Sunday, March 11, 2018

Jewish Betrayal readied to pull off on Trump

Marcus Junius Brutus betrayed, Judas Iscariot betrayed, and now Jason Greenblatt is standing behind Donald Trump ready to plunge the Jewish dagger into his back.

The moment it was revealed that the American President had a peace proposal to end the occupation of Palestine––maintained as it is by Israel's American equipped military––the Tel-Aviv/New-York axis of criminal treachery has activated its own plan to scuttle the effort. Scuttling every effort made to achieve peace in the Middle East is what the axis has been doing for a quarter century. It does it to maintain the status quo in the hope that something will happen that will make it possible for the Jews to grab all of Palestine at some point in the future without having to take in the Palestinian population.

This time, the plan they devised to scuttle Trump's proposal looks different from the previous ones because repetition has caused the old plans to lose their subtle edge. Thus, the Jews did not come up with a last minute condition they know will be unacceptable to the Palestinians – a trick they used to pull off and blame the failure of the talks on the Palestinian leaders. Instead, they came up with an excuse they believe will make the Israeli leaders look like saints. This way, they hope to avoid riling Donald Trump, something they know will happen if he discovered they were trying to pull the same old trick on him.

What the Jews did this time is create something that resembles a diversion. Upon hearing that a new proposal was in the offing, they shouted: Attention everybody! Attention everybody! Look here, we're having an emergency. We have a critical condition that needs immediate attention. Stop everything you're doing and come help us save lives at peril. It is Gaza where things are so bad you must “Forget the Ultimate Deal. Trump and Netanyahu Should Save Gaza For Now.” This, in fact, is the title of the article that David Makovsky wrote. It was published on March 4, 2018 on the website of the Washington Institute.

Four days later, on March 8, 2018, Jason Greenblatt, who is supposed to be the assistant to Donald Trump and his special representative for international negotiations, published an article under the title: “Does Hamas have the courage to admit failure?” It was printed in The Washington Post. Despite the sound of that title, the article deals with the supposed dire situation in Gaza, which Greenblatt says, cries out for the suspension of all activities regarding the peace proposal in the offing. He says it's important to devote the time and energy to saving the lives of people that Hamas have neglected to pursue other illegitimate activities.

That happens to be the distorted narrative which the Judeo-Israeli side has been using all these years to get what they wanted (which would be everything) leaving nothing to the Palestinians who are the owners of the whole thing to begin with. To understand this part, we need to become familiar with two things. First, we need to know something about the Israeli view as to what they wish to accomplish in the short and long terms. Second, we need to know something about the geography of the region.

Whereas the Jews ultimately want a Palestine that is completely cleansed of its Palestinian population, they will entertain an interim plan if enough outside pressure forces them to take one. However, they will impose huge conditions that must be fulfilled before they will agree to that. They will want a demilitarized Palestine that will have its borders manned by the Israeli army. Whereas in theory such a plan may be pulled off in the West Bank, the Israelis discovered it was impossible to pull off in Gaza.

That's because the geography of the region plays a big role in this matter. Given that occupation is an act of war that requires every able body to join the resistance and fight the invaders, the Palestinians tried it. But because fighting a heavily armed occupier – such as Israel – requires more than stones and knives, the landlocked inhabitants of the West Bank could do no more than mount the occasional intifada and stop there.

As to the inhabitants of Gaza who border the sea on one side and the deserted Sinai Peninsula on the other, they were able to procure the weapons that allowed them to kick the Israeli army out of their territory. To implement their scheme the best way they could under the circumstances, the Israelis bombed the Gaza airport, instituted a naval blockade around Gaza and prevented Gazans from developing their offshore natural resources. Despite all this, Hamas was able to bloody Israel's nose three times since booting it out of Gaza.

The mentality of the Jews, the geography of the region and the history of the conflict, all have contributed a great deal to the creation of the current situation. The way things stand at this time is that the Jews would consider implementing an interim deal for the West Bank, but they do not know what to do with Gaza. And so, they are calling for an American direct involvement in Gaza, which for all practical purposes, means a Jewish direct involvement in Gaza.

If Trump will let them engineer a scheme of that sort, they'll go along with his proposal. They'll do so in the hope that someday, something will develop that will make it possible for them to cleanse Gaza of its Palestinian population and make it their own. Otherwise Jason Greenblatt will administer the treatment known since the days of Brutus and Judas.