Monday, September 26, 2016

Has the exceptional Child matured yet?

When you are so exceptional that you cannot raise your own children well enough to see them grow up and help maintain your success as a nation the way that the foreign children you adopt do it for you, it can only be said that you have some ways to go before you're mature enough to lead the world that supplies you with the children that maintain your success.

This is the story of a child that was born a physical giant but has the mind of an ordinary kid his own age. It is the story of America, a nation that came of age materially at a time when the rest of the world was tearing itself apart. This condition enabled America to score a string of important successes that nevertheless came too early to be long lasting. The problem is that America's maturity was not given the time to develop and match the country's scientific, technological and industrial prowess.

There is no situation you can think of that is more propitious than this for a charlatan to exploit the child. The latter has the muscles that make a power-hungry charlatan salivate, and the lack of maturity that makes a seasoned charlatan play him like a fiddle. In fact, two power-hungry and seasoned charlatans came along and played America like a fiddle. One was the English fox; the other was the Jewish weasel.

At first, he Brits and the Jews played America like a fiddle but quickly developed a taste to ride the superpower like a horse, and use it to implement their respective agendas. Too large to be saddled like a normal horse, the Brits sat on his right shoulder to be close to his right ear. As to the Jews, they sat on his left shoulder close to his left ear. This done, they started shouting commands telling the horse where to go and what to do.

The Brits told America to fear the Soviet Union. They advised Washington to start encircling the Communist 'enigma' with military bases lest it expand and swallow the world, including America. Because Karl Marx – who was the father of Communism – had falsely predicted that America will be the first nation to go communist, the Americans took the threat seriously and began to develop a deep paranoia about being invaded. The fear permeated the culture so deeply it spilled into the film industry, the most popular art form of the day, and spawned the science fiction and fantasy genre of movies about aliens from outer space invading Earth.

Something else was also brewing at that time. Because Karl Marx was a Jew, and because many Jews were sympathetic to Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, a new era (later named McCarthyism) was triggered in America during which time all Jews were suspected of being treasonous. They continued to sit on the left shoulder of the mighty horse but their voice was muted throughout the years of that era. When the storm calmed down, the Jews started once again to shout commands in the left ear of the horse.

Being the weasels that they are, they devised a plan to outfox the fox. They used his argument as a model to denounce and betray the Soviet Union, the regime that did much to help them realize their early dream. But having succeeded to monopolize both ears of the horse, they thought that betraying the Soviets was the right thing to do. In any case, they managed to buy the goodwill of America because the latter was taking a beating at the hands of the Vietnamese Communists who were thought to be the first chip to fall in a Communist domino scheme that aimed to topple other chips in Asia and beyond.

Because history never ends, things have evolved in such a way that the fox will most likely never again talk America into joining it in a Falkland type adventure. It is also difficult to see what the Jews can do to drag America into another Iraq type horror. But while the Brits do not seem interested in using America ever again, the Jews do not seem to relent in their quest to suck America's blood to the last drop … and then some.

You can see that mentality at work in the article that came under the title: “The Gathering Nuclear Storm” and the subtitle: “Lulled to believe nuclear catastrophe died with the Cold War, America is blind to rising dragons.” It was written by Mark Helprin and published on September 24, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal.

Unable to fathom they can be on their own without an America to use like a beast of burden, Helprin is expressing the desire of Jews to own America by commanding it to do what it was prepared to do on its own in the first pace. That was to pivot to Asia, a move that the Jews used to dread because it meant pivoting away from the Middle East where Israel is beginning to feel vulnerable and in need of America's protection.

The difference is that America wishes to forge a peaceful accommodation with all the nations in the Asian region, whereas Helprin – who speaks in the name of the Jewish establishment – wants to see blood, chaos and mayhem, even a nuclear confrontation if that's what it will take.

America's response to that idea in the coming months and years will tell how much the big child has matured.