Saturday, March 10, 2018

Let the Great Debate run the full Distance

Below this discussion is yesterday's article which came under the title: “A Tale of Frustration and Blackmail.” It's about the Jewish leader, Dennis Prager blackmailing America, hoping to force it into supporting Israel's criminal activities, or be destroyed the way that Nazi Germany was for refusing to love the Jews.

So what do you think an authentic, nativist American – regardless of the color of his skin – would do? He'd stand up for his country, of course, and warn the majority of Jews that: “You good Jews better separate because the satanic ones will take you to hell with them because that's where they are headed.” Well, according to press reports, that's exactly what the authentic American, Louis Farrakhan said to the Jewish community. But guess what: The one named Rich Lowry expressed unhappiness at this performance.

But who is Rich Lowry, anyway? To begin with, you should know that he was given this name by mistake. The name that suits him best is Flatlander Poor Lowry. That's because he never developed the ability to see things in their full dimensions. Instead, he sees everything in the world only in terms of being on the Left or being on the Right. That makes him at best a two dimensional man, which is why he is a Flatlander. And of course, he cannot be spiritually Rich, so he must be Poor. Thus, his most appropriate full name can only be Flatlander Poor Lowry.

Being the editor of National Review Online (NRO), when Flatlander writes a column, it must be considered an official editorial of the magazine. That's what takes the publication down from the level of revered under a previous editor, to that of doormat for the Jewish lobby under the current editor. You can see this reality in Flatlander's latest work. It came under the title: “The Left's Farrakhan Problem,” published on March 6, 2018. That would be Louis Farrakhan who never harmed anyone, never started a war, never invaded someone’s home and never annexed someone’s territory.

Dennis Prager, Louis Farrakhan and Flantlander Lowry are not the only ones engaged in this great debate. Many others have jumped into the fray; one notable group being the editors of the New York Daily News (NYDN). In fact, they were the ones who quoted Farrakhan’s alerting the good Jews about the bad Jews among them. The editors talked about Farrakhan in the piece they published under the title: “Tamika Mallory's disqualifying embrace of Louis Farrakhan” and the subtitle: “She can't lead the Women's March and back a virulent anti-Semite,” published on March 8, 2018.

Both the Poor Flatlander and the editors of NYDN mentioned other people participating in the great debate. Some of those have been targeted by the Jewish “Hate and Slander Machine” not because they accused them of being anti-Semitic Black Americans, but because they identified them as pro-Palestine Arab Americans. But since this makes them the authentic Semites that can spit in the face of any Jewish imposter who would accuse them of harboring anti-Semitic tendencies, they were not so accused. But they were accused either of being friends with Louis Farrakhan, or of saying good things about him. Apparently this is a crime in Jewish eyes.

The involvement of the Arab Americans in the great debate has enlarged the debate. Thus, what you have now is a Jewish “Screw the First Amendment Machine” trying to silence the African Americans who would not go on Fox News and denigrate Blacks … and trying to silence the Arab Americans who would not go on Fox News and denigrate Arabs and/or Muslims. The way that Machine works is by training the likes of Prager, the editors of NRO, the editors of NYDN and Benny Avni, among others on monopolizing the First Amendment for the benefit of Jews while denying it to others.

You'll know why the operators of that machine need Avni on their side when you read the article that's two spaces below on this page. It came under the title: “The unreal Story in 700 Words.” Reading it, you'll learn that Avni makes foreign policy his specialty. And when you put Jew and foreign policy together, you get the “Feed Israel on American Blood Machine.” Avni's task is to facilitate this ghoulish activity, which means he writes to make Israel look good by making the Christian and Muslim Arabs of Palestine look bad. He does that by making Netanyahu and other Israeli war criminals look like angels, and by making Palestinian leaders who never killed or harmed anyone, look like demons.

This has prompted people like yours truly in Canada, and others in America, to keep setting the record straight on the Middle East so as to counter the Jews who keep distorting it with lies, misinformation and disinformation. In a world that's filled with savage and cowardly animals posing as human beings, the various Jewish machines had managed to keep us muzzled for several decades.

But then, the internet came along and gave us a platform on which to stand and make our voices heard. The animals are still trying to keep us muzzled, but we're making progress because, like they say, when the truth is on your side, your pen is mightier than the sword. This being the post-modern world, change that saying to read the keyboard is mightier than all the Jewish hate spewing machines put together.

By the time the great debate will have run the full distance, the Jewish antics that have lingered around since the beginning of time will have proven to be the fathers of every Nazi, every Fascist and every Zionist-like movement that has plagued the human race.