the human anatomy displayed by those sculptures.

Up until the moment that the Jewish hate machine began to grab every incident that came its way and spin it into a reason to hate the Muslims – the chosen enemies of the day – that incident would have meant nothing. It still means nothing everywhere in the world, including Europe and America too. Everywhere that is, except the places where the Jewish hate machine has a presence.

Numerous Jews and their Christian barking dogs wrote about it, one Jew being Clifford D. May who penned: “The Islamist wears Dolce & Gabbana,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Haute couture headscarves won't counter violent extremism.” It was published on February 2, 2016 in The Washington Times.

Before getting to the museum incident, Clifford May discusses the subject of the Italian designer who came up with a line of Muslim headscarves. According to fashion historian, Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell whom Clifford May has quoted, the “announcement comes at a critical time, making the statement that Western fashion and Islam can make an aesthetically compatible and socially productive union.” How Scandalous!

That's what blew the Jewish mind of Clifford D. May. Can you believe it? Can you imagine someone trying to make the West and Islam aesthetically compatible and socially productive? What's this world coming to? “Let me be clear,” he begins to say, and goes from there to give a lecture on the relationship that exists between fashion and the human rights of women.

At this point, Clifford May gets into the subject of the nude sculptures, and quotes Suzanne Maloney whom he calls a left-leaning scholar. She is not happy, he says, because the Italians “jettisoned their values and historical legacy” to kiss-up to the Iranian leader. As if this were not enough, May adds that “the Italians found an additional way to bow to Mr. Rouhani's religious sensibilities: At an official dinner, they served no alcohol.”

Okay. Let's see now. What's the Jewish rage about? It is about the reconciliation of the West and Iran which, in the eyes of the Jews, presages a reconciliation between the Christian World and the Muslim World. Since the Jewish strategy for taking control of America and the whole world is based on the attempt to spark a war between the Christians and the Muslims, that reconciliation will come like a stake in Dracula's heart.

To prove that I am wrong in what I'm saying, Clifford May will have to do a number of things.

First, he can go to places in Asia where they eat monkey brains, cats, dogs and cockroaches, and have plenty of those on the table as he eats a kosher meal free of pork.

Second, he can go to the public relation firms that instruct businessmen on how to behave when traveling to places where the customs are different from those in America – and tell them to get out of business.

Third, he can go to Donald Trump and tell him to beg the American people forgiveness for kowtowing to Gaddafi the day that the Libyan leader insisted on spending the night in his tent, set-up somewhere in a New York Park.

Fourth, he can ask the women of America to denounce the movement that brought about “Prohibition” and the one known as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).

Fifth, he can go to York University in Ontario, and ask them to apologize for refusing – some four decades ago – to show to film students a Quebec production considered soft pornography, named Kamasutra.

And when he has done all that, he should bloody well explain to the world why it is that the Jews believe they have the right to constantly criticize someone for responding to their situation when they must, and for changing their mind when it is time to do so.

This done, he can bloody well pledge to mind his own business so that everyone else do likewise, and not have to tell the Jews what they think of them – sometimes harshly.