Saturday, November 17, 2018

When idiots talk to idiots, anything goes

Jonathan S. Tobin has a theory, and I am going to tell you about it in a moment. What I want to do first, however, is tell you about the theory I formulated, being inspired by Tobin's theory.

My theory says there will never be a peace treaty between the Palestinians and the Zionist losers of all eternity because a guy was spotted somewhere in Timbukstan (wherever that is) wearing brown shoes on a Wednesday. Got that, my friend? Now, here is Jonathan Tobin's theory: “The rockets from Gaza prove peace is a pipe dream right now,” which is also the title of an article he wrote to explain his theory. That article was published on November 15, 2018 in the New York Post.

Given that for several decades, members of the mob of Jewish pundits have come out by the hundreds and have used the buzz of the day as raw material around which to fashion a new reason why America must not end its financial and military support for Israel's occupation of Palestine, any reason given by anyone — no matter how silly it may sound — must be considered just as valid. This is why I deem my theory to be as good as that of Jonathan Tobin.

But why are the Jews always adamant about treating America's political and diplomatic elites like idiots? The reason is that they are themselves idiots talking to idiots. In fact, the Jews have been running two contradictory discourses simultaneously, and no one from the thousands of American politico-diplomatic gurus that think about these matters, were able to spot the logical oddities and cry out enough is enough.

And if you want to know, the Americans took each insult hurled at their intelligence as if it were gospel truth emanating from heaven; and acted on it as if it were commanded by God Himself. One way or the other, using words that consorted with the contemporary debate, the core of the Jewish arguments ran as follows:

One Jewish discourse asserted that God gave “Judea and Samaria” to anyone that calls himself a Jew. This automatically meant that peace talks or no peace talks, Israel had decided it will never end its occupation of Palestine, which made every peace talk dead on arrival (DOA).

The other Jewish discourse was to the effect that it was the Palestinians, not Israel, who were to blame for the failure to reach a peace accord with Israel. And the idiots of America lived comfortably with this contradiction for decades, never suspecting that billions of human beings thought of them as dangerously idiotic suckers.

What follows is what Jonathan Tobin speaking for all the members of the mob of Jewish pundits is saying to justify Israel's rejection of the idea of forging a peace treaty with the Palestinians:

“Trump shouldn't get his hopes up. The majority of Netanyahu's people have no appetite for a withdrawal from the West Bank. It would be folly for trump to push for adoption of his plan. If Trump creates a Palestinian state on the West Bank, it would probably lead to Hamas operating there or even running it. Most Israelis understand that if their army gives up security control of the West bank, the dilemma they are facing in Gaza will be replicated. The emergence of a legitimate Palestinian state is a recipe for more bloodshed, not peace. Trump's intentions may be good, but any effort to push Israel to give up territory is doomed”.

And what follows is what Jonathan Tobin — speaking for all the members of the mob of Jewish pundits — is saying to blame the Palestinians for the lack of progress at forging a peace treaty between Palestine and Israel:

“There is no sign the Palestinians are capable of making the kind of concessions necessary for a two-state solution. For starters, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas is too frightened of Hamas to sign any peace deal with Israel that is, assuming he actually wants peace at all. Imagine a West Bank recognized by the rest of the world as a sovereign state that Israel wouldn't be free to attack and you see what most Israelis think would be the only logical outcome of a two-state solution”.

With that in mind, it is easy to see why Tobin started his article with this lamentation: The State Department made it clear that rockets launched at Israel from Gaza won't stop Trump from rolling his plan for peace between Palestine and Israel.

It is that he senses the Americans are waking to the reality that the Jews are taking them for suckers, and beginning to reject the theatrics, which Israel stages every time that someone comes close to proposing a realistic plan for realizing a peace treaty between the combatants.

After all, Netanyahu did not take the chance of sending his forever-clumsy team of special operations into Gaza to assassinate someone on the eve of a new peace proposal being unveiled, unless he intended to sabotage the Trump effort before Trump realized what hit him.

We'll just have to wait and see if the American idiots have wised-up, or if the Jewish idiots will once again steamroll over them, and win the round one more time.