Thursday, June 21, 2018

A human Calamity approaching its End

Is it true that during the twentieth and twenty first centuries of life on earth, there existed an artificially concocted sovereign jurisdiction called Israel? Was it a jurisdiction so protected by the self-designated super-policeman of the World, it occupied lands of its Middle Eastern neighbors, and joyously killed across international borders, unarmed women, children, medical staff and journalists?

Yes, it is true. Such events did take place during the second half of the twentieth century and persisted during the twenty first. They happened because groups calling themselves Jews, for whose benefit the Israeli concoction was created, had infiltrated the superpower called America and made it believe it could play the role of the world's policeman. By the time America got psyched into believing the fantasy, it found itself not policing the world where it had its ass kicked at every corner, but found itself standing as sentinel, protecting the Jewish criminal enterprises in the Middle East and elsewhere.

But how could something like this have taken place? It did because the Jews rehearsed their game for a period of four thousand years, practicing on people of all kinds in Asia and Europe. The Jews made mistakes and paid for them with their lives. And yet, when they looked across the Atlantic Ocean and saw a place called America that was ripe to be given the treatment, they developed visions of playing the game in that place and getting away with it. They moved to America, having failed to digest the lesson which says: there isn't a perfect evil you can practice without paying a price for what you do.

Now, three quarters of a century after the establishment of Israel, the Jews are so embedded in the politico-Journalistic body of the American ship of state, they have complete, total and absolute control of the ship. As a result, one hundred percent of their attention was diverted to the promotion of the Judeo-Israeli agenda in America and the world.

You can see this phenomenon in two recent pieces. First, there is the editorial that came under the title: “The UN's human wrongs” and the subtitle: “In defense of Trump's Human Rights Council pullout.” It was published on June 19, 2018 in the Jewish publication, the New York Daily News (NYDN). Second, there is the column that came under the title: “Trump to Dictators: Have a Nice Day,” written by the Jewish Thomas L. Friedman and published in the Jewish New York Times on June 20, 2018.

The NYDN deals with the Trump administration's decision to pull out of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which the editors mock by attributing to it “human wrongs.” They mention that the withdrawal came “a day after the world body's human rights chief decried the family separation,” a reference to the “policy of tearing children from their parents at the US-Mexico border”.

The editors went on to complain that “the UNHRC had been used against Israel for years. Its members include Saudi Arabia, China and Cuba. It rebuked Israel 68 times: Syria 20 times: North Korea 9 times.” Note that unlike Israel, none of these countries occupy lands of neighbors, or shoot to death unarmed innocent people across international borders.

As to Thomas Friedman, he has another list of countries, which he says should be condemned for their human rights violations. They are Egypt, Turkey, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, China, the Philippines and Poland. There too, you find that unlike Israel, none of these countries occupy lands of neighbors, or shoot to death unarmed innocent people across international borders. So then, what is it that's bugging the Jews about these countries?

At this point we must differentiate between the rank-and-file Jews and their self-appointed leaders because ordinary Jews have begun to understand that their so-called leaders were the architects behind the calamities that befell the Jews since the beginning of time. The rank-and-file are not bothered by what's bugging the leaders because they do not dream of creating “leverage” over Saudi Arabia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Turkey, Bahrain, the Philippines or Poland. They feel that when the Jewish pundits come out en mass and talk about the human rights violations of anyone but Israel, they sound like Harvey Weinstein accusing the women that rebuffed him of sexual misconduct. The Jewish rank-and-file are embarrassed no end.

Look what Thomas Friedman the Jew is quoting another Jew, Michael Posner as saying: “The [foreign] leaders are criminalizing dissent and debate. If that stands, the world will become a more dangerous place for all of us”.

Do you know what this means, my friend? It means that the Jews are sensing a defeat coming their way. They are resorting to fear mongering the American people in the hope that the other shipmates will let them take the American ship of state into yet another losing adventure.